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福島大学-2 ④ 合格体験記(令和元年度卒業生)

『 努力と継続力

福島大学 人文社会学群 経済経営学類 >>(公募制推薦入試)

普通科 総合進学コース 髙橋 孝基
(トランポリン  郡山市立三穂田中学校)












【Shoshi Success Story】

Fukushima University >> (Open-recommendation Entrance Examination)

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences


General Education Course  Atsuki Takahashi
(Trampoline  Graduated from Mihota Junior High School)

 I decided to take the entrance examination of Fukushima University  when I was a first year student. I studied hard for three years starting with the regular examinations in the first semester of my first year. When it comes to the entrance examination, grades are very important. Since my first year, I have been studying with an eye on grading, and I was able to take the examinations very well.

 It was around the beginning of October when we started preparing for the entrance examination for recommendation in school. At that time, I was underestimating the entrance examinations and had not yet completed the statement of reasons for application. I was told that if I didn't complete the statement of purpose, I couldn't start interview practice based on it, and that's when I first felt impatient. It wasn't until mid-October that I was able to complete my personal statement of purpose with corrections and other work. That's when I started practicing my interviews and essays. At first, both were terrible. The interview didn't allow me to improvise in response to questions, and the essay wasn't appropriate for the questions.

 First, let's talk about the interview. Even if you know in your mind what you are going to say in response to the interviewer's questions, it is difficult to explain them in words that are easy to understand. If you try to answer various questions in advance in your own way, you can relax your mind and answer similar questions quickly.

 Next, let's talk about the essay. As my reading ability was poor, the essay was extremely difficult for me. Once again, I felt that I should have read books and newspapers on a regular basis. And when it comes to writing, a lot of knowledge is very important. You will be able to write faster and with more explanatory power.

 At first I shuddered at the number of candidates in my academic group. However, thanks to the preparation I had done for the entrance exam so far, I was able to become more confident. I can't thank my teachers enough for helping me to pass the exam.

 Lastly, I believe that achieving both the literary and the military arts is the key to achieving greatness in life. Good luck with your studies.


 The key to keeping up with regular exams is to compete with people who have higher scores than you. Alternatively, you can set small goals. And start studying two weeks before the examination. Studying overnight is very hard. Raising your score on an exam is not just about the grade. When you raise your score, your teacher will look at you differently. Your teacher will be more supportive of you.

 If you are a first or second year student who is involved in club or extracurricular activities, please do your best in your current activities. There is no excuse to say that you don't have time to study because of your club activities.

 It is definitely better to suffer now and feel better afterwards than to take it easy now and regret it later.

2020.8.18 更新

2023.12. 7 令和5年度 第1学年 大学見学(総合的な探究)
2023.12. 5 2年特別進学コース 探究学習成果発表会 <2年生校内予選>
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)(女子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)