学校法人尚志学園 尚志高等学校〒963-0201 郡山市大槻町字坦ノ腰2番地TEL: 024-951-3500  FAX : 024-962-0208




令和 2年 3月 2日


尚 志 高 等 学 校
校長 倉又 晴男



1. 臨時休業の期間

2. 登校や連絡について

3. 部活動について

4. 休業期間中および春季休業日における外出について
 不要不急の外出を避けて、体調の維持管理を心がけて下さい。特に大勢の人が集まる場所への出入りや、密閉された空間の出入りをしてはいけません。やむを得ない場合は 必ずマスクの着用・手洗い・消毒液による手指の消毒を心がけ、感染症対策を万全に行って下さい。

5. 今後の学校行事の対応について
 3月4(水)・5日(木) スタディサポート

 3月7日(水) 2学年就職準備講習会

 3月11日(水) 進級発表

 3月14日(土) 終業式

 3月16日(水)〜  2年早期共通テスト学習会、1年難関大学合格対策講座

 3月18日(水) 第1・2学年部会、進路説明会、尚志学級、進学対策父母の会

 4月9 日(木) 始業式

 4月10日(金) 入学式



March 2, 2020
To: Guardians

Temporary shutdown for Novel Coronavirus Infection

In light of the Government's announcement of temporary closure of elementary, junior and senior high schools and special needs schools for the prevention of Novel Coronavirus Infections, the following measures will be taken. We ask for your understanding and cooperation.


1. Period of temporary leave
 ・Tuesday, March 3 is homeschooling, except for students involved in graduation ceremonies.
 ・We will be temporarily closed from Wednesday, March 4 to Saturday, March 14.
 ・We are closed from Sunday, March 15 to Wednesday, April 8.
 During the temporary holidays, you will have to study at home, so please focus on studying at home.

2. About coming to school and contacting
 As a general rule, you cannot come to school during temporary holidays. There is a teacher at school during normal hours on weekdays, so if you want to consult with him, please make sure by phone. There is no school bus service.
 We will contact you via email or our website.

3. About Club Activities
 Club activities, including external matches and exchanges, will be suspended during the temporary holidays.
 The activity advisor of each department will contact you regarding the spring vacation period.

4. Outings during holidays and spring holidays
 Please try to maintain and manage your physical condition by avoiding going out unnecessarily or suddenly. In particular, you should not enter or leave a place where many people gather or a closed space. If it is unavoidable, always wear a mask, wash your hands, and disinfect your fingers with disinfectant and take all possible measures against infectious diseases.

5. Response to future school events
 March 4 (Wed) and 5 (Thu) Study Support
 * It will be postponed until after April. Please use the study support application book and Classi during temporary leave.

 Wednesday, March 7: Training for preparing for employment for the 2nd grade
 * It will be postponed.

 Promotion announcement on Wednesday, March 11
 * We will announce by mail. Note that the homeroom teacher may contact you individually.

 Saturday, March 14 closing ceremony
 * Canceled. (We give advance guidance for temporary and spring holidays on March 2.)

 Wednesday, March 16 - 2nd Year Early Common Test Study Session, 1st Year Class for Measures for Passing entrance examinations at competitive universities
 * It will be postponed.

 Wednesday, March 18: 1st and 2nd Grades Subcommittee, Career Guidance Meeting, Shoshi school, Parents' Association for Measures for Advancement
 * Canceled.

 April 9 (Thu) Commencement ceremony
 * It will be held at school.

 Friday, April 10: Entrance ceremony
 * It will be held. I will contact you later about the contents.

 Cancellation and postponement events will be announced in 39 emails and on our website.

Shoshi High School
Principal Haruo Kuramata

2020.3. 2 更新

2024.8. 1 第3回・第4回学校見学会
2024.7.26 探究学習成果発表会決勝(3年特別進学コース)
2024.7.26 7月29日〜8月4日の日程
2024.7.24 学校見学会(第1回・第2回)
2024.7.20 7月22日〜7月28日の日程