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第1回 基調教育に向けて

 5月16日(水)に今年度最初の基調教育が行われます。この基調教育では、学園創立者 佐藤 信* >> の『体当たり教育』を教科書の代わりにして、直接 倉又 晴男 校長 >> が全生徒に向き合って行う授業です。

* 藍綬褒章受賞、外務大臣表彰受賞、勲三等瑞宝章受賞、福島県文化功労賞受賞》

 校長が授業を担当する高校は、全国的にも珍しいことですが、これは創立以来55年間続く伝統です。 各々の講話では、3つの建学の精神(尚志必成・即是道場・一瞬即永遠)をもとに「人としての生き方や在り方」や「ものの見方や考え方」を身につけ、社会に出て立派に活躍できる人間に成長して欲しいという願いが込められています。 これも創立以来一貫して実践されてきている「人づくり教育」の一面でもあります。

























What Parents Should Leave for Children

    I have a friend who manages a factory of machine tools in Tokyo.  He is unusual in the way he decides to employ his workers.   Most of the leading banks employ their workers under three conditions: "Parents are alive," "having a fortune," and "come from a good family or have a brilliant academic career."

 To the contrary, this man chooses his workers under the following three conditions: "Without parents," "without a fortune," and "without academic career."  

 I asked him why he considers those three points.  According to him, young workers with parents and a fortune tend to go back to their home when they face difficulty in their work, and tend to leave his company soon.  And those with academic careers tend to think, "This is not the job that I should do." And they give up their work.  Those without parents and a fortune, however, have no choice but to keep working.  Moreover, they are highly motivated and do not give up easily.   

 I can really understand this.  These days young men are good at asserting their rights, but they are tend to depend on other people.  For example, when they are asked what they look for in a wife, they answer "with a house," "with a car," and "without a mother."  This reflects the fact that they simply depend on others and they want to face as little difficulty as possible in life.  They are less motivated to make a fortune by themselves.  I always tell my students before graduation, "You mustn't choose a young man as your husband who depends on others and hates difficulty."

    There is a saying: "A son of a rich man never succeeds."  This is because he dares not to take risks in his life for fear of losing the fortune his parents left.  So the son will be rather conservative, and will not challenge something new to carve out his own fortune.  I believe life and business will never be successful without taking the risk to try something new.  If you stop trying new things, you cannot succeed.  A young person without a fortune has nothing to lose, so there is no choice but to keep going.

    Therefore, if you really love your children, you should not leave a fortune for them.  If you do, the fortune will be lost.  For example, a farmer, who wanted to leave his paddy fields for his son, went mad when his fields were bought up by the government under the agrarian reform.  This teaches us, the value of your property may be lost or change in the future.  Also, your fortune might possibly spoil your children.  Considering this, you should not think of leaving your property for your children.  I do not mean to say that you should not leave anything for your children.

 There are some other things that parents must leave for their children.

    First, you have to leave your effort; you need to show the way you have become who you are. Let me tell about my father.  My father died a year before I was demobilized and sent home after the war.  The property that he owned was confiscated because of the war, so no property was left for me.  However, he left me the most precious gift in the world.

    My father was the second son of poor farmers.  Because his family was very poor, he did not receive a good education.  He only graduated from elementary school (under the old system of Japan's education), so he kept learning by himself, weaving straw mats.  At the age of 27, he decided to give up his job as a farmer, and went to Manchuria.  On the ship to Manchuria, he met a man who helped him enter a railroad corporation in Southern Manchuria.

    "Do something twice when others do it once, and ten times when they do it five times."  This was my father's policy.  Because of his great effort, he was promoted very fast in the company. However, his rise in the company was limited by a group of workers who graduated from Tokyo University; he was a good employee, but his poor academic career always prevented him from being promoted.  He cried when he saw personnel changes.

    I still remember that my father was studying hard when I woke up at night.  I also remember there were very old textbooks (transcripts of lectures at Waseda University).  The pages of those books were almost gray because of dirt from his hands, for my father read them as many times as he could.  I graduated from Tokyo University, and I do not think this is meaningful. 

 But my father kept sending me money, and saying, "Please learn as hard as you can at Tokyo University. This is what I couldn't do."  I studied very hard as he told me.  By doing this, I could show my gratitude and devotion to my father.  

 After the war when I faced difficulty and felt despair, I was always encouraged to remember those gray textbooks my father read. Remembering my father's effort, I told myself, "I must make more of an effort.  If I make a greater effort than others, I can do it." My father's old books are the most wonderful gift that he left for me.

    The second thing that parents have to leave for their children is education and technique. Some of my student's parents asked me if they could delay payment of the tuition fee, because they could not afford it. Some mothers say to me crying, "I would like my daughter graduate from this school.  I will do anything I can for her to graduate.  I can sell my land and fields."  I always answer; "Your daughter's education and the technique she is learning at this school will never be lost.  If you lose your property for your daughter, it will be part of your daughter.  The life of property is limited, but the life of education is forever."  
Although my family was poor, my parents sent me money for me to study in high school and at the university.  And I believe that the education I received in high school made me who I am. Nothing is more precious than my experiences learning from Mr. Reizo Atouda, who was an excellent teacher.  

    Let me talk about the techniques that I mentioned above.  I want my students to learn technology to keep up with this world of new innovation.  Girls have long been taught to use the abacus, sewing, or typing, but today they need to learn something different.   

 Our life is surrounded by electrical appliances now, and even girls should have a basic knowledge of electricity.  The old saying, "Learn a trade, for the time will come when you will need it," can be interpreted as "Knowledge of technique will help you" in the current world.  

    I know a few of the female programmers working at a famous electrical company.  They are part-time programmers of electric calculators now, but they had experience working at famous companies as programmers before they quit their jobs after getting married.  Although they are now housewives, the company does not want them to leave, because they have special aptitudes.  They come to work at about 10 o'clock, and leave at 3, after finishing their work for the day.  They never let it interfere with taking care of their homes, and there are well paid.  Another housewife of 38, who is living in Nakano Ward, Tokyo, learned drafting at the company she entered for the first time, and now she accepts tracing jobs from builders.

 She said, "I don't need more than 50,000 yen for my monthly salary." These stories tell you it is important that girls as well as boys should learn the job skills that help them in their lives.  I believe this is one of the things that parents should teach their children.

2018.5.11 更新

2023.12. 7 令和5年度 第1学年 大学見学(総合的な探究)
2023.12. 5 2年特別進学コース 探究学習成果発表会 <2年生校内予選>
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)(女子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)