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ポラリス保健看護学院 ㉖ 合格体験記(令和元年度卒業生)

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『 自分の意志をつらぬけ 』

ポラリス保健看護学院 >>(自己推薦入試)

普通科 総合進学コース 渡部    安里










【Shoshi Success Story】

Polaris Health Nursing Academy >>

' Persist in your will '

General Course Anri Watanabe
(Graduated from Taishin Junior High School)

Some of you may think that the university or vocational school you want to go to is a little difficult for your level. I would like to write this article mainly for those people.

My academic ability is not very good. Therefore, when I made Hafris School of Health and Nursing my first choice, my homeroom teacher told me that it would be difficult. That was the second interview in my third year of high school. My grades were good, but my deviation score was low, so my teacher was worried. I really wanted to go to this vocational school, so I applied from my first year. However, I didn't think about the entrance exams during my first and second years, and they passed by in a blur. Then, in my third year, I finally started to prepare.

The type of entrance examination I took was the self-recommendation entrance examination. I had to choose either English or mathematics, and take an essay and interview. I decided to take the math exam and did the work and the handouts that my teacher gave me many times. I also changed the theme of my essay every day for a month before the exam and had my teacher correct it. At the same time, I was worried about my academic ability and the interview. The school I was applying to had a unique interview system, but I prepared for a normal interview. However, I found a book that I would like to recommend in the section of what to bring on the day of the exam. So I made my own assumptions about what kind of interview it would be like and prepared for this one as well. As my friends around me were getting accepted, I felt very panicked. The level of the company I was going to apply to was very high, so I was very anxious about what would happen if I failed. However, I had a strong will to beat the smartest people. With this strong will as my support, I was able to study hard for the exam.

What I learned from this exam was to persist in my will. No matter what situation you face, never bend your will. Studying hard and not letting your will get the better of you when you pass the exam. To those of you who are about to take the entrance exam, please do your best to persevere in your ambitions without giving up. I am rooting for you.


I would like to tell you about your attitude after you passed the entrance exam.  I understand that you are happy to have passed the entrance exam. However, it is wrong to be noisy in the classroom or to miss school after passing the exam. I can understand why you are upset, but the people around you still have exams to take.  Also, some of the students in your class may have exams that will continue until February or March. Therefore, once you have passed the exam, please support the people around you. I heard from a teacher that there was a student who was playing noisily with his friends in the classroom after he passed the exam, and a letter was sent to the school where he was accepted.  The person who had passed the exam had to cancel his acceptance. So, I would like you to be careful about your attitude after passing the exam. The examination system will become stricter, so I recommend that you keep improving your academic skills even after passing the exam. So, good luck to everyone. I am rooting for you.

2020.12.23 更新

2023.12. 7 令和5年度 第1学年 大学見学(総合的な探究)
2023.12. 5 2年特別進学コース 探究学習成果発表会 <2年生校内予選>
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)(女子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)