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鎌倉女子大学-2 ⑬ 合格体験記(令和元年度卒業生)

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 福島大学④ 合格体験記 >> 福島大学⑤ 合格体験記 >>
 ・青山学院大学⑥ 合格体験記 >>
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『 自分をよく知る 』

鎌倉女子大学 家政保健学科 >>(指定校推薦)

普通科 総合進学コース  冠木 七虹
(茶道部 ・ 郡山市立郡山第七中学校)









【Shoshi Success Story】

Kamakura Women's University >> 
(Designated School Recommendation Entrance Examination)

Department of Home Economics and Health Sciences

'Know yourself well'

General Course   Nanako Kabuki
(Graduated from Koriyama 7th Junior High School)

 I didn't take the designated school recommendation, but instead took the AO entrance examination and the open application system recommendation. In the preparation period for the AO entrance examination, the last career survey was due to be submitted. At that time, I thought it was OK to end it with the AO entrance examination, so I wrote the name of the university I was going to study at in a random way.

 After that, the AO entrance examination was over, and the teachers had a meeting about recommendations. I regretted it very much. Many times I wondered why I didn't discuss it with my teachers when I still had time to think about the research I should have done then. There was a person who took the same university as I did, but was rejected by the AO exam. However, he had chosen his next target university from the list of recommended schools, and he passed the entrance exam on his second attempt. I regretted it very much because it was an open recommendation and I was not guaranteed to be accepted. However, I didn't have time to be discouraged. I tried my best to pass the open recommendation, but I couldn't pass it and had to take the center and general entrance exams.

 What I learned from this experience is that it is important to know yourself properly. Because I neglected to know myself properly, I ended up taking four entrance exams like this. I think it is important to think carefully before taking action, even if you get rejected, so that you can recommend to the next entrance examination without dwelling on it. What you should do is to listen to the advice of your homeroom teacher, your club activities teacher, your favorite teacher, your guidance counselor, and other people who have experienced college, junior college, vocational school, or employment before you take the entrance examination. By doing so, you will be able to pave the way to success, which will allow you to go to the university you want to go to. By looking at yourself at this time of the entrance examination, the information you get will be useful in the future.



 Three years of high school life passes in an instant, so I think it's better to enjoy high school life to the fullest. I regret that I should have played a little more and enjoyed school life with my friends a little more, because from my first year in high school to my third year in high school, I was immersed in studying all the time. I think studying and having fun in moderation is the key to enjoying high school life.

 During the examination period, the support of your teachers and friends is the most important factor in coping with the stress of the examinations; therefore, please do your best to influence each other, make friends who can work hard together and consult with each other, and find a teacher who thinks about you and works hard together.

2020.10.21 更新

2023.12. 7 令和5年度 第1学年 大学見学(総合的な探究)
2023.12. 5 2年特別進学コース 探究学習成果発表会 <2年生校内予選>
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)(女子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)