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福島大学-3 ⑤ 合格体験記(令和元年度卒業生)

『 一歩目 』

福島大学 理工学群 共生システム理工学類 >>(公募制推薦入試)

普通科総合進学コース    杉本    潤禰



 他の大学について興味を持心 かっ心のかというと、私は他の大学のオープンキャンパスにも参加し、資料請求などもしました。しかし、心が動く事は無く、気持ちは福島大学のみと固まりました。

 三年生になり三者面談では、他の大学を受けるつもりが無い事を担任の先生に話すと、これからの大変さへの覚悟を問われました。また、とても心配して頂き勉強以外のアドバイスも頂きました。その中から3つ書きます。一、卒業生の合格体験記を読むこと。 二、新聞の気になった記事について自分なりの考えを買い見ること。三、もう一度オープンキャンパスに参加する事です。私は公募制推薦で受験しましたので、これらのアドハイスがすべて役立ちました。卒業生の合格体験記は、先輩方が何をして良かったと思い、何をせずに後悔してしまったかなどが書いてあり、自分が何をすれば後悔しないのかに気づけたように思います。新聞の記事は小論文を書く為や面接の受け答えに、今、社会で起きている事に目を向けるだけでなく、語彙力を向上させるという意味でも必要な事だったと思います。オープンキャンパスヘの参加については、二度参加している事もあり、受験の時に初めての場所では無いという安心感が得られたり、面接官三人の中に自分が入学したら学びたいと思っている教授がいらっしやった事などが緊張を和らげる結果となり、落ち着いて受験する事が出来たのではないかと思っています。



 私の場合は、公募制推薦での受験でしたので、志望理由書を書く前に、どのように書けば自分に 興味を和ってもらえただろうか、何と書けば面接の時に答えられる質問が来るだろうかと考えながら書きました。実際の面接では、志望理由書に書いた中から想定していた質問が二つありました。また、他校の生徒の話しでは、あまり知らない事を書いてしまった為に、より深い質問をされた時に答えられなかったとも聞きました。以上の事から、志願理由書も手を抜かずに書く事が大切なのではないかと思います。



【Shoshi Success Story】

Fukushima University >> (Open-recommendation Entrance Examination)

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

'The First Step'

General Education Course  Junya Sugimoto
(Graduated from Koriyama 7th Junior High School)

 When I was my first grade in high school, my parents and I talked about it, and based on my father's experience as a cramming school teacher, he recommended Fukushima University as a university where I could realize my dream. I believe that this led me to have a specific goal in mind. In my second year, I attended an open campus, which gave me the opportunity to learn about the environment around me and made me want to enroll in the university even more.

 I attended other universities' open campuses and requested information materials, but that didn't move me. However, I wasn't moved, and my mind was firmly set on Fukushima University.

 In my 3rd year, I told my homeroom teacher that I was not going to apply to any other university, and he asked me to prepare myself for the difficulties I would face in the future. He was also very concerned about me and gave me some advice other than studying. I would like to write three of them. One, read success stories of graduates. Secondly, I should buy my own ideas about articles in newspapers that caught my attention. Three, to attend the open campus again. I took the entrance exam with an open recommendation, so all of these ad hoc tips helped me. The alumni's success stories were written by the seniors about what they thought they should have done and what they regretted not doing, and I think they helped me realize what I should have done to avoid regrets. I think the newspaper articles were necessary for writing essays and answering interviews, not only to look at what's happening in society today, but also to improve my vocabulary. As for my participation in the open campus, I attended it twice. I felt secure in the knowledge that it was not my first time there, and one of the three interviewers was a professor that I would like to study with if I were to enter the university. I think that I am not.

 The only reason I was able to pass the entrance exam was because the teachers took time out of their busy schedule to help me with the writing of the reasons for my application, correcting my essays, and coaching me through the interview process. They corrected what they thought was wrong with me and encouraged me when I was lacking in confidence and anxiety. I am very grateful to my teachers for the help they gave me. I am filled with gratitude. Thank you very much.


 In my case, I took the entrance examination through an open application system, so before writing the statement of purpose, I thought about how I should write it and what I should write to get people to be interested in me, and what questions I should write that I could answer during the interview. In the actual interview, there were two questions that I expected to be asked from my statement of reasons for applying to the school. I also heard from students at other schools that they were unable to answer the more in-depth questions because they wrote about things they didn't know much about. From the above, I think it's important to write your reasons for applying to a school without skimping on the details.

 If you are not sure about your future career path, you should talk with your parents or guardians, consult with your teachers, and refer to the experiences of your seniors who have passed the exam.

 In order to make a decision on which direction to take, the consent of the parents is required, and the teachers will give you advice not only on your studies, but also on other subjects. As one of the seniors, I hope my words will be helpful to you.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

2020.8.21 更新

2024.8. 1 第3回・第4回学校見学会
2024.7.26 探究学習成果発表会決勝(3年特別進学コース)
2024.7.26 7月29日〜8月4日の日程
2024.7.24 学校見学会(第1回・第2回)
2024.7.20 7月22日〜7月28日の日程