学校法人尚志学園 尚志高等学校〒963-0201 郡山市大槻町字坦ノ腰2番地TEL: 024-951-3500  FAX : 024-962-0208




新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止に向けた緊急事態宣言にともなう休校により、4月24日(金)まで受け付けていた英検学校申込みを中止します。 書店での申込みができますので、書店で申し込んでください。

但し、今後の社会状況によって、英検協会より実施の変更があれば Classi 等で連絡します。

◆受 験 日

◆場 所

◆申込期間 4月13日(月)~4月24日(金)15時00分まで

◆申込方法 願書・学校申込書に受験料を添えて申し込むこと。

1. 締切の日時を確認の上、期限厳守で申込みをして下さい。
2. 部活動の大会などの日程を確認の上、申込みをして下さい。
3. お釣りがないように協力して下さい。
4. 受験料は本会場の料金になります。
5. 願書と学校申込書の2枚が必要です。

In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, our school was closed due to the declaration of an emergency, and applications for Eiken, which had been accepted until Friday, April 24, were cancelled.
You can apply at the bookstore, so please apply at the bookstore.

Applications for the 1st Eiken are being accepted (Deadline April 24)

We are now accepting applications for the STEP Test.
However, depending on the social situation in the future, if there is a change in the implementation from the British Association, we will contact you via Classi, etc.

◆Test day
・Sunday, May 31: First stage examination (Writing and listening)
・Sunday, June 28: The second stage examination (Interview)

・It is the entrance examination of the main hall. (It is not Shoshi High School.)

◆Application period: Monday, April 13 to Friday, April 24 15:00
・Keep the change.
・The examination fee is for the main hall.
・You need an application form and a school application form.

◆Application Method: Apply for the school application form with the examination fee.
(The application forms are in front of the first teachers' room and in front of the student guidance department.)

◆Points to remember
1.Please confirm the deadline and apply by the deadline.
 Especially, it is very crowded on the last day. We recommend that you apply in plenty of time.
2.Please apply after checking the schedule of the club activity meeting.
 (In the second round of exams) Once you apply for it, you cannot get a refund,
 so please confirm the date before applying.
3.Keep the change.
4.The examination fee is for the main hall.
5.You need an application form and a school application form.

2020.4.14 更新

2023.12. 7 令和5年度 第1学年 大学見学(総合的な探究)
2023.12. 5 2年特別進学コース 探究学習成果発表会 <2年生校内予選>
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)(女子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)