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時代の期待(ジダイのノゾミ)とは...【尚志高等学校 校歌1番より】 >>

進路だより No.12より

Japanese supercomputer is the best in the world

The latest worldwide ranking of computing speed competitions for supercomputers (supercomputer) was announced on the 22nd, and "富岳 (Fugaku)" developed by RIKEN and Fujitsu won the first place. It will be the first time in eight and a half years for Japan to rank first in the world. With the advent of the digital society, the evolution of high-speed computers will bring about innovations in the search for new medicines and materials, and the use of artificial intelligence (AI). The question is whether companies and universities will be able to apply the new computing power they have acquired in Fugaku to outstanding results.

This is because the development of supercomputers by countries such as China and the United States is an essential research infrastructure for modern society. Drug development generally looks for candidates that are effective against pathogens from a large number of substances. In response to the outbreak of a new coronavirus infection in Fugaku, which began in April, research is proceeding to select therapeutic candidates from approximately 2,000 existing drugs based on sophisticated calculations. In Fugaku, the domestic supercomputer "京 (Kei)", which became the world's fastest in terms of calculation speed in 2011, can conduct an experiment that takes a year or so in a few days and test tens of thousands of substances in a week.

You can also instantly calculate escape routes in the event of an earthquake and tsunami, but think about "How can we use it to create a better society?" supercomputer technology. What do you calculate from the abundant data in this supercomputer?

(Please refer to https://r.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO60655390S0A620C2MM8000 of the Nikkei Shinbun.)

Where the title "Expectations of the times" from?【Shoshi High School Song】 >>

News from career guidance No.12

2020.7. 6 更新

2024.8. 1 第3回・第4回学校見学会
2024.7.26 探究学習成果発表会決勝(3年特別進学コース)
2024.7.26 7月29日〜8月4日の日程
2024.7.24 学校見学会(第1回・第2回)
2024.7.20 7月22日〜7月28日の日程