学校法人尚志学園 尚志高等学校〒963-0201 郡山市大槻町字坦ノ腰2番地TEL: 024-951-3500  FAX : 024-962-0208



3学年校内実力テスト 4月12日



進路だより No.41より抜粋

The career guidance division emphasizes "1st 3rd Grade School Assessment" as one of the indicators for your future career guidance decision. In addition to taking into account the results of the third year's school, this third year's first intra-school proficiency test will be used as important data for students who wish to take the entrance exam on recommendation, as a reference data for students who wish to take the general entrance exam, as well as for students who wish to take the general entrance exam and as reference data for the intra-school entrance exam. The battle for career progression (examination) has already begun. If you are late, it will be fatal injury.

The big difference between regular exams, mock entrance exams, and mock employment exams is the range of questions. As the range of the mock examination is wide, we have to continue learning over time. Daily learning is the most important. Some people say the problem is difficult. But not everything is difficult. About 60% of the questions on the difficulty level of regular examinations are questions. Make sure you solve 60% of that (About 60% ⇒ National deviation value of 55 or more). In the third year, the purpose must be to acquire the ability to deal with the mock entrance examination and the mock employment examination.

Excerpt from No. 41 based on career guidance

2019.4. 5 更新

2023.12. 7 令和5年度 第1学年 大学見学(総合的な探究)
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2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)(女子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)