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SDGsとは、持続可能な開発目標(Sustainable development Goals)の略で、2015年に国連で採択されて依頼、世界中の人々がこの目標を共有して2030年に向かって歩んでいます。今日はこの中の1つ目のゴール、「貧困をなくそう」を紹介します。



国連広報センター (youtube) >>

時代の期待(ジダイのノゾミ)とは...【尚志高等学校 校歌1番より】 >>

進路だより No.22より

SDGs "1. Eliminating Poverty"

The SDGs stand for Sustainable Development Goals, adopted and commissioned by the United Nations in 2015, and people all over the world share these goals as we move toward 2030. Today I would like to introduce the first of these goals, "End Poverty".

◎ More than 700 million people, or about 10% of the world's population, live in extreme poverty, living on less than $1.90 a day.
◎ Worldwide, there are 122 women for every 100 men in the 25-34 age group living in extreme poverty.
◎ Sub-Saharan Africa is home to the largest number of people living on less than $1.90 a day.
◎ As of 2018, 55% of the world's population did not have access to social security.

The idea of simply giving money away is not sustainable. Aside from getting financial services in order, we also need to reduce the damage caused by natural disasters and strengthen cooperation to promote development in the long run.

UNIC Tokyo(youtube) >>

Where the title "Expectations of the times" from?【Shoshi High School Song】 >>

News from career guidance No.22

2020.9.22 更新

2023.12. 7 令和5年度 第1学年 大学見学(総合的な探究)
2023.12. 5 2年特別進学コース 探究学習成果発表会 <2年生校内予選>
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)(女子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)