学校法人尚志学園 尚志高等学校〒963-0201 郡山市大槻町字坦ノ腰2番地TEL: 024-951-3500  FAX : 024-962-0208









 交通部 斎藤(090-5359-6441)
 交通部 阿部(090-4041-9967)



  (11月 1日(金)から廃止)





For School Bus Riders

We will cancel the emergency response (Abolition of temporary bus stops) on the following schedule. Please be careful.

Even if JR is restored, trains may be delayed. If the train is delayed, please make sure to call the following phone number. If there is no contact, the school bus will depart as usual.

 SAITO (090-5359-6441)
 ABE  (090-4041-9967)

(1)Temporary bus stop (Otamamura Adataranosato Chokubaisho, Motomiya Bansei 7-Eleven): Operated until Monday, October 28
(Abolished from Tuesday, October 29)

(2)Temporary bus stop (Shin-Shirakawa Station, Shirakawa Station): Operated until Wednesday, October 30
(Abolished from Thursday, October 31)

(3)Temporary bus stop (Tamagawa 7-Eleven): Operated until Thursday, October 31
(Abolished from Friday, November 1)

(4)Emergency response will continue at the temporary bus stop (Funehiki Station North Exit, Miharu Mahora) because the recovery date of Banetsu East Line (Train) has not been decided (Scheduled for early November).

*For details of the current emergency response, please refer to the "Notification of the emergency response of school bus service due to the suspension of the JR Line (Tohoku Line, Banetsu Tosen Line, Suigun Line)" that you received on Thursday, October 17.

*Regarding the cancellation of the operation to the temporary bus stop (Funehiki Station North Exit, Miharu Mahora), we will contact you again when the recovery date of Banetsu East Line (Train) is fixed.

*This information can be found on our website, Classi, and on the classroom bulletin board.

2019.10.29 更新

1学年 大学・企業訪問

特別進学 10/31~11/1、総合進学・情報総合科(1団)11/5、(2団)11/7 実施予定

 1年生の総合的な探求の時間において、今週末から来週にかけ、大学・企業訪問を実施します。1年生の進路志望の中では大学進学希望者が多い状況です。大学とはどのようなところなのか、を知っていること。また、上級学校進学後の就職において、明確なビジョンを持っていること。それらが、上級学校入試で求められてきます。 高校生活は、卒業後の進路を決める重要な時期でもあります。今後の進路選択へ向けて様々な情報を吸収していきましょう。


1st Grade: Visiting universities and companies

From the end of this week to next week, we will visit universities and companies as the 1st year's comprehensive research. There are many students who want to go to university among the first year students. Know what a university is like. In addition, you must have a clear vision for employment after entering senior high school. Those are required in the entrance examination of advanced schools. High school life is also an important time to decide your future after graduation. Let's absorb various information for future course selection.

2019.10.28 更新







Participation in job interviews for new high school graduates

~ Let's continue job hunting until we get a job offer ~

On October 24, we participated in the "Job interview for new high school graduates" held in Big Palette Fukushima for 3rd-grade job seekers. On the day of the event, there were 2 sections attended by representatives from as many as 150 companies, and each of the students interviewed several companies.

At the interview, each company explained about the company and the key points of the work in detail. In order to get a job offer in the future, let's patiently promote job search and examination measures.

In the case of informal employment offers by general companies, the abilities required and the human resources required change at times, but the basic qualifications required as members of society (Greeting, motivation, attitude towards work, appearance, etc.) do not change at all times. One of the ways to get a job offer is to review your daily school life. Also, if you are a student who has already received a job offer, please check again to prepare for the next year's employment.

2019.10.27 更新





 SB ①~⑥(緊急対応)15:40 ①②⑤⑥(①のみ緊急対応)18:45


 SB ①~⑥(緊急対応)16:15 ①②⑤⑥(①のみ緊急対応)18:45


 SB ①~⑥(緊急対応)15:40 ①②⑤⑥(①のみ緊急対応)18:45


 SB ①~⑥(緊急対応)16:15 ①②⑤⑥(①のみ緊急対応)18:45


 SB 調整中


 (SBは休日用運行経路・緊急対応なし) 追加④18:40






①系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・うねめ通り方面
②系統 喜久田・富田・八山田方面
③系統 さくら通り、郡山駅経由、うねめ通り方面
④系統 学校発、静御前通り方面
⑤系統 緑ヶ丘・安積永盛方面
⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面

①系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・うねめ通り方面
②系統 喜久田・富田・八山田方面
⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面
A系統 緑ヶ丘始発、郡山駅発、文化通り方面

⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面
B系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・郡山駅・うねめ通り方面

■下校用 平日【月~金曜日】
●15:40発...月・水・金曜日 ※課外授業実施日は16:35発に変更
①系統「本宮」方面:学校 → (うねめ通り) → 日和田・ 富久山 → 本宮
②系統「喜久田」方面:学校 → 富田 → 喜久田
変形③系統「郡山駅」方面:学校 → (文化通り) → 郡山駅
変形⑤系統「緑ヶ丘」方面:学校 → (南インター線) → 安積永盛駅 → (4号線) → 郡山駅 → 緑ヶ丘
⑥系統「泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川」方面:学校 → 須賀川市内 → 鏡石駅 → 矢吹 → 泉崎

●16:00発...月・水・金曜日 ※課外授業実施日は16:35発に変更
変形④系統「郡山駅」方面:学校 → (文化通り) → 郡山駅


18:45発 月~金曜日(郡山駅下車の人数が多い場合は1系統で対応)




2019.10.26 更新



寮の献立のページへ >>

Here is the menu of the dormitory in the 1st week of November.

2019.10.25 更新


【PDF版】JR路線(東北本線,磐越東線,水郡線)の不通によるスクールバス運行の緊急対応について >>



校長 倉 又 晴 男




































Urgent Response to School Bus Operation Due to Disruption of JR Line

(Tohoku Line, Banetsu Tosen Line, Suigun Line)

October 17, 2019

To school bus members and parents

Shoshi High School Principal: Haruo Kuramata

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in our educational activities. Japan extends its deepest sympathies to all those affected by Typhoon No. 19,Hagibi. There has been tremendous damage in various parts of the country, and we think there are still many people who have been forced to live an inconvenient life, and many people are busy dealing with the aftermath. We sincerely hope that the victims will be able to return to their daily lives as soon as possible.
As we announced on our website, the JR line (Tohoku Line, Banetsu Tosen Line, Suigun Line.) has been suspended, so we are taking emergency measures as much as possible by school bus. Although some member students may be inconvenienced by the emergency response, we will make the following emergency response so that more students can take classes. We ask for your understanding and cooperation.

1.Emergency Response

(1)School buses for school

(i)School buses Monday through Friday

Route 1 (Emergency Response: Departure from Motomiya Bansei 7-Eleven 6: 40): Bound for the normal route after returning to the north of Motomiya Emukai Park
Routes 2, 3, 4 (No emergency response) < - normal route only
Route 5 (Emergency Response: Departing from Funehiki Station at 6: 45 → Departing from Miharumachi at 7: 00) - > Return to Shoshi Midorigaoka Kindergarten and operate on the regular route.
*"Funehiki Station." and "Mahora Miharumachi" may be operated by microbus.
Route 6 A (Emergency response: Departs from Shin-Shirakawa Station East Exit 6: 30 ⇒ Departs from Shirakawa Station 6: 20) ⇒ Return to Satsuki Park Parking Lot and take the regular route thereafter
Route 6 (a) (EMERGENCY RESPONSE: LEAVING TAMAKAWA 7-ELEVEN, FUKUSHIMA 7: 05) - > Return to Sukagawa Namiki-cho Gymnasium and take the regular route after that.

(ii)School bus on Saturday (ordinary course special advancement course lesson day)

Route 1 (Emergency Response: Departure from Motomiya Bansei 7-Eleven 6: 40): Bound for the normal route after returning to the north of Motomiya Emukai Park
2 routes (No emergency response) - normal route only
Route A (Emergency Response: Departing from Funehiki Station at 6: 45 → Departing from Miharumachi at 7: 00) - > Return to Shoshi Midorigaoka Kindergarten and operate on the regular route.
Route 6 A (Emergency response: Departs from Shin-Shirakawa Station East Exit 6: 30 ⇒ Departs from Shirakawa Station 6: 20) ⇒ Return to Satsuki Park Parking Lot and take the regular route thereafter

(iii)School buses on holidays

Route B (No emergency response) - normal route only
6 routes (No emergency response) - normal route only

(2)School buses for students leaving school

(i)School bus on Monday, Wednesday and Friday

<Departure: 40: 15>
Route 1 (Emergency response: Motomiya Bansei 7-Eleven) - the regular route to the north of Motomiya Emukai Park
Routes 2, 3, 4, 5 (No emergency response) ← Normal route
*A microbus bound for (New emergency response bus) "Funehiki Station" and "Maha Miharu" - only for students getting off at Funehiki Station, Miharu Mahora.
Route 6 A (Emergency response: Shinshirakawa Station East Exit via Shirakawa Station) - the regular route to Satsuki Park parking lot
Route 6 (a) (Emergency response: terminal: Fukushima Tamagawa 7-Eleven) - the regular route to Sukagawa Namiki-cho Gymnasium

<Departure: 45: 18>
Route 1 (Emergency response: Motomiya Bansei 7-Eleven) - the regular route to the north of Motomiya Emukai Park
Route 2 (No emergency response) - Normal route
Route 5 (No emergency response) - Normal route
Route 6 (No emergency response) - Normal route

(ii)Tuesday, Thursday school bus

<Departure: 15: 16>
Route 1 (Emergency response: Motomiya Bansei 7-Eleven) - the regular route to the north of Motomiya Emukai Park
Routes 2, 3, 4, 5 (No emergency response) ← Normal route
*A microbus bound for (New emergency response bus) "Funehiki Station" and "Maha Miharu" - only for students getting off at Funehiki Station, Miharu Mahora.
Route 6 A (Emergency response: Shinshirakawa Station East Exit via Shirakawa Station) - the regular route to Satsuki Park parking lot
Route 6 (a) (Emergency response: terminal: Fukushima Tamagawa 7-Eleven) - the regular route to Sukagawa Namiki-cho Gymnasium

<Departure: 45: 18>
Route 1 (Emergency response: Motomiya Bansei 7-Eleven) - the regular route to the north of Motomiya Emukai Park
Route 2 (No emergency response) - Normal route
Route 5 (No emergency response) - Normal route
Route 6 (No emergency response) - Normal route

(iii)School bus on Saturday (ordinary course special advancement course lesson day)

<Departing at 13: 00>
Route 1 (Emergency response: Motomiya Bansei 7-Eleven) - the regular route to the north of Motomiya Emukai Park
Route 2 (No emergency response) - Normal route
Route A (Emergency response: Funehiki Station via Miharumachi Mahora) - Normal route to Shoshi Midorigaoka Kindergarten
Route 6 (emergency response: The last stop was at Shin-Shirakawa Station East via Shirakawa Station.

<Departing at 17: 00>
Route 1 (Emergency response: Motomiya Mansei 7-Eleven) - the regular route to the north of Motomiya Emukai Park
Route 2 (No emergency response) - Normal route
Route A (No emergency response) - Normal route
Route 6 (No emergency response) - Normal route

(iv)School buses on holidays

<Departing at 15: 00>
Route B (No emergency response) - Normal route
Route 6 (No emergency response) - Normal route

2.emergency response period

*Until JR (Tohoku Line, Banetsu Tosen Line, Suigun Line) recovers.

Route No. 1 -- Until the Tohoku Line (Fukushima - Koriyama) is restored (JR informed us that it would be restored in about a week.)
Route 5, Route A, New Emergency Response Bus: Until the Banetsu East Line (JR informed us that it would be restored in about 3 weeks.) is restored (Ono Niimachi - Koriyama)
Route 6 A: Until the Tohoku Line (JR informed us that it would be restored in about two weeks.) is restored (Shin-Shirakawa - Koriyama)
Route No. 6 (a) -- until the Suigun Line (JR informed us that it could be restored in about a month.) is restored (Hitachi-Daigo - Koriyama)

*The restoration information was provided by JR East on October 16, 2019.


(1)If there is a change in the operation time due to a school event such as Friday, October 18, we will inform you by posting a notice in the classroom.

*The operation of the school bus on Friday, October 18 is as announced on our website.

(2)In the future, if the operation of the school bus is changed, we will inform you by posting in the classroom.

(3)Traffic jams occurred at various places, some roads were closed, and due to emergency operations, trains are not running on time. We are very sorry, but we appreciate your understanding.

(4)At present, "Otama Village Adatara no Sato Chokubaijo" is under consideration as a temporary bus stop for the emergency response of Line 1, which is scheduled for next week (From October 21). Once it is decided, we will announce it on our school's website.

(5)If the school bus does not come after waiting at the designated place, please call the number below.
 ● Mr.Saito from the Transportation Department (090-5359-6441)
 ●Mr.Abe of the Ministry of Transportation (090-4041-9967)

2019.10.24 更新



 進学の分野では、株式会社キッズコーポレーションの石橋知也先生を講師にお招きして、①大学入試改革の背景 ②今後のAO入試・推薦入試へ向けて指導すべきこと ③入学までにかかる費用と入学後にかかる費用 ④奨学金・教育ローンについてのご講演を頂きました。

 また、就職の分野では、株式会社ひまわりキャリアサービスの佐藤芳郎先生を講師にお招きし、①高卒求人の現状 ②企業側から見て、内定を出す高校生とは? ③公務員採用試験について ④就職に向けて保護者と子どもの関わり方と親子でやるべきこと、についての講演をして頂きました。


Seminars by career path for parents of the 2nd grade

On Saturday, October 19, we held lectures by career path for parents in the 2nd grade at Sky Hall in the field of advancement to higher education and a classroom in the field of employment.

In the area of advancement to higher education, we invited Mr. Tomoya Ishibashi of Kids Corporation as a lecturer to give a lecture on (1) the background of university entrance reform, (2) the points to be taught for future Admission Office and recommendation entrance exams, (3) the costs required for admission and after admission, and (4) scholarships and educational loans.

Also, in the field of employment, we invited Mr. Yoshiro Sato of Himawari Career Service Co., Ltd., as a lecturer. What are high school students who would give an informal job offer from the perspective of companies? (3) Regarding the Public Service Recruitment Examination, (4) They gave a lecture on how parents and children relate to each other and what parents and children should do in preparation for employment.

Many parents and guardians participated in the program both to go on to higher education and to find jobs, and I saw them listening intently to the teachers. Please be helpful as part of your career activities at home. It was a very useful story for the second year students, so please talk about it at home.

2019.10.23 更新


~ あなたが進学したい学校の学費はどのくらいでしょうか? ~




<初年度納入金平均額>  下のグラフは初年度納入金の平均額です。国立大学は文系でも理系でも金額そのものは変わりませんが、その他の学校では、設立区分や種類・系統・分野によって納入額に大きく差があります。これらを支払う時期と内訳を簡単に説明すると、入学手続時に「入学金+1年次の前期授業料+諸経費」、そして1年次の秋に「1年次の後期授業料+諸経費」を支払うのが一般的です。


進路だより No.23より

~ How much is the tuition of the school you want to go to? ~

At present, many third-year students are continuing to take measures to pass advanced schools. After passing the exam, you will need "enrollment procedure". You will not be able to enroll in the course of your studies, even if you have passed the examination, unless you complete the necessary paperwork and "fees for admission procedures" by the deadline. Especially, regarding money, please proceed in close cooperation with parents.

*Those who are in the 3rd grade and finished the enrollment procedure, please submit the guidance of career to the homeroom teacher, "Notification of the Completion of the Entrance Procedures (Form 6)".

1st year payment

This is a question for freshmen and 2nd grade stufdents who want to go to university. How much are the entrance examination fee, entrance fee and tuition fee of the advanced school that I want to go to? First, please check the examination fee, the amount of money to be paid at the time of entrance, and the time of payment. And finally, we recommend you to check the total amount required for the period of study at the school.

<Average amount of first year's payment> The graph above shows the average amount of the first year payment. The amount of money is the same for both humanities and science majors at national universities, but there is a big difference in the amount of money for other schools depending on the establishment category, type, system and field. A brief explanation of the timing and breakdown of these payments is that you typically pay "Entrance Fee + 1st semester Tuition Fee + Overhead Expenses" at the time of enrollment and "1st semester tuition + expenses" next fall of the year.

2019.10.22 更新






Briefing session on short essay countermeasures 

~ Let's review our life in preparation for the entrance exam in 2 years ~

On October 10, at school time of May 6, we invited Professor Kawamura, former editor-in-chief of Daigaku Shinbun, to hold a "Briefing session on short essay countermeasures" for the 1st year students of the General Course and the Information General Course. Professor Kawamura was in charge of preparing reference books and teaching materials at Obunsha, and was engaged in writing and editing articles on entrance examination information at 'Keisetsu Jidai'.

At the briefing session, they explained about advancing to higher education such as "First, put your life into exam mode!" "Diversifying University Entrance Examinations" "Important points in entrance exams" "What are the most important interview and interview questions?" "The number of applicants for both Admission Office and recommendation courses at private universities increased sharply." and "How does the new test (Common test for university entrance) compare to the National Center Test for University Admissions?" and explained the points of the essay in detail. In preparation for the entrance exam in two years' time, you should improve your writing ability without depending on a smartphone or a tablet, or focus on the world.

2019.10.21 更新






(コーワ建設 ご担当者様より)


Completion ceremony for the internship sponsored by the Shoyukai for the second year

On October 8, we held a ceremony to mark the completion of the "2nd grade Shoyukai sponsored internship" which we had previously announced as No. 20 to 21.

In the self-evaluation (Were you able to keep your working hours, greet and respond, speak properly, dress properly, work seriously, understand the contents of your work, prepare and clean up well, and be positive?) section of the training diary that I wrote during my internship, many students looked back on "Very good and good".

These are the basics of working as a member of society. Even in your high school life, you should continue to work on this basic principle, and take good care of the advice you receive from the trainees and link it to your future.

[From the person in charge at the training site]
It was 3 days in a blink of an eye, but we learned a lot. I have only one more year of high school life.
Keep a smile on your face and learn and remember what you told at the morning assembly. Thank you for coming to our internship.

【From the person in charge of Kowa Construction】

2019.10.20 更新