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~外部英検・記述式 導入延期その後の発表~ 



・「数学I」「数学I・A」:記述式は出題されず、試験時間は70分。 (センター試験は60分) 

進路だより No.36より

University Admissions Common Test

Postponed introduction of external English proficiency test
and description formula and subsequent announcement

On January 29 the week before last, "Subjects and methods of questions in the Common University Entrance Test for the 2021 University Entrance Selection" and "Exam creation policy" were announced on the website of the National Center for University Entrance Examinations. According to the previously announced implementation guidelines, the content of the announcement was "content excluding almost all parts of the description expression". For this reason, contents other than descriptive expressions (focus on thinking and judgment) are expected to be maintained. Check the following points and keep an eye on information changes.

The description of the descriptive formula was deleted as it was. (Leave the other parts as they are.)
- The date of providing the grades of the common test was advanced by one week. (Private universities from February 2 and national and public universities from February 4.)

- Science and history: "interlocking problem" and (a question in which the answer to the previous question alters the answer to the next question) will continue to be the questions.
- Japanese: Only mark type questions. There were 100 points on 2 major questions for literary questions after the modern period, 50 points on 1 major question for classical literature, and 50 points on 1 major question for Chinese literature. (Same as the previous National Center Test for University Admissions)
* There is no explanation on how to incorporate the contents of the questions that were supposed to be given in the description of Japanese into the mark style.
- English: The test will consist of 100 points for reading and 100 points for listening. (as planned)
・"Mathematics I" "Mathematics I.A": No descriptive formula was given and the test took 70 minutes. (The center test takes 60 minutes.)
"Mathematics II" "Mathematics II and B": No descriptive formula was given, and the test took 60 minutes.
* At the stage of the trial survey, questions were given in the form of "Choose all that apply." (a problem in which you don't know how many correct answers there are in the options), but in around July of last year, "Don't ask questions".
* In addition to the above, "a long-form problem that contains extra information and extracts the necessary information from it" "a problem that reads conversational text and understands purpose and draws conclusions" and "a problem that causes the principle itself to be answered (without calculating)" are characteristics of the common test, and are expected to be maintained as the policy for the questions.

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