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福島県立医科大学④ 合格体験記(平成30年度卒業生)


福島県立医科大学 看護学部 看護学科(公募制推薦)

普通科 特別進学コース 畑 彩也花
(卓球部 ・ 郡山市立郡山第二中学校出身)











【Shoshi Success Story】


School of Nursing

'Regain Lost Ground'

General Course Special Academic Advancement Course  Sayaka Hata
(Table Tennis club ・ Graduated from Koriyama Second Junior High School)

"捲土重来" means a defeated player regains momentum. I failed the high school entrance examination, but I was able to pass the university I was aiming for in the university entrance examination. I don't know the secret of passing, but I will write what I thought on the way to passing.

What I felt most strongly was, "It's better not to think about taking it easy.". It would be even better if my goal is clear. If you try to achieve your goal with fun, you will be ruined and regret later. So I think we need to do our best now. If you work hard now, you will surely be rewarded. With this in mind, I was studying.

There is something you should do besides studying for entrance exams. It's reading. Reading improves my vocabulary. It is a measure for essay and interview. I took the entrance examination by public recommendation, so I had both an essay and an interview. I thought it was good that I was reading while taking the measure. As your vocabulary improves, so does your reading comprehension. Then I can read the sentence smoothly. You can understand the intent of the questions and answer them at the interview. It's a virtuous circle. Don't neglect your studies by reading too many books, but just a few minutes a day will do. It is better to read than not to read. I think so.

Many universities now require interviews. I thought it was important at the interview. It is to have "confidence" for yourself. The "confidence" can be anything. Even a little will do. Perhaps if you can find your strengths, you can gain confidence. If you can gain confidence, you can have more peace of mind. Just don't be overconfident. There is a big difference between those who know their own strengths and those who don't. That's why you should look for your strength. If you find it, please make use of it.

Finally, please take care of your day. You can't change the past, but you can change the present. And when the present becomes the past, it may give strength. It's up to you today to see how much that power grows. Please take the time and do your best because you can change now.

I hope you will be able to pass the examination with a smile after reading this sentence.


Most people who read this probably think that entrance exams are still a long way off. Actually, I thought so last year. But 3 years of high school is so fast. While there are various events, the entrance examination is steadily ahead of us. So don't waste a minute and a second. But if you think you can't make it today, please take a rest. To be frank, there is no point in studying when you can't concentrate. But you mustn't skip. What I want to say is that I want you to make a difference. There are things you can learn from other than studying, so please play moderately. Just moderately.

Finally, don't forget to thank your parents every day. It is because of parents that I have been able to go on to university so far, and it is the same that I can study advanced studies. Thank you for being in a learning environment and do your best. I'm cheering for you.

2019.5.23 更新

2023.12. 7 令和5年度 第1学年 大学見学(総合的な探究)
2023.12. 5 2年特別進学コース 探究学習成果発表会 <2年生校内予選>
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)(女子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)