学校法人尚志学園 尚志高等学校〒963-0201 郡山市大槻町字坦ノ腰2番地TEL: 024-951-3500  FAX : 024-962-0208





古い写真 その2



沿革 >>

昭和59年  3月 第8期工事鉄筋校舎完成。
昭和59年  4月 創立20周年。緑町分校舎開設。
昭和59年  8月 中型コンピュータ(東芝DP/8)を教育用として導入。
昭和59年10月 学園創立25周年。

Here is the school emblem from 1984 (1984).

History > >

March 1984: The 8th construction rebar school building was completed.
April 1984: 20 years since establishment. Midorimachi Branch School Building opened.
August 1984: Medium-sized computer (Toshiba DP/8.) was introduced for educational use.
October 1984: 25 years since the foundation of Shoshi Gakuen.

2019.9.23 更新

古い写真 その1



沿革 >>


Here are some old photos.

1988: The construction of a school bus depot (1987).
1990: The name of the school was changed from Nihon Girls' Technical High School to Shoshi High School (1990). In the same year, first male students entered the school.

History of School >>

2019.9.22 更新



サッカー部 女子のページヘ >>

Our calendar for October has been published.

2019.9.22 更新





・私学フェア2019(10:00~16:00 うすい百貨店)


 SB ①~⑥16:15,①②⑤⑥18:45


・授業評価アンケート(1&3年 6校時)
 SB ①~⑥15:40,①②⑤⑥18:45


 SB ①~⑥16:15,①②⑤⑥18:45


 SB ①~⑥16:20,①②⑤⑥18:45





・ 9月27日(金):40分授業(午前)&文化的行事(午後)                    

①系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・うねめ通り方面
②系統 喜久田・富田・八山田方面
③系統 さくら通り、郡山駅経由、うねめ通り方面
④系統 学校発、静御前通り方面
⑤系統 緑ヶ丘・安積永盛方面
⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面

①系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・うねめ通り方面
②系統 喜久田・富田・八山田方面
⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面
A系統 緑ヶ丘始発、郡山駅発、文化通り方面

⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面
B系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・郡山駅・うねめ通り方面

■下校用 平日【月~金曜日】
●15:40発...月・水・金曜日 ※課外授業実施日は16:35発に変更
①系統「本宮」方面:学校 → (うねめ通り) → 日和田・ 富久山 → 本宮
②系統「喜久田」方面:学校 → 富田 → 喜久田
変形③系統「郡山駅」方面:学校 → (文化通り) → 郡山駅
変形⑤系統「緑ヶ丘」方面:学校 → (南インター線) → 安積永盛駅 → (4号線) → 郡山駅 → 緑ヶ丘
⑥系統「泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川」方面:学校 → 須賀川市内 → 鏡石駅 → 矢吹 → 泉崎

●16:00発...月・水・金曜日 ※課外授業実施日は16:35発に変更
変形④系統「郡山駅」方面:学校 → (文化通り) → 郡山駅


18:45発 月~金曜日(郡山駅下車の人数が多い場合は1系統で対応)




2019.9.21 更新








~ Interview Points ~

On September 11, we held the "Seminars to prepare for employment" for 3rd grade job seekers, inviting personnel managers from Netz Toyota Novel Fukushima Co., Ltd., to confirm the points to be noted in employment examinations, including interviews, and to provide information.

At the workshop, after hearing about "Mental attitude and interview manners at the interview" and "Key points for companies in interviews" a mock interview was conducted in which participants were given instructions on appearance, greetings, and language. In the employment examination, let's try hard to get a job offer while remembering what you have taught us.

2019.9.20 更新



寮の献立のページへ >>

Here is the menu of the dormitory in the 4th week of September.

2019.9.19 更新






進路だより No.18より


Start of employment examination

~ Do your best ~

As I told you before, the employment examination of the general company for the person who is going to graduate from high school started on September 16. September 16 was Respect-for-the-Aged Day, the last day of the 3 day holiday, and 4 seniors from our school also took the employment examination. Most of the remaining 30 job seekers are expected to take the examinations this week. The schedule overlaps with the examination at the end of the first semester, so I think the situation is very difficult, but let's do our best referring to the points mentioned in the previous issue (No. 17). I hope to win a job offer.

Also, if you are a freshman or sophomore and want to get a job, please imagine that you will take the employment examination around this time next year or the year after next and send your school life and career activities. This is because it is not easy to learn the attitude and response at the interview, which are especially important, and planning and daily life are important. Let's work hard for our future.

2019.9.18 更新


卒業生:桑名裕恵さん   ~夢の実現を目指して~




進路だより No.18より


Exploratory Vocational Lectures

Graduates: Hiroe KUWANA ~ Aiming to Realize Your Dreams ~

On Wednesday, September 11, during the 1st grade comprehensive exploration period, we held a "Exploratory Vocational Lectures" where we listened to the "the story of the realization of a dream" of the graduates of our school, with the aim of having them reconsider themselves and think about their own career paths.

The lecturer we invited was Hiroe Kuwana, a 40 term graduate of Shoshi high school. After graduating from the general course, she went on to Fukushima University, where she now works as a police officer at "Life and Safety Division, Iwaki Central Police Station". On that day, we had a discussion with students and teachers. After the lecture, I was able to listen to other graduates of our school who work as police officers. "I was impressed to learn that there are many senior people who have worked hard for their dreams."

About 6 months have passed since the first year students entered Shoshi High School. Three years later, when you graduate from Shoshi High School, take everything seriously and absorb everything so you can move on to your dreams.

News from No.18 career guidance

2019.9.17 更新

福島看護専門学校 ㉖合格体験記(平成30年度卒業生)

『 友人と先生は大切に 』


普通科 総合進学コース 看護系 石 津 幸 菜

(ユネスコ部 ・ 吹奏楽部  郡山市立安積第二中学校出身)









【Shoshi Success Story】

Nursing School of Fukushima>>

General Course Yukina Ishizu

(UNESCO club ・ Brass Band club  Graduated from Asaka Daini Junior High School)

'Take care of your friends and teachers'

I was able to pass Fukushima Nursing College by public recommendation this time. I think I could never achieve this pass by myself. I feel that the strength of the teachers and friends who gave me constant guidance was the key to success.

There was a group discussion in the exam content of Fukushima Nursing College. I have never had a discussion style test, and I felt that I had to study not only the paper test but also the interview. I got some friends to help me practice group discussions. I couldn't even practice the discussion by myself, so I am very grateful to all of my friends who took the time to participate even though it was the entrance examination season. On the day of the entrance examination, I think I was able to challenge without anxiety because of the practice. As for group discussion, you should definitely practice before going to the real one. If you take it lightly, you will be nervous and your head will be blank at the time of the performance. It will cause you not to be able to speak as you want. In an individual interview, if you listen to your teacher's advice and practice a lot based on your interview notes, you'll be able to get through without being overwhelmed by the pressure.

In the academic test, there were 3 subjects, Japanese, Mathematics I and English. I thought I failed the exam of Fukushima Nursing College the most, but it was Japanese. I was so preoccupied with English and math that I didn't study Japanese very well. I remember that I was so nervous that I almost cried and solved the problem on that day. I was so nervous that it took a long time to decipher the text, so I couldn't solve all the questions. It was the moment when I regretted that I should have practiced more time to solve. I regret that I shouldn't have underestimated proverbs and reading and writing Chinese characters. And I recommend you to do the basics of English and mathematics well.

With the help of many people, I was able to succeed in the examination. It's important to believe what you've done to the end. That effort will surely live in real life. Please study hard not to regret. I hope you will come as close as possible to realizing your dream. And don't forget to thank your friends and teachers. If you make an effort and pass the exam, I will support them to say "I passed." with a smile.


You need as much mental strength as academic ability to take an examination. Studying for the entrance exam is a lonely battle with yourself, so if you don't study well, you will be driven into a corner with haste and anxiety. Also, as you approach the entrance exam, your sense becomes more sensitive, and you will be hurt by small words around you, and your thoughts and self-affirmation will become lower. Of course not everyone is like that, but I was. Even before the examination results were announced, I was worried about what I would do if I failed to pass the exam despite the fact that all the students in the class had passed smoothly and made a good flow. I couldn't tell how many times I cried during the exam because I was so distraught and exhausted. No matter how hard you study, it's meaningless if you can't show your strength because of anxiety or tension on the day. I am myself. Take care of yourself and overcome the entrance exam with a strong mind that will not be upset no matter what you are told. I'm cheering for you.

2019.9.15 更新