進学の分野では、株式会社キッズコーポレーションの石橋知也先生を講師にお招きして、①大学入試改革の背景 ②今後のAO入試・推薦入試へ向けて指導すべきこと ③入学までにかかる費用と入学後にかかる費用 ④奨学金・教育ローンについてのご講演を頂きました。
また、就職の分野では、株式会社ひまわりキャリアサービスの佐藤芳郎先生を講師にお招きし、①高卒求人の現状 ②企業側から見て、内定を出す高校生とは? ③公務員採用試験について ④就職に向けて保護者と子どもの関わり方と親子でやるべきこと、についての講演をして頂きました。
Seminars by career path for parents of the 2nd grade
On Saturday, October 19, we held lectures by career path for parents in the 2nd grade at Sky Hall in the field of advancement to higher education and a classroom in the field of employment.
In the area of advancement to higher education, we invited Mr. Tomoya Ishibashi of Kids Corporation as a lecturer to give a lecture on (1) the background of university entrance reform, (2) the points to be taught for future Admission Office and recommendation entrance exams, (3) the costs required for admission and after admission, and (4) scholarships and educational loans.
Also, in the field of employment, we invited Mr. Yoshiro Sato of Himawari Career Service Co., Ltd., as a lecturer. What are high school students who would give an informal job offer from the perspective of companies? (3) Regarding the Public Service Recruitment Examination, (4) They gave a lecture on how parents and children relate to each other and what parents and children should do in preparation for employment.
Many parents and guardians participated in the program both to go on to higher education and to find jobs, and I saw them listening intently to the teachers. Please be helpful as part of your career activities at home. It was a very useful story for the second year students, so please talk about it at home.
2019.10.23 更新
2024.8. 1 | 第3回・第4回学校見学会 |
2024.7.26 | 探究学習成果発表会決勝(3年特別進学コース) |
2024.7.26 | 7月29日〜8月4日の日程 |
2024.7.24 | 学校見学会(第1回・第2回) |
2024.7.20 | 7月22日〜7月28日の日程 |