学校法人尚志学園 尚志高等学校〒963-0201 郡山市大槻町字坦ノ腰2番地TEL: 024-951-3500  FAX : 024-962-0208
















① 製図デザイン科
② 電子技術科
③ 工業化学科




世の中で一番尊い事は人のために奉仕して決して恩に着せない事である >>

悩みの果てに光あり >>


苦労一定説 >>

体当たり教育 英語版完成 >>

Here is a passage from the book written by Makoto Sato in 1970, the founder of Shoshi Gakuen, Shoshi Institute.

Foundation of School
The First Girls' Technical High School in the World

     In December of 1961, the rebuilding of the old elementary school for our preparatory school was completed.  The new school had two-stories and was about 430 square meters.  As this was a new start, I decided to incorporate our school and named it "Sho-shi" (尚志 in Chinese character).  Sho "尚"means "respect" and shi "志" means "will."  I chose this name for the alumni of my high school.  

     It had been four years since I began my preparatory school.  It was very rewarding to teach the young how to study for entrance examinations to high school or college, but we could not teach students how to live or help form their individual character within a year.   I had been wanting to teach something special, which their parents or usual teachers could not teach them.  I wanted to devote myself to bringing up the young in a way appropriate for the times.  I needed to think what kind of education or knowledge was needed at the time.

     One day I had a chance to talk with a middle-aged woman.  She complained that she could not get a good job.  Her husband had died two years ago, so she was trying to find a new job.  At that time it was difficult for middle-aged women to get a new job even if she had graduated from high school.  This was because most girls' high schools or women's colleges placed a focus on learning how to be a good wife or becoming a teacher.  The times were seeing economic and technical growth, but there were very few women who had learned the skills necessary to find work.  While talking with this woman, I realized there was need for female technical experts.

     Sometime later I happened to visit a Toshiba assembly plant in Kawasaki.  When I entered the plant, I was surprised to see so many young women working there.  There were few male workers as well.  "Who are those men?" I asked the owner.  "They are group leaders," he replied.  "Why are they all men?  Are there any female group leaders?"  The owner answered, "Well, it would be nice if we could hire some but unfortunately, there are no schools training women with the necessary skills."  "This is what I must do."  It occurred to me that this is what the times called for.  How about establishing a school which trains such female workers?

     Soon I called the Ministry of Education.  According to them, there were no girls' technical high schools in Japan, since there weren't so many girls interested in such an education at that time.  Next, I wanted to know whether there was a girls' technical high school anywhere in the world.  I could not even find any examples in the U.S. and the Soviet Union.  Therefore, if I founded a technical high school for women, it would be the first girls' technical school in the world.  This was surely what I should do!  I should be the pioneer.

     As the foundation technical school for women, I had to determine what young girls should learn at school.  It was not meaningful if girls learned the same things as men.  The focus should be on what girls are better at.  I needed to know what girls should learn at school to be good leaders with special expertise.  
Based on the data I got from other technical high schools in Japan, I found that departments of industry and architecture were the most popular among girls.  I also tried to figure out which area of industry was suitable for women to be leaders.  Then I thought of making the following three departments:

Department of Drafting Design
Department of Electronic Technology
Department of Industrial Chemistry

Since I was not sure my idea would work out, I asked two newspaper companies to cover the story to found my school.  I did not realize they would do it, but the two companies played up my story. The headline read, "The First Girls School for Learning Technique." The paper said that my school would be very promising for the future of the country.  
    Then I wrote letters to the principals of high schools in Japan to ask what they thought of my plan.   I was able to get answer from 900 high schools throughout Japan.  Very few of them, no more than 3 percent of them, disagreed with what I wanted to do, and most of them gave me a lot of encouragement.  They sent such nice messages.   "It would be a new step for girls."  "I look forward to the foundation of your school.  Girls are waiting!" Thanks to their messages, I made up my mind.  I decided to devote myself to the foundation of this school, the first technical high school for girls in the world.

2020.1. 6 更新

2023.12. 7 令和5年度 第1学年 大学見学(総合的な探究)
2023.12. 5 2年特別進学コース 探究学習成果発表会 <2年生校内予選>
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)(女子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)