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東北文化学園専門学校 視能訓練士科 ㉗ 合格体験記(令和元年度卒業生)

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『 悩み、考え、行動する 』』

東北文化学園専門専門学校 >>(指定校推薦)

情報総合科 菊地 彩乃

(吹奏楽部 ・ 郡山市立郡山第七中学校出身)












【Shoshi Success Story】

Tohoku Bunka gakuen >>

' Worry, Think, Act '

Information Sciences Course  Ayano Kikuchi
(Brass band club ・ Graduated from Koriyama 7th Junior High School)

 I hadn't thought much about my career path until my third year. I was in a hurry to make a decision because I thought that where I would go to school would greatly affect my life in the future. For this reason, I would like to write what I want to say to those who are worried about their career path.

 I had been aiming for a medical career since I entered high school, but I had not decided on a specific career. When I entered my third year of high school, I looked into what kind of jobs were available and became interested in becoming an optometrist. However, when I talked to my parents about it, they said, "Wouldn't it be better to get a job where you can use the certification you can get in the Information Technology Department? So I was wondering what to do. At that time, I attended a lecture called "Let's learn about the medical profession" held for nursing students, and I was able to learn more about the work of an optometrist. That's when I realized that I really wanted to become an optometrist.

 After that, I talked with my parents and actively participated in open campuses of universities and vocational schools where optometrists could study from June through the summer vacation. It was a good idea to participate in open campuses to compare in a positive sense which schools were the best fit for me.

 I also put a lot of effort into studying mathematics, which I was not very good at, and tried to solve problems over and over again. Before the exams, I actively went to the teachers to ask for help in order to eliminate the parts I didn't understand, and I studied until I had memorized all the textbooks, work, and handouts.

 I know that there are many people who have not yet decided on a career path or who are not sure about it. However, please don't be in a hurry, think about what you really want to do, and when you have a clear idea, don't dawdle, but take action immediately. Try to improve your score or deviation in your weakest subject, or attend an open campus. I believe that if you do what you need to do now, you will pass the entrance exam. The more you worry about, the more confident you will be when you make a decision. Please do your best to realize your career path.


 If you are aiming for a recommendation, it is important to put a lot of effort into the mock exams as well as the grades in the examinations. It is possible that you may not get a recommendation due to a lack of deviation, so it is better to take each mock exam seriously even now instead of saying that mock exams are irrelevant or a hassle.

 Also, if you are having trouble deciding on a career path, don't worry about it alone. I myself consulted with my teachers many times, and thanks to their kind advice each time, I was able to decide where to go.

 Also, be sure to attend the open campus. By actually visiting the campus, you can get to know the school buildings, classes, and the surrounding townscape in a way that you can't from brochures. Don't be in a hurry because you haven't decided what you want to do yet. Please take your time to choose the school you want to attend.

2020.12.27 更新

2023.12. 7 令和5年度 第1学年 大学見学(総合的な探究)
2023.12. 5 2年特別進学コース 探究学習成果発表会 <2年生校内予選>
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)(女子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)