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鎌倉女子大学 ⑱合格体験記(平成30年度卒業生)

『 目標への道すじ 』

鎌倉女子大学 家政学部 管理栄養学科(指定校推薦)

普通科 総合進学コース 理系 室 井 優 香

(陸上競技部 ・ 郡山第一中学校出身)









【Shoshi Success Story】


Kamakura Women's University

Department of Administration and Nutrition

General Course   Yuka Muroi

(Field and Track Club ・ Graduated from Koriyama Daiichi Junior High School)

'Path to the goal'

I was able to pass the entrance examination by recommendation of designated schools to Kamakura Women's University, Home Economics Department and Department of Nutrition Management. I had a lot of worries, thoughts, and sometimes conflicts with myself in realizing my career path. Based on my experience, I hope I can help you as much as possible.

I applied for Kamakura Women's University in June, my third year. It took me about a year to make this choice. I have done a lot of research to make a single choice, such as researching and organizing various universities in my own way, visiting open campuses by myself to experience the atmosphere of the university, and receiving advice from my homeroom teacher using a Shoshito notebook. But when I thought that one of those choices would have a lot to do with my life, I didn't have any trouble with either. I want them to choose one among many universities, including public and private universities, with a high awareness and without regret.

Next, I will explain the contents of the entrance examination. I had only an interview. In a personal interview that lasts about 10 to 15 minutes, it's important to express your thoughts in a very short time. During the interview, I wrote down my thoughts on the questions in a notebook, memorized them, and repeatedly answered them in practice. On that basis, I found it difficult to find common points between the university's policy and my own thoughts and to organize my thoughts on what kind of learning I want to do. I don't know what will be on the examination day. For that purpose, you need to research the university you want to enter. I think it will be a measure for questions that you haven't practiced.

Next, the simulation test is explained. I think there are people who are in trouble because their deviation value doesn't go up even though their school of choice is decided. In addition, there must be people who don't know what to do to study for MOSHI. I think it's the top priority to start with the past questions and understand what kind of problems are there and how much you can solve. After that, if you don't understand well, you should learn little by little by studying from the basics.
Throughout this exam, I felt that if I got lost, I would choose the one that I thought was difficult, and I would get good results later. My daily efforts will never betray me. Try to get closer to your goal. I'm cheering for you.


I think there are many people who are worried about their future. I was one of them. It was the homeroom teacher's words that helped me a lot. The reason why I decided the school of my choice was because the homeroom teacher's recommendation was big. My advice based on my good points and bad points, which I can understand because I am a homeroom teacher, is persuasive and gives me back without noticing. Even if you're embarrassed or not good at speaking, it's a good idea to communicate your feelings with a Shoshiki notebook. There will be a lot of pain in realizing my career path. That's why I think talking to people around you is the shortcut to realizing your career path.

The three years of high school go by faster than I thought. Make a choice that leaves no regrets, and open the way not by yourself but with a lot of help. I look forward to your success.

2019.8.12 更新

2023.12. 7 令和5年度 第1学年 大学見学(総合的な探究)
2023.12. 5 2年特別進学コース 探究学習成果発表会 <2年生校内予選>
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)(女子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)