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法政大学 ⑦ 合格体験記(平成30年度卒業生)


法政大学 情報科学部 コンピュータ科学科(指定校推薦)

普通科 総合進学コース 元井 俊介
(バスケットボール部 郡山市立郡山第二中学校出身)











【Shoshi Success Story】

Hosei University

Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences

'Important to keep trying'

General Course  Shunsuke MOTOI
(Basketball Club ・ Graduated from Koriyama Second Junior High School,)'

It was in the summer of the 3rd grade when I started studying for entrance exams in earnest. In this section, I would like to describe the history of my grades from the first to the 3rd grade and my own tips for studying for entrance exams.

First, I failed the entrance exam of public high school and entered this Shoshi high school. At first, I couldn't live up to the expectations of my parents and cram school teachers, so I dragged myself for about half a year after I entered the school. However, I changed my mind to "The results will not change forever." and tried to do what I can now and try to get as good a score as possible in the regular test. As a countermeasure, we focused on reviewing the work of each subject by solving it many times. I belong to an athletic club, and I commute by bicycle about 10 km one way, so I often come back around 8:30 on weekdays, and I didn't have time to prepare for the class because I had morning practice. I didn't want to do it all at once because I didn't have much time, so I reviewed every day to make sure I understood what I had learned in class today and what I had learned the day before, three days ago, or a week ago. At first glance you might think "bothersome" but I think it's better than regretting, so please do your best.

Also, from the 2nd grade, I started to care about the result of practice exam. It was the ranking and deviation value that it was faster to count from the bottom in the whole country no matter how high the score was in the school. The measures I took were fairly rough, but in the case of math, I covered the items that matched my level, such as blue charts, and in the case of English, I established my own study methods, such as constantly solving English words and English idioms - > grammar - > English reading comprehension - > long writing reference books. If you don't know how to study, you should check with Google or ask someone around you who has actually taken the exam. I did the English vocabulary and idioms study method that the head of the grade actually did. There was a sense of security that "It's okay if you do this." so the effect was great.

For about a month and a half after I was selected as a student recommended by a designated school, it was really good that I decided my dream in consideration of the reason for applying, and thought about what I should study at the university and what I should go to the university for, which made me think about the future.

All those who want to go on to the next stage of education, please do your best.


I think the 1st graders who read this experience book have more time. Please do your best for what you like and club activities. I belonged to the basketball club. That activity helped me to develop my basic physical strength and concentration for studying for the entrance exam later, so please do club activities.

I want the 2nd graders to think about their own career path in addition to the above contents. You can take your time, so make sure you decide what you want to do in the future "What should I do now?".

And finally, 3rd graders, the starting dash for university entrance exams has already started. Instead of thinking, "It's good because everyone in the class doesn't do it." act now as a chance to widen the gap. Those who really start studying for entrance exams early and study efficiently will win. Please do your best even little by little so you don't regret it.

2019.5.30 更新

2023.12. 7 令和5年度 第1学年 大学見学(総合的な探究)
2023.12. 5 2年特別進学コース 探究学習成果発表会 <2年生校内予選>
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)(女子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)