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東京都立大学② 合格体験記(令和元年度卒業生)

『 ぷれいぷれいぷれい~E判定は良い判定~ 』

東京都立大学 理学部 物理学科 >>(一般入試)

普通科 特別進学コース 島田 竜之介






先生の言うことを馬鹿正直に聞き入れてはいけません。先生も人間ですので時に間違えることがあり   ます。私たちは何事にも疑ってかかるべきです。それに先生に何もかも反抗する簡単な人間にならないでください。反抗というものは能力が釣り合って初めて成立するものです。能力とは何かは定義しませんが、先生の方が確実に立場は上です。宿題を出さなかったり、授業を聞かなかったりするのは簡単な人間がするものです。そんな人にはなって欲しくありません。先生より賢くなれると思ったら先生が敷いたレールの上から分岐しましょう。先生の言われた通りやっていても先生を上回ることはできません。自分で学んでいけると思ったら自分のやり方でやりましょう。受験勉強の最終段階は、「自分で課題を見つけ、それらの解決法を考え、それを消化する」を繰り返せるようになることです。自立した勉強をして自走できるようになって初めて本当の自主学習と言えるでしよう。それでも、先生方は、私たちのことが心配なので何かと世話を焼いてくれるかもしれません。それは先生が悪いのではなく、信用されていない私たちが悪いのです。私たちは一人でもできるんだぞとアピールしてください。




必ず、モチベーションが落ち込む時があります。阿部真央の「believe in  myself」を聴きます。泣きます。復活します。こんなもんです。歌詞を見ながら聴いてくださいね。


私は、高3になってから、東大と京大を目指してきました。別に入れるとは思いませんがなんとなく   気持ちが上向きになります。これが結構良かったんですよね。もう判定なんてずっと全部Eですよ。たまに河合塾の模試をやった時に、うわ!Dに上がったと思ったらDが最低だったりしてぬか喜びでした。まあそんなこんなでずっと親を心配させ続けるわけです。自分が良い判定を取れないのにE判定は取れるというジレンマ。あ、でもE判定は良い判定と思った方が気が楽かもしれませんね。そのおかげでずっと頑張り続けられたわけですし。


あと生産性を高めることだけを考えてましたね。例えば、保健の授業を英語で翻訳したり、家庭科の授業を英語で翻訳したり、尚志ノートを英語で書いたり無駄になりそつなことをとことん価値のあるものにしました。無駄とわかりながら、無駄なことするってとても愚かじゃないですか?それをどうしたら役に立つかを考えようともせず惰性でやってるんですよね。保健や家庭科を英語で勉強することで、臓器の名前や病気の名前、糖尿病とか結核とか頻出語を勉強する機会なんて保健の時間でしかないんですよ。すごく価値を見出せそうじゃないですか?保健、家庭科はそういう専門用語を学べる場だと捉えたらうかつに寝てもいられないんですよね。今先生の言った言葉の英単語が入試で出るかもしれないと   思ったら少しはモチベーション上がりました。私的には、知っている英単語が増えていく感覚がたまらく楽しくて、入試に出ないとしても覚えたいという気持ちが強かったんですね。だから漢字を覚える漢検も、センター試験で使わない教科も学ぶことが、知識を増やすことが楽しかったので、特別暗記系の科目が嫌いといっことはありませんでした。なんてったって覚えるだけで点取れますしね。得点に直結してる感が気持ち良かったです。


これから一番大切なことを話します。ここまで読んでくれてありがとうございます。自分の納得する道を切り拓くことを祈っています。学校生活で一番大切なものはなんですか、そう仲間です。遅咲きの   厨二病ではないですが、最初の頃高校受験に失敗したショックでもう部活もしない、勉強だけする、友達とも遊ばないと決心していました。孤独はかっこいい、群れをなしてるやつはダメだなどとよくない考えを持っていました。確かに、友達と関わっていて勉強に役に立ったりすることはないかもしれません。しかし、仲間の存在があるからこそできることもあります。これは大人が人脈は大切にしろというのと同じことなのかなと思います。大人になれば集団といるより個人が尊重されるようになります。私にはこの人がいたから頑張れたという人が二人います。その二人とも私よりもはるかにすごい努力を   していました。その姿を見ていたからこそ、最後まで頑張り続けることができました。たった二人です。たった二人の良い仲間がいたからこそ、最後まで頑張り続けることができました。たった二人です。たった二人の仲間がいたからこそ良い影響をお互いに与えられたのだと思います。だって自分一人の力で出せた結果だとは思えないんですもん。周りの環境は自分で創るものです。教室は正直言ってうるさいし苦痛、ストレスでしかありません。しかし、幸運なことに無駄に広い学校なので空いてる教   室があったりします。そこで良い仲間と勉強してください。決して、試験が近くなったからといって独りにならないことが大事です。もう一度言います。本当に頑張りたい時には仲間と一緒にいてください。勉強も楽しくなくなります。



【Shoshi Success Story】

Tokyo Metroplitan University >> (General Entrance Examination)

Department of Physics

'Play, play, play - E is a good judgment.'

General Course Special Academic Advancement Course  Ryunosuke Shimada
(Graduated from Tomita Junior High School)

Have you ever read Dragon Sakura. That was my bible, and it's no exaggeration to say that I used it as a basis for studying for the exam. The first thing I want you to do after reading this is to read Dragon Sakura.

Also, on the mental side, you need to let go of your sense of shame. It doesn't matter what the people you associate with in high school think of you. There are only a handful of people you'll be involved with when you go to college. If you look at a vocabulary book or reference book in the hallway or in an assembly, you may be looked at by white people. You may hear people saying that you are a grinder, but it's okay to be a grinder. It's important to have a clear mind, no matter what people think of you. Thanks to the aforementioned, I don't hesitate to put a vinyte with physics formulas on my bike or buy a desk mat to put the words I want to remember between them.

Without information, you can't take any action. You have to gather information first. I'm not saying that studying is bad, but it is inefficient and unproductive.

I think the best way to get information is through the fluency period. It can be a great way to simulate exams and get advice from people who have passed difficult universities. I could recover my motivation once a month, which was very useful for me.

Don't listen to what your teacher says without being honest. Teachers are human beings and they sometimes make mistakes. We should be suspicious of everything. And don't be an easy person to rebel against everything your teacher says. Rebellion is only possible when there is a balance of ability. I won't define what competence is, but the teacher is definitely in a better position than you. It's an easy person to not turn in homework or listen to a class. I don't want you to be that person. If you think you can be smarter than your teacher, branch out from the rails your teacher has laid down. You can't surpass your teacher by just doing what he or she tells you to do. If you think you can learn on your own, do it your way. The final stage of studying for exams is to be able to repeat the cycle of "find your own challenges, figure out how to solve them, and digest them. Only when you are able to study independently and run on your own will you be able to call it true independent study. Even so, our teachers may be worried about us and will do something to help us. It's not the teachers' fault; it's our fault for not trusting them. You have to show them that we can do it on our own.

So how can we be trusted? It's to show that you are willing to learn. It's not enough to just ask questions in class. It's also a good idea to find your own challenges and ask what you can do to solve them. Then give them a firm progress report. Once or twice can be seen as a three-day affair. It's important to show willingness and persistence.

Also, try to say raps and puns on a regular basis. It will help you develop your ability to associate. The test is also like an association game, and in maths you just associate this with the question text when it appears. Physics is a good example of this, you just associate this diagram with this problem or this letter with that field. People who can solve problems have a lot of material to associate with them, and because they can associate, they can solve them faster.

A good way to learn to associate is to use memory nolly. I won't explain how to do it because you can see in the Dragon Sakura book how to do it. 'Have you tried to get to know the memory tree here? This is where we are largely divided. Memory trees? I'm curious what it is. Keep this feeling in mind. A lot of people will think, "What the hell, explain to me how to do this? That's not going to get you out of the passive bondage. Try to learn. 'I'm curious!' Try to mutter to yourself every day. To change your mind, start with your words and actions.

There will always be times when your motivation will be depressed. Listen to "believe in myself" by Abe Mao. I will cry. It will come back. That's how it goes. Please listen to it while looking at the lyrics.

The summer of the next three years is the peak of my study time. Just because a common test is coming up doesn't mean you're going to study. I didn't know this, and I was like, "Wow, I'm not studying at all. I'm not getting more time to study, I'm getting less time to study," and I hated myself for it. It's easy to collapse mentally when there's a big difference between reality and ideals. Or maybe my goals were too high? It's hard to say that part, isn't it? There's about the same benefit of setting your ideals high as there is of suppressing them. Then I'll give you some good points for setting high ideals.

Since my senior year of high school, I've been aiming to go to Tokyo University and Kyoto University. I don't think I'll get in, but it somehow made me feel better. It was pretty good. All the judgments have been "E" for a long time now. When I took a mock exam at Kawaijuku, I got a D. Sometimes, I thought I got a D, but my D was the worst, and I was so happy. So, this is how I keep worrying my parents. The dilemma was that I couldn't get a good grade, but I could get an E. But I think it would be easier if I think "E" is a good decision. Because of that, I was able to keep working hard.

There's something you can do even now: follow the students of Todai and their surroundings on Twitter. It shouldn't be those famous people on TV, preferably the ones who are famous around Twitter. It's a lot of fun. Also, an account called Ronin Love Live is a good one. It'll give you a lot of courage. It makes you feel like you have to work hard.

Also, I was just thinking about how to increase my productivity. For example, I translated the health class into English, the home economics class into English, and wrote the notebook in English. Isn't it very silly to do something useless when you know it's useless? They don't even try to figure out how to make it useful, they just do it out of inertia. By studying health and home economics in English, the only chance I have to learn the names of organs, diseases, and frequent words like diabetes and tuberculosis is in health class. I think you will find great value in it, don't you? If I see health and home economics as a place to learn those kinds of technical terms, I can't stay in bed carelessly. When I thought that the English words you just mentioned might appear on the entrance exam, my motivation increased a little. Personally, I enjoyed the feeling that I knew more and more English words, and I wanted to remember them even if they didn't appear on the exam. That is why I enjoyed learning Kanji in the Kanji test and other subjects not used in the National Center Test and increasing my knowledge, so I didn't dislike memorization subjects. After all, you can get points just by memorizing them. It felt good to have a direct link to my score.


I'm going to talk about the most important thing now. Thank you for reading this far. I wish you the best of luck in blazing a path that you are comfortable with. What is the most important thing in school life, yes my friends. I'm not a late bloomer in the kitchen, but when I first started, I was so shocked that I failed my high school entrance exams that I decided not to do any more club activities, just study and hang out with my friends. I had bad ideas about how loneliness was cool, and that a herd of people were not good for me. Sure, being involved with my friends might not help me in my studies. However, there are some things that can be done because of the presence of peers. I think this is the same thing as adults telling us to take care of our network of friends. When you become an adult, the individual is more respected than the group. There are two people in my life who have worked hard because of this person. Both of them worked much harder than I did. I was able to keep working hard until the end because I saw them. It's just two people. They are only two good friends that kept me going until the end. Just two people. Because there were only two good friends, we were able to influence each other in a positive way. I don't think I could have done it on my own, because I don't think I could have done it on my own. The environment around you is what you create. To be honest, the classroom is noisy, painful, and stressful. But fortunately, the school is so big that there are sometimes empty classrooms. You should study there with good friends. It is important that you never feel alone just because an exam is coming up. I'll say it again. If you really want to do your best, be with your friends. Studying will not be fun anymore.

Now, find someone you feel like this person can be a friend and a positive influence with you. Then, when the time comes, scrum it up. We are a tripod. I hope you meet good friends and become irreplaceable.

2020.8.13 更新

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2024.7.26 探究学習成果発表会決勝(3年特別進学コース)
2024.7.26 7月29日〜8月4日の日程
2024.7.24 学校見学会(第1回・第2回)
2024.7.20 7月22日〜7月28日の日程