学校法人尚志学園 尚志高等学校〒963-0201 郡山市大槻町字坦ノ腰2番地TEL: 024-951-3500  FAX : 024-962-0208






第38回全日本ジュニアバドミントン選手権大会 福島県予選において2年普通科 阿部 風花さんが優勝。全国大会へ出場へ。

バトミントン部のページへ >>

In the Fukushima Prefecture preliminary of the 38 All Japan Junior Badminton Championships, Fuka Abe (2nd grade General Course). She will participate in the national competition.

2019.8.22 更新



2019.08.21_completion_ memory_ceremony-1.jpg2019.08.21_completion_memory _ceremony-2.jpg

女子サッカー部のページへ >>

A game commemorating the completion of the 3rd Ground was held on August 21.

2019.8.22 更新

桜の聖母短期大学 ㉓合格体験記(平成30年度卒業生)

『 まだ、ここにない出会い 』

桜の聖母短期大学 生活科学科

普通科 総合進学コース 増 子 優 佳

(茶道部 ・ 鏡石中学校出身)







【Shoshi Success Story】

Sakurano Seibo Junior College

Department of Life Science

General Course  Yuka Mashiko

(Tea Ceremony Club ・ Graduated from Kagamiishi Junior High School)

'An encounter not yet here'

I was able to pass Sakura no Seibo Junior College by recommendation of the designated school this time. I chose this university because I was able to acquire the knowledge and skills to become a nutritionist in a short period of time, and the employment rate was high. Also, when I participated in the open campus, I was attracted by the hard work and calm atmosphere of the seniors and teachers.

I've been thinking seriously about my career since my sophomore summer vacation. At first, I was recommended by my parents to be a government employee whose income was stable because my future dream was not clearly decided. But it was hard for me to imagine myself working as a public servant. In short, what I want to say here is that I want you to use what you like in the future. I'm very interested in food. Since I'm old enough to care about calories, I started looking at food ingredients and what food additives are contained. I used to look up words I didn't know on the internet. In the meantime, I became more interested in food and wanted to study more deeply, which was the reason I chose the department. I think a trigger is important in everything. A small trigger may lead to a big dream.

I wanted to go to a university by recommendation of a designated school before I entered. In order to be a candidate for the designated school recommendation, the rating of the regular test and the deviation value of the mock exam are important. Of course, daily life attitude is also important. I especially focused on regular tests, so the average rating was good, but the deviation of the mock test was not good. I was not good at solving difficult application problems, but I used to study from the basics and gradually develop applications. I have been studying hard without cutting corners since I was a year old. In my case, I couldn't memorize everything just before the test, so I started to take measures a month before. I think it's important to make use of a little bit of time in studying. I used to go to school by bus, so I used the traveling time to study. I also used the break time between classes to study. After all, every effort is necessary. I think small accumulation is important. Believe the word "Effort is always rewarded." and take care of every day!


I think there are quite a few people who haven't decided their career paths yet. Of course, there is no harm in deciding quickly. But it's not something to decide in a hurry. It's important to think deeply about what you want to do in the future and whether it's really good. In order to broaden your career path, you need to keep the results of regular examinations and mock exams as high as possible. I will study hard for that. If you can't concentrate on your studies, make your "Goal" clear. If you set a goal firmly, you will only go there. Besides studying, please actively go to the open campus of the university and participate in volunteer activities. There may be some new discovery there.

Finally, enjoy what you can only do now. I only live once. Please fail many times. You might get something from it. Good luck with your exam. I'm cheering for you.

2019.8.21 更新


吹奏楽部 第46回定期演奏会のお知らせです。

Saison ~ 四季を音楽で探して ~
○ 2019.8.23(金)Open 17:30 Start 18:00
○ けんしん郡山文化センター 中ホール(郡山市民文化センター)
○[全席自由] 300円 (小学生以下無料)


This is the announcement of the 46 regular concert of the brass band club.

Saison ~ Search the Four Seasons with Music ~
*20198.23 (Fri) Open 17: 30 Start 18: 00
*Kensin Koriyama Cultural Center Medium Hall (Koriyama Civic Cultural Center)
*[All seats are unreserved.] 300 yen (Free for children under elementary school age)

2019.8.20 更新

郡山女子大学 ㉒合格体験記(平成30年度卒業生)

『 やればできる 』

郡山女子大学 短期大学部 幼児教育学科(指定校推薦)

普通科総合進学コース文系 相 樂 澪 空

(柔道部 ・ 富田中学校出身)








【Shoshi Success Story】

College of Koriyama Women's University

Department of Early Childhood Education,

General Course  Shizuku Sagara

(Judo club ・ Graduated from Tomita Junior High School)

'You can do it.'

I passed the entrance examination at the junior college of Goriyama Women's University recommended by the school. I applied for this school because I felt that the educational policy and atmosphere of the university were suitable for me in order to become a kindergarten teacher in the future. In addition, I was attracted by the fact that there is a kindergarten attached to it, and I can focus on practical training.

I was thinking of taking AO entrance exam until the summer of my third year of high school. However, when I looked at the results of my regular examinations and my life performance, I got advice from the teachers that I might be able to challenge with the recommendation of a designated school, and I decided to challenge myself. Because of that, I started to switch from piano practice to learning Japanese and Chinese characters, and I tried to do what I could. In addition to Japanese and composition, the subjects I'm taking entrance exams also have rhythm making and expressions, and I practiced moving my body by imagining things like mimicking animals. At first I was embarrassed, but I thought that was not good, so I consciously moved my body widely and openly. I also practiced a lot for interviews. At first I was obsessed with the answers to my questions, but by writing them again and again, I was able to get into my head and move on at my own pace without feeling rushed. I think you can learn it by writing and practicing many times. When it's time for entrance exams, I get tired of doing so many things I have to do. However, I was not discouraged, and I overcame it with the slogan, "I can do it.". There is always joy after a hard time. I think the secret to success is "Don't give up.". It's hard to keep going, but it's easy to give up. I was able to link the results of my study since my first year of high school to the examination. I think this was possible because I didn't give up halfway.

I feel that I have no regrets after the university entrance examination. But I think it's not the end because I passed the university entrance examination. I will study hard even after I become a university student.


I think there are quite a few people who haven't decided their career paths yet. Of course, there is no harm in deciding quickly. But it's not something to decide in a hurry. It's important to think deeply about what you want to do in the future and whether it's really good. In order to broaden your career path, you need to keep the results of regular examinations and mock exams as high as possible. I will study hard for that. If you can't concentrate on your studies, make your "Goal" clear. If you set a goal firmly, you will only go there. Besides studying, please actively go to the open campus of the university and participate in volunteer activities. There may be some new discovery there.

Finally, enjoy what you can only do now. I only live once. Please fail many times. You might get something from it. Good luck with your exam. I'm cheering for you.

2019.8.19 更新




2019.8.18 更新


夏期講習会・夏季課外授業 時間割(7/22〜8/22)>>


 SB (登校)①②A⑥,(下校)①②A⑥13:00,①②A⑥16:30


 SB (登校)①②A⑥,(下校)①②A⑥13:00,①②A⑥16:30


・第3グランド開場式 完成記念試合(13:15)
 SB (登校)①②A⑥,(下校)①②A⑥13:00,①②A⑥16:30


 SB (登校)①②A⑥,(下校)①②A⑥13:00,①②A⑥16:30






・ 8月19日(月)・8月20日(火) 3学年志望理由書の書き方講座                    
 (会場)スカイホール 午前の部①③(9:20~),午後の部②④(13:20~)                    

①系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・うねめ通り方面
②系統 喜久田・富田・八山田方面
③系統 さくら通り、郡山駅経由、うねめ通り方面
④系統 学校発、静御前通り方面
⑤系統 緑ヶ丘・安積永盛方面
⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面

①系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・うねめ通り方面
②系統 喜久田・富田・八山田方面
⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面
A系統 緑ヶ丘始発、郡山駅発、文化通り方面

⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面
B系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・郡山駅・うねめ通り方面

■下校用 平日【月~金曜日】
●15:40発...月・水・金曜日 ※課外授業実施日は16:35発に変更
①系統「本宮」方面:学校 → (うねめ通り) → 日和田・ 富久山 → 本宮
②系統「喜久田」方面:学校 → 富田 → 喜久田
変形③系統「郡山駅」方面:学校 → (文化通り) → 郡山駅
変形⑤系統「緑ヶ丘」方面:学校 → (南インター線) → 安積永盛駅 → (4号線) → 郡山駅 → 緑ヶ丘
⑥系統「泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川」方面:学校 → 須賀川市内 → 鏡石駅 → 矢吹 → 泉崎

●16:00発...月・水・金曜日 ※課外授業実施日は16:35発に変更
変形④系統「郡山駅」方面:学校 → (文化通り) → 郡山駅


18:45発 月~金曜日(郡山駅下車の人数が多い場合は1系統で対応)




2019.8.17 更新

国際医療福祉大学 ㉑合格体験記(平成30年度卒業生)

『 自信をもって 』

国際医療福祉大学 保健医療学部(指定校推薦)

普通科 総合進学コース 看護系 太 田 雪 音

(応援団チアリーディング部 ・ 須賀川市立第二中学校出身)











【Shoshi Success Story】

International University of Health and Welfare

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

General Course Yukino Ohta

(Cheerleading clubGraduated from Sukagawa Daini Junior High School)

'With Confidence'

I was able to pass the International University of Health and Welfare on the recommendation of a designated school. The reason why I wanted to enter this university is that I can not only aim at an optometrist, but also get a qualification of accompanying support workers. In addition, I was interested in overseas training where I could experience the medical and welfare field overseas, and I thought I could expand the range of my future activities, so I took the exam.

The period when I decided my career path was the summer vacation of the third year of high school. I've been aiming for a medical job since I was a junior high school student, but I haven't decided specifically. For this reason, I participated in the medical work experience during my third year summer vacation. I listened to the job descriptions of many medical workers and actually experienced the work. In addition, I was able to decide the job I want to do after consulting with my homeroom teacher and family. At that time, I was in a hurry because I couldn't decide my course, and I thought, "I'M SLOW, EVEN THOUGH EVERYONE AROUND ME IS DECIDED.". However, since I was able to face myself firmly, now that I think about it, I am glad that I was worried until the end.

I've been thinking about recommending a designated school since I was in the first year of high school, so I've been focusing on regular tests. I actively went to the teachers to ask what I didn't understand and they taught me until I was convinced. I studied memorization before going to bed, and I tried to solve math problems repeatedly. As a result, we were able to obtain high ratings. During the summer vacation, I also took part in a class for a school performance test. I'm good at math, so I studied to raise my deviation value further. As a result, the deviation value was increased by 10.

There was an essay I was not good at in the subject of entrance examination. I learned how to write a basic essay from the teacher who taught me. I wrote one every day and had it corrected. I used to read newspapers, news and medical books because I need a reason for my essay. At the interview, I made a notebook and practiced many times. I applied to another university and ended up failing, but my homeroom teacher encouraged me by saying, "It's been a good practice for my career, so let's switch and do our best.". I was frustrated when I fell, but I was able to work harder for my life.

I think the important thing in the entrance examination is to study with sharpness and to have self-confidence. I'm cheering for you.


What I want to tell you is that I want you to decide the course you really want to go. I think it's better to decide early. Because if you decide early, you can research and act on the course. There was a time when I couldn't decide which university to choose when I had only vaguely decided, so I wanted everyone to decide early and take action. Good luck with your goals.

2019.8.16 更新

夏期講習会・夏季課外授業 時間割(8/19〜8/22)


夏期講習会・夏季課外授業 時間割(8/19〜8/22)>>

This is the timetable for the summer course which will resume from August 19.

2019.8.15 更新

東北福祉大学 ⑳合格体験記(平成30年度卒業生)

『 努力は裏切らない 』

東北福祉大学 教育学部(公募推薦)

普通科 総合進学コース 鳴 澤 由 衣

(ソフトテニス部 ・ 郡山市立逢瀬中学校出身)







【Shoshi Success Story】

Tohoku Fukushi University

Faculty of Education

General Course Yui Narusawa

(Tennis club ・ Graduated from Ohse Junior High School)

'Your efforts will not betray you.'

I was able to pass the faculty of education of Tohoku Fukushi University by public recommendation this time. I have been having trouble deciding the school of my choice for a long time, and it was after I became a junior year that I decided it clearly. When I was worried, I actually participated in the open campus, which became the opportunity to decide which school I want to go to. From now on, I will introduce what I have been working on before taking the entrance examination of this university.

In the public recommendation system, there are an interview and an essay test. I thought I needed to learn about interviews and essays in the field of education from scratch, so I bought some books about them and read them over and over again. Also, I tried to read newspapers, put the articles I was interested in in reading in a notebook, and wrote my own thoughts next to them. By doing so, I was able to learn how to deal with current events and how to organize sentences. At the interview, I referred to my senior's examination report. I looked up the examination papers of various seniors of the same university regardless of the department and put them in the notebook of the interview. In addition, the teacher took time off from his lunch break and after school to give me various questions and appropriate advice. I think there are a lot of things that don't go well like practice, so it's important to practice many times so that you can express your feelings in your own words even if you are nervous, instead of memorizing the answers during practice. Then, in my essay, I repeated that I had to solve the past questions of the university, have my teacher correct them, and then re-solve them based on the advice after the correction. I measured the time from the middle and solved it. At first, I didn't understand how to write a short essay well, and it took many hours to solve it, but as I repeated it, I got used to it, and it ended within the time limit. I think it is necessary to enrich your imagination and summarize your opinions in a fixed number of words and time.

Finally, entrance exams are not a battle of solitude. I think there will always be teachers and friends who support and watch over you. When you are worried, please do not hesitate to consult and do not accumulate stress. The three years of high school are an invaluable part of my life. I think it's important to think about what you should do in the limited time. With "Every moment is eternal." in your heart, cherish this unique shine, and work hard towards your dreams. I'm cheering for you.


What I want to tell you is that I want you to decide the course you really want to go. I think it's better to decide early. Because if you decide early, you can research and act on the course. There was a time when I couldn't decide which university to choose when I had only vaguely decided, so I wanted everyone to decide early and take action. Good luck with your goals.

2019.8.14 更新