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(PRESIDENT 2021.1.29日号より)

If you want to concentrate on your studies, keep away from xxxx!

On Saturday, January 22, there will be a national mock test, followed by the GTEC the following week, and the end-of-year exam the following month. I want to study, but I can't concentrate at home! I'm sure there are many people who want to study but can't concentrate at home. Based on an interview with brain scientist Nobuko Nakano, here is an article that summarizes the factors that interfere with concentration.

1) Notifications on your phone
It's no exaggeration to say that smartphones and other digital devices are the biggest hindrance to concentration for people today. Without turning off these notifications, it is difficult to concentrate.

2) Comics and magazines
Manga and magazines, which are often left on the desk, are another enemy of concentration. The covers are designed to be eye-catching and the titles are designed to be interesting. If you read a magazine as a way to relax, it is best to put it away on a bookshelf before heading to your desk.

3) Peripheral vision
Visual information that enters the peripheral vision is also a distractor. As a concrete countermeasure, it is effective to narrow your field of vision by using a partitioned desk, hooded clothing, or glasses, as in a study room.

4) Desk clutter
Having things on your desk that are not related to the task you want to concentrate on is undesirable for concentration. On the other hand, some studies have shown that creativity is stronger in a cluttered room. It is advisable to have two separate spaces, one for concentrating on work or study and one for creativity.

5) Faith in perseverance
Many people may feel a virtue in being patient and enduring. However, unless you have a brain with the special property of overconcentration, your concentration lasts for only 15 to 20 minutes. Stuck at your desk for hours and not moving may get you a reputation as a "hard worker," but it is not the best way to concentrate on a task.
What you can do right now is to turn off the notifications on your phone and put it out of your field of vision.

(From the Jan. 29, 2021 issue of PRESIDENT)

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