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太田看護専門学校 ㉔合格体験記(平成30年度卒業生)

『 いつやるか?今でしょ! 』


普通科 総合進学コース 看護系 熊 田 有 希









【Shoshi Success Story】

Ota Nursing College

General Course Yuki Kumada

(Graduated from Asaka Junior High School)

'When do you do it? Right now!'

I'd like to write how to study my regular test. I've been thinking only about studying for the test since a week before the regular test. Otherwise, I couldn't concentrate on my study because something distracted me. And I took the class thinking to learn it in the class as much as possible. I went to school by bicycle, so I planned on my way home to learn what subject and what range of subjects I would study. When I go home, I think I want to watch smart phone or TV, but I turn off my smart phone at night and record the TV programs I want to watch. And I started with subjects I was not good at. I think the best way to overcome the weak subject is to solve the problem over and over again. It's hard to study a subject you don't like, but if you learn to do it, you'll think why you didn't like it. I have asked many questions and small questions to the teacher. However, the teachers answered my questions in the limited time, so I reviewed what I learned and used it for the test. In order to get high scores on the test, I think you should aim high. I was learning by choosing a rival and trying to beat that person. Of course, if you lose to that person, you don't dislike him. Instead, they taught me how to learn, and I practiced it as soon as I thought it was good.

It was very late when I started studying for the entrance examination in earnest, in the autumn of the third grade. I started studying for the entrance examination around the time when the recommendation of Ota Nursing College was decided, so I was in a hurry when I started. Because I was very anxious because I started studying late. But I thought, "Better be sorry than not." and studied as hard as I could until the exam day.

At Ota Nursing College, there are written tests by the government, Mathematics and English. I was not good at reading Japanese long sentences, so I solved a lot of problems and studied using past exam questions of other nursing schools. Other than that, I used the textbook of Kanji Aptitude Test Level 3 to Level 2. I think difficult kanji will be on the test, so you should take measures. I learned the basics of mathematics. You should make the basis perfect and proceed to the application. English was the worst of the three subjects. At first, I didn't know what to start with, so I learned a lot of words first. And I solved many past questions. I think English is advantageous for people who have solved many problems.


I think there is a big difference between those who do it and those who don't. You can say the same thing about study and sports as well as everything. If you've done it, you'll have confidence in yourself. Don't give in to yourself.

I was motivated by reading the experiences of my seniors, so I am very happy to be able to write them this time. What I want to say to my juniors is, "You should start studying for the entrance examination early.". I've never heard that you regretted starting early. Because I thought "I will do it from tomorrow." every day and put off, I felt uneasy and worried. If you rush it, you won't be able to concentrate and will lose motivation. Don't you think it's better to study in a relaxed manner than that? Time is not limitless, so even if you're escaping from reality, the day will always come. If you live a lazy life like me, you'll definitely regret it. Please use your time carefully. Hang in there, Takashi!

2019.8.26 更新

2024.8. 1 第3回・第4回学校見学会
2024.7.26 探究学習成果発表会決勝(3年特別進学コース)
2024.7.26 7月29日〜8月4日の日程
2024.7.24 学校見学会(第1回・第2回)
2024.7.20 7月22日〜7月28日の日程