U-20日本代表 千葉トレーニングキャンプ
U-20日本代表 千葉トレーニングキャンプ
染野選手 アンリ選手
2021.6. 8 更新
キッズコミット in 尚志高校 2021 Part4
3月20日(土)にキッズコミット in 尚志高校 2021 Part4を本校第1グランドで開催しました。天候が少し心配されましたが、100名を超える参加者をむかえ、参加いただいた子供たちの多くの笑顔を見ることができました。今回はトレーニングメニューの立案から当日の運営を含め、生徒を中心に行いました。戸惑いながらも子どもたちと向き合う生徒たちからも笑顔が見られました。
(2年 舘崎 竜位)
(1年 津久井 二湖)
(2年 細川 暖彩)
(1年 小林 柚妃)
Kids Commit in Shoshi High School 2021 Part4
On Saturday, March 20th, we held the Kids Commit in Shoshi High School 2021 Part 4 at our school's first ground. Although we were a little worried about the weather, we were able to welcome over 100 participants and see many smiles on the faces of the children who participated. This year's event was conducted mainly by students, from planning the training menu to organizing the day. I could see the smiles on the faces of the students as they faced the children despite their confusion.
I hope that they will be able to think about various things through soccer in the future. Let's play soccer together again!
Students' Comments
I was worried that I would not be able to teach the elementary school students well this time, but I am glad that I was able to see many smiling faces. I'm glad to see so many smiling faces.
(2nd year, Ryuui Tatezaki)
I was able to have a valuable experience this time, which was great. I think it was great because we had fun regardless of our age. If there is another opportunity like this, I would love to participate.
(1st year, Niko Tsukui)
Today we had a kids' commitment. It was a rare opportunity to interact with elementary school students and preschoolers, but I enjoyed it. I want to be a team that will be a goal for the kids who play soccer.
(2nd year, Noa Hosokawa)
Playing soccer with preschoolers was a rare experience for me, so I really enjoyed it. I realized how big the soccer ball is from the perspective of small children. Also, I was able to think about what words are easy for small children to understand and talk about them. It was a great experience.
(1st year, Yuzuki Kobayashi)
2021.3.25 更新
(渡辺 真菜美)
2021.3.23 更新
震災10年〜 あの日から、これから(スポーツ報知)
A decade after 3/11
What did the people who suffered great damage from the Great East Japan Earthquake bear, feel, and live through? We look back on the past ten years from the perspective of each of them. In the March 11, 2012 edition of Sports Hochi, one year after the earthquake and tsunami, we asked for one character for reconstruction, and Koji Nakamura, coach of Shoshi (Fukushima), which finished in the top four in the 2011 and 2018 national high school soccer championships, put his thoughts into the character "Shichiten Hakki(= Life is full of ups and downs).
From Sports Hochi, March 11, 2021
2021.3.12 更新
今季よりアビスパ福岡に移籍した卒業生 山岸 祐也 選手 >> がJ1 初ゴールを決めました。
A graduate Yuya Yamagishi, who moved to Avispa Fukuoka from this season, scored his first goal in J1.
2021.3. 8 更新
37名 それぞれの進路
Our graduates were featured in the Sports Nippon Newspaper on March 4.
2021.3. 7 更新