We introduce an article of Sports Nippon on April 11.
2019.4.11 更新
【福島民友新聞】 【福島民報新聞】
We introduce the articles of Fukushima Minpo Newspaper and Fukushima Minpo Newspaper on April 11.
2019.4.11 更新
入学生代表 藤本 響希さん
第56回 入学式では女子サッカー部の藤本 響希さん(岩手県二戸市出身)が、入学生を代表して誓いの言葉を述べました。
At the 56 entrance ceremony, Hibiki Fujimoto (From Ninohe City, Iwate Prefecture), a member of the women's soccer team, made a vow on behalf of the students.
2019.4.10 更新
Good morning. I'm Seiya Komatsu, head of the drama department at Shoshi High School. Thank you for coming to the "The fifth independent performance of the drama club of Shoshi High School" held the other day. I think we had a wonderful performance thanks to everyone's support. Also, many people enjoyed the annual dance of Shoshi High School's drama club.
The first performance, "Colorful" incorporated various ideas. We prepared a title box for the audience to enjoy the performance. Many people were able to get the title and the venue was very lively.
The second performance, "Silent Flame" was the 4th performance this time. The sound, lighting, stage art and costume making sections including the cast performed without compromise. I hope this play will help you feel a deep bond with your family and friends. And we would like to continue to work on making plays without forgetting our gratitude.
Also, some of us had the last high school play in this play. I hope it will be a memorable performance for that person. The theater club of Shoshi High School will continue to strive to create plays that will impress the audience. We look forward to your continued support.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have supported and participated in this campaign. Thank you.
2019.4. 9 更新
2019 第1節プレミアリーグ ・プリンスリーグ・F1リーグ
第1節 4月6日 柏レイソルU-18 (千葉県) 0-3 尚志高校 (福島県)
「尚志快勝、染野がハットトリック」福島民友新聞の記事へ >>
2019.4. 6 更新