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亀田医療大学 ⑱ 合格体験記(令和元年度卒業生)

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『 私の受験過程

亀田医療大学 看護学部 看護学科 >>(指定校推薦)

普通科 総合進学コース 古寺 由季
写真部 ・ 生徒会書記 ・ 玉川村立泉中学校出身






 後輩の皆に知ってほしいことは、私のように先生に教えていただいたことを身につけることが、指定校推薦の合格の道筋を作る事だと思います。皆さんも、目標に向かって色々なことがあると思いますが、私の道も一つの方法として頭の片すみにでも覚えていてください。 皆さんも自分の目標に向かって進んでいってください。






【Shoshi Success Story】

Kameda Medical College >> 
School of Nursing
(Designated school recommendation Etrance Examination)

' My exam process '

General Course Yuki Kotera
(Photo Club ・ Student Council ・ Graduated from Izumi Junior High School)

 I was able to pass the nursing department of the Kameda College of Nursing through a designated school recommendation. Until I decided on the school I wanted to attend, I didn't think much about nursing while I was in nursing classes. It wasn't until my junior year that I finally started to think about it in earnest and started to face my goal of becoming a nurse. So, I started by researching schools to see which school was right for me.

 First, during spring break of my second year, I attended many open campuses, including a university in Tokyo, a university in Sendai, and a university in Ibaraki. As a result, I felt that the atmosphere of Kameda College of Medicine in Chiba was a good fit for me. From there, I began to research the university in detail. I knew that it was not a very well known university, but as I researched it, I realized that it was a great university to study to become a nurse. As I researched this, I found out that this university's designated school recommendation slot was available at Shoshi High School. Therefore, I had to assess whether I fit into the quota. I applied because I had been balancing student council and club activities since my freshman year, and I thought they would evaluate my dress, attitude, and test deviation in school life. As a result, my recommendation was approved and I was admitted to the school.

 I practiced my essay and interview in order to pass the test. I wasn't very good at writing essays, but my teachers corrected my essays many times, and I was able to make them with confidence. My teachers also practiced my interviews, and I was able to answer questions with confidence in preparation for the real interview. Thanks to those things, I was able to write a good essay for the real interview, and I was able to follow the teachers' teachings and not create myself. As a result, everything my teachers advised me to do was useful.

 What I want all of my juniors to know is that learning what my teachers taught me will create a pathway for me to pass the designated school recommendation. I'm sure there are many things you can do to achieve your goals, but please remember that my path is just one way to achieve your goals, even if only in a corner of your mind. I hope all of you will work towards your own goals.


 What I would like to tell you is that as you approach the entrance examinations, there are times when you become overwhelmed with anxiety and worries and push yourself too hard. At such times, I think it is important to talk to your family, friends and teachers and get advice from them instead of keeping it all to yourself. Thanks to the people around me who helped me in many situations, I was able to talk to them many times.

 It is true that you have to overcome the examinations by yourself in the end. However, relying on someone else to help you is never a bad thing. Your ultimate goal is to pass the exam, so the most important thing is to rely on the people around you and use them as your strength to get through it.

 At last, I hope that you will be able to pass the entrance exam of your school of choice.

2020.11.13 更新

2023.12. 7 令和5年度 第1学年 大学見学(総合的な探究)
2023.12. 5 2年特別進学コース 探究学習成果発表会 <2年生校内予選>
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)(女子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)