学校法人尚志学園 尚志高等学校〒963-0201 郡山市大槻町字坦ノ腰2番地TEL: 024-951-3500  FAX : 024-962-0208






 在校生の保護者より、早朝や夕方の自家用車の送迎について一部におきましてルールが守られておらず大変危険であるとのお声を頂いております。 自家用車での送迎について再度お願い申し上げます。


車で送迎されている方の乗降場所について(PDF) >>



REQUESTS for Parents to pick up and drop off students

Parents of current students have told us that some of the rules for picking up and dropping off private cars in the early morning and evening are not followed and it is very DANGEROUS. I would like to ask you again about transportation by private car.

In order to prevent accidents before they happen, we ask you to get on and off your car at the north side road (side of the student bicycle parking area). We ask for the understanding and cooperation of parents so that they can lead a safe and secure school life.

It is often confirmed that people are picked up by private car in front of or near the service gate in the early morning or after school. We ask for your cooperation in getting on and off at the north side road side (side of the student bicycle parking area).

It has been confirmed that there is a passenger who can drive a private car into the campus. We ask for your understanding and cooperation so that we can lead a safe and secure school life.

2018.12. 5 更新