学校法人尚志学園 尚志高等学校〒963-0201 郡山市大槻町字坦ノ腰2番地TEL: 024-951-3500  FAX : 024-962-0208






尚 志 高 等 学 校
校  長  倉又 晴男

新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止に向けた 緊急事態宣言にともなう休校について


  その都度、「39メール」>> 「本校公式ホームページ」>> にてお知らせを致します。
  スタディサプリ >> をはじめ MetaMoji >>Classi >> を常に確認して学習に励んで下さい。

2.登校や連絡について 休校中は原則、登校することは出来ません。
  スクールバスの運行はありません。学校からの連絡は、メール ホームページを通して連絡を致します。


  不要不急の外出を避けて、体調の維持管理を心がけて下さい。 特に「密閉空間であり換気が悪い」

  4月21日(火)~   面接週間 → 延期します。
  5月 1日(金)3年進路行事 → 延期とします。
  5月 7日(木)生徒総会・壮行会 → 延期とします。
          → すべて中止とします。※郵送にて、それぞれの役員会等で決定した内容を送付します。



April 17, 2020
To: Guardians

Due to the declaration of an emergency situation
to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection

 We wish you all the best during the warm spring season. I would like to thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation in the education of Shoshi High School.
 As reported yesterday, a declaration of a state of emergency was issued to Fukushima Prefecture. The school will be closed from Saturday, April 18 to Sunday, May 10 for the purpose of giving top priority to the health and safety of students and their families and taking measures against infectious diseases. We apologize for any concerns you may have about the start of the new term, but we will take the following measures, such as closing school, so we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


1.Period of school closure
 School will be closed from Saturday, April 18 to Sunday, May 10.
 School will resume on Monday, May 11, but various changes are expected in the future.
 You will be notified at "39 Mail" >>  and "Official site of Shoshi High School" >> each time.
 During school holidays, students will have to study at home, so please focus on each subject and study at home.
 Students are regularly instructed by the school to study at MetaMoji and Classi during school holidays.
 Always check and study "MetaMoji" >>  and "Classi" >> , including "Study Suppli" >> .
 Depending on the Wi-Fi environment of your home, we will change the way to instruct the task.

2.As a general rule, you cannot go to school while the school is closed.
 The school has teachers in the morning on weekdays, so if you have any questions, please call them to check.
 There is no school bus service. We will contact you via email or our website.

3.About Club Activities
 Club activities, including external matches and exchanges, will be suspended during the school holidays.

4.Outings during school holidays
 Please try to maintain and manage your physical condition by avoiding going out unnecessarily or suddenly. In particular, avoid places with these 3 conditions: "It is a closed space and ventilation is poor.", "There are many people within reach.", and "having close speech or speech". When going out, be sure to wear a mask, wash your hands, and disinfect your fingers with disinfectant, and take all possible measures against infectious diseases.

5.Response to future school events
・Tuesday, April 21:Interview Week → Postponed.
・Friday, May 1: 3rd grade students' career events → Postponed.
・Thursday, May 7:Student council and send-off party → Postponed.
・Friday, May 15:General meeting of the supporters' association, the gathering for parents, the meeting for the 1st and 2nd grades, the class discussion, the Shoshi Class, the class visit    Cancellation. (※ We will send the contents decided by each board of directors meeting by mail.)

 Please observe your health every day during the school closure. Please contact your classroom teacher if you visit a medical institution for fever or cold symptoms.
 Please note that the situation regarding the new coronavirus is changing every day, and we may change the above information or add new information if necessary.
 Thank you for your understanding.

Haruo Kuramata, Principal of Shoshi High School

2020.4.17 更新

2023.12. 7 令和5年度 第1学年 大学見学(総合的な探究)
2023.12. 5 2年特別進学コース 探究学習成果発表会 <2年生校内予選>
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)(女子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)