学校法人尚志学園 尚志高等学校〒963-0201 郡山市大槻町字坦ノ腰2番地TEL: 024-951-3500  FAX : 024-962-0208





聖心女子大学 ⑲合格体験記(平成30年度卒業生)

『 目標を決める 』

聖心女子大学 現代教養学部(指定校推薦)

普通科 総合進学コース 三 浦 優 花

(ソフトテニス部 ・ 郡山第五中学校出身)








【Shoshi Success Story】

University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo

Faculty of Contemporary Liberal Arts

General Course Yuka Miura

(Tennis club ・ Graduated from Ohtama Junior High School)

'Set a goal'

I was able to pass the entrance examination by the recommendation of the designated school to the Sacred Heart University. The reason why I took this university entrance examination was recommended by the grade chief teacher. You recommended a university that suits my future dream. I got interested in it from there, and I decided to take the entrance examination because I thought it was a very good university as I searched by myself. I decided to take this university in the fall of my third year.

I have decided to take an examination by recommendation of a designated school since I was in the first grade. I heard that many universities recommend Shoshi High School as a designated school, so I was thinking of taking the entrance examination with the designated school recommendation. But until I was a sophomore, I just vaguely thought so and didn't do anything special to get a recommendation of a designated school.

When I became a 3rd grade, I had to decide my career specifically, so I started to worry about the deviation value of the evaluation of school subjects and mock exams. I didn't feel like studying at home, so I concentrated on listening and learning during class. When I study, I felt that concentrating on learning is the most effective way to learn.

What you can do to realize your career path is to build up your strength on a regular basis. Even if you don't study at all now, you will naturally develop your strength if you set goals and study such as concentrating on classes or getting more than 80 points for this subject.


What I want to tell you is that I want you to decide the course you really want to go. I think it's better to decide early. Because if you decide early, you can research and act on the course. There was a time when I couldn't decide which university to choose when I had only vaguely decided, so I wanted everyone to decide early and take action. Good luck with your goals.

2019.8.13 更新

鎌倉女子大学 ⑱合格体験記(平成30年度卒業生)

『 目標への道すじ 』

鎌倉女子大学 家政学部 管理栄養学科(指定校推薦)

普通科 総合進学コース 理系 室 井 優 香

(陸上競技部 ・ 郡山第一中学校出身)









【Shoshi Success Story】


Kamakura Women's University

Department of Administration and Nutrition

General Course   Yuka Muroi

(Field and Track Club ・ Graduated from Koriyama Daiichi Junior High School)

'Path to the goal'

I was able to pass the entrance examination by recommendation of designated schools to Kamakura Women's University, Home Economics Department and Department of Nutrition Management. I had a lot of worries, thoughts, and sometimes conflicts with myself in realizing my career path. Based on my experience, I hope I can help you as much as possible.

I applied for Kamakura Women's University in June, my third year. It took me about a year to make this choice. I have done a lot of research to make a single choice, such as researching and organizing various universities in my own way, visiting open campuses by myself to experience the atmosphere of the university, and receiving advice from my homeroom teacher using a Shoshito notebook. But when I thought that one of those choices would have a lot to do with my life, I didn't have any trouble with either. I want them to choose one among many universities, including public and private universities, with a high awareness and without regret.

Next, I will explain the contents of the entrance examination. I had only an interview. In a personal interview that lasts about 10 to 15 minutes, it's important to express your thoughts in a very short time. During the interview, I wrote down my thoughts on the questions in a notebook, memorized them, and repeatedly answered them in practice. On that basis, I found it difficult to find common points between the university's policy and my own thoughts and to organize my thoughts on what kind of learning I want to do. I don't know what will be on the examination day. For that purpose, you need to research the university you want to enter. I think it will be a measure for questions that you haven't practiced.

Next, the simulation test is explained. I think there are people who are in trouble because their deviation value doesn't go up even though their school of choice is decided. In addition, there must be people who don't know what to do to study for MOSHI. I think it's the top priority to start with the past questions and understand what kind of problems are there and how much you can solve. After that, if you don't understand well, you should learn little by little by studying from the basics.
Throughout this exam, I felt that if I got lost, I would choose the one that I thought was difficult, and I would get good results later. My daily efforts will never betray me. Try to get closer to your goal. I'm cheering for you.


I think there are many people who are worried about their future. I was one of them. It was the homeroom teacher's words that helped me a lot. The reason why I decided the school of my choice was because the homeroom teacher's recommendation was big. My advice based on my good points and bad points, which I can understand because I am a homeroom teacher, is persuasive and gives me back without noticing. Even if you're embarrassed or not good at speaking, it's a good idea to communicate your feelings with a Shoshiki notebook. There will be a lot of pain in realizing my career path. That's why I think talking to people around you is the shortcut to realizing your career path.

The three years of high school go by faster than I thought. Make a choice that leaves no regrets, and open the way not by yourself but with a lot of help. I look forward to your success.

2019.8.12 更新

苦労一定説 (体当たり教育)

 尚志学園の創立者である佐藤 信先生 >> の著書「体当たり教育」からの一節を紹介します。







Here is a passage from the book written by Makoto Sato, the founder of Shoshi Gakuen.

Everybody Has Equal Trouble in Life


 I believe that everybody has equal trouble or hardship in life.  Some may say "I've had much more trouble than anybody," but this is not true.  They must have had as much trouble as other people in life.  There is a difference, however, regarding the frequency of trouble; some may have a lot of trouble all at once, and others may have a little trouble consistently in life. 

 Thus, a person who finds much difficulty in his or her youth may not find much trouble in the latter part of his or her life.  On the other hand, a person who does not find much difficulty in his or her youth may face some difficult problems when he or she grows older.  Remember some famous words: "Get as much hardship as you can when you are young" or "Give me a series of endless misfortune (words by Shikanosuke Yamanaka)!"  Those words are related to the belief that everybody has equal trouble in life.

     And, having lived through trouble or hardship helps you to have hope and success; when you feel that you are in an abyss of despair, no worse problem will occur.  If you dare to proceed in such darkness, you can see the next world that shares the border with your despair: a bright and hopeful world. 

 So when you have some trouble, you will also have the key to the new world awaiting you.  Remember the famous words by Confucius: "When heaven gives you hardship, they are training you."  If you fail in business or you feel you cannot work any more to fulfill a goal, you should realize that heaven is training you.  If you think in this way, the trouble you are having now will help you to see a bright world you have never known.

2019.8.11 更新


夏期講習会・夏季課外授業 時間割(7/22〜8/22)>>














・ 8月18日(日)(SBは休日用運行経路) 

①系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・うねめ通り方面
②系統 喜久田・富田・八山田方面
③系統 さくら通り、郡山駅経由、うねめ通り方面
④系統 学校発、静御前通り方面
⑤系統 緑ヶ丘・安積永盛方面
⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面

①系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・うねめ通り方面
②系統 喜久田・富田・八山田方面
⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面
A系統 緑ヶ丘始発、郡山駅発、文化通り方面

⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面
B系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・郡山駅・うねめ通り方面

■下校用 平日【月~金曜日】
●15:40発...月・水・金曜日 ※課外授業実施日は16:35発に変更
①系統「本宮」方面:学校 → (うねめ通り) → 日和田・ 富久山 → 本宮
②系統「喜久田」方面:学校 → 富田 → 喜久田
変形③系統「郡山駅」方面:学校 → (文化通り) → 郡山駅
変形⑤系統「緑ヶ丘」方面:学校 → (南インター線) → 安積永盛駅 → (4号線) → 郡山駅 → 緑ヶ丘
⑥系統「泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川」方面:学校 → 須賀川市内 → 鏡石駅 → 矢吹 → 泉崎

●16:00発...月・水・金曜日 ※課外授業実施日は16:35発に変更
変形④系統「郡山駅」方面:学校 → (文化通り) → 郡山駅


18:45発 月~金曜日(郡山駅下車の人数が多い場合は1系統で対応)




2019.8.10 更新



寮食堂メニュー >>

The menu is from the 3rd week to the 4th week of August.

2019.8. 9 更新

卒業生の活躍(J リーガー)

Jリーガーとして活躍している卒業生 山岸祐也選手の紹介です。

サッカー部のページへ >>

2019.8. 8 更新




Tour of the museum

On Friday, August 2, 2019, students in the 2nd and 3rd grades of the Computer Design Course in the Information Science Department toured the museum.
They enjoyed the museum while receiving explanations of each planned exhibition from curators at Morohashi Museum of Modern Art and Koriyama City Museum of Art.

2019.8. 7 更新

共立女子大学 ⑰合格体験記(平成30年度卒業生)

『 夢の実現に向けて 』

共立女子大学 看護学部(指定校推薦)

普通科 総合進学コース 看護系 伊 藤 杏 奈

(弓道部 ・ 大玉中学校出身)









【Shoshi Success Story】

Kyoritsu Women's University

 Faculty of Nursing

General Course   Anna Itoh

(Japanese Archery club ・ Graduated from Ohtama Junior High School)

'Toward the Realization of Dreams'

I was able to pass the examination for the nursing department of Kyoritsu Women's University by the recommendation of the designated school. I worked on three things to take the exam for the designated school recommendation.

The first is to balance study and club activities. I have been thinking of taking the entrance examination by the recommendation of the designated school since I was a freshman. The recommendation of designated schools is decided by comprehensively evaluating the average rating for three years, clothing and lifestyle, deviation value of the mock examination, etc. Therefore, from the beginning of the first year, I became aware of both the literary and military arts and thoroughly practiced them.

The second one is to collect data of the university. Since the summer of my 2nd year, I have participated in open campuses of various vocational schools and universities, and I learned the characteristics of each school and compared them with my ideal university image. In my case, I couldn't collect information from the materials in the school because there was no recommendation of the designated school from the department I want to study in the past. However, I was able to ask questions directly at the open campus individual consultation and get past questions about brochures and recommendations. Active participation in open campuses can help you with subsequent interviews and filling out application forms.

The third is the practice of essays, interviews, etc. necessary for the examination. Once the recommendation of the designated school is decided, the teacher in charge will guide each student. I was especially bad at short essays, so I had my teacher revise it many times. As I practiced, I was able to summarize my opinion and express it as a sentence. During the interview exercises, you created interview notes to prepare for any questions. For example, we prepared two or more answers to one question. In addition to practicing with teachers, I also asked my friends and family to help me objectively reflect on my interviews and incorporate other people's opinions. As a result, I was able to improve my response and become more aware of the actual situation.

For these reasons, it's important to set your own goals early on, and to plan ahead and prepare accordingly. Do your best to realize your career path!


Anxiety about interviews and essays sometimes made me depressed for a while. I couldn't answer what I thought in the interview practice, and sometimes I couldn't help but cry. However, with practice and support from teachers, friends, and family, I gradually became able to express my thoughts in my own words, and I gained the power to overcome my anxiety. Also, on the day of the exam, I was asked to write "Messages of support from friends" in the interview notebook, which encouraged me when I was nervous. I was able to pass by continuing to work without giving up even if I was almost crushed by anxiety and getting support from people around me. Everyone who is going to take an examination will surely have support from people around him. Don't hold on to it by yourself, and open the way to your desired course. I'm rooting for you!

2019.8. 6 更新

関西学院大学 ⑯合格体験記(平成30年度卒業生)

『 進路実現 』

関西学院大学 総合政策学部(指定校推薦)

普通科 総合進学コース 稲 穂 仁 暉

(生徒会会計 ・ 郡山第一中学校出身)











【Shoshi Success Story】

Kwansei Gakuin University

 Faculty of Policy Studies

General Course   Hitoki Inaho

(Student Association ・ Graduated from Koriyama Daiichi Junior High School)

'Realization of career path'

I was able to pass the Kwansei Gakuin University general policy department by the recommendation of the designated school this time. When I first entered Shoshi High School, I felt frustrated that I failed the entrance examination for prefectural high school. However, I took this opportunity to study from scratch and have been working on it. In order to take an examination by recommendation, you have to be selected as a recommended candidate. To be selected, your lifestyle, average rating, and deviation from the mock exam must meet the university's standards.

First of all, the average rating is the average rating in the regular examinations from the first grade to the third grade. Usually, of course, I started studying intensively a week ago, and I solved the textbook and work questions in the exam range to the perfection level.

Next is the deviation value of the simulation test. Unlike regular examinations, mock examinations have a wide range and you can't narrow down your study. So it's hard to get results. I had been doing my best to study for a regular test, but I hardly ever studied for a mock test. That's why I studied Japanese history, especially Japanese history, among the three subjects of Japanese language, English and Japanese history. I studied Japanese history using mock exam questions, reference books and textbooks that I had taken so far. As a result, the deviation value of Japanese history after the holidays was the highest ever. As the deviation value of Japanese history increased, the deviation value of the total of 3 subjects increased and I was recommended to a designated school. Because Japanese history has only a clear scope, it can produce results in a short period of time. If you are a liberal arts student, please make an effort in Japanese history.

Lastly, it's about after you've been chosen as a recommended candidate. When you become a recommended student, the teacher in charge of each student will teach you the subjects for the examination. The subjects I took were examination of documents and interview. I was able to pass the examination because the teacher in charge and the homeroom teacher taught me.


I have two things to tell you.

The first is to increase the average rating value and the deviation value of the simulation test. Even if you don't know which university you want to go to at the moment, if the average rating value and the deviation value of the mock examination are high, you can look for more universities.

The second is to find the university you want to go early. Because if you decide the direction at an early stage, the university can take measures. But it's not easy to decide early on. So, if there is a university you are interested in, please join the open campus. You can know what you are concerned about and feel the atmosphere of the university.

Good luck with your career path.

2019.8. 5 更新

東洋大学 ⑮合格体験記(平成30年度卒業生)

『 努 力 』

東洋大学 経済学部 総合政策学科(指定校推薦)

普通科 総合進学コース 佐 藤 佳 南

(陸上競技部 郡山第一中学校出身)









【Shoshi Success Story】

Toyo University

 Department of Economics

General Course   Kana Sato

(Track and Field Club ・Graduated from Koriyama Daiichi Junior High School.)


I applied for Toyo University in the winter of my second year of high school. Until then, I had devoted myself to club activities, so I just vaguely wanted to take an examination by recommendation of a designated school after graduation, but I didn't really think about it. However, I wanted to become a public servant in the future and to acquire a wide range of knowledge, and since the track and field club is famous all over Japan, I came to want to enter the comprehensive policy course of the economics department of Toyo University. Here's how I learned to be a candidate.

<Term exam>
I started studying intensively 5 days before the test. I usually review the class every day for an hour, and I set a schedule to do this class on this day. I set a goal of more than 80 points in all subjects and studied hard. I used a blue ballpoint pen to write in all subjects, and I didn't use any other pens or mechanical pencils. Regular school tests are relatively easier to score than mock tests, so I recommend you to find a study method that suits you and take measures according to your goals.

<Mock exam>
In order to become a recommended candidate, the deviation value in the mock examination is also related. At first, I was just solving past problems, so I had a hard time because the deviation value didn't go up. As I was particularly poor at English, I took measures such as "I memorize 20 words every day." and "When you solve a problem and find something you don't understand, you should not look at the answer right away, but you should consult a dictionary and think about the general Japanese translation and composition of sentences before reading the answer and explanation." to deepen my understanding. I thought Japanese language and Japanese history were an extension of my usual study, and I promoted thorough study from the basics, focusing on the teaching materials used at school. Deviation value is not easily increased, so it is important to accumulate it every day.

I am very grateful to the teachers who kindly listened to me and my family who always supported me in deciding my career path. This awareness of everyday small gratitude also leads to human growth. If you work hard towards your future dreams, I think you'll find a way.


Three years in high school pass quickly. The teachers thought about various things together about what they wanted to do and their dreams. My friend encouraged me when I was having a hard time. I think I was able to face my career in a very favorable environment. But I don't think this should be considered "OF COURSE.". I want to support people around me and above all, I want to go to college! I was able to come here because I thought so.

I think the time will come when I will be frustrated many times from now on. If that's the case, think again why you're trying. The goal is clear and you can think, "I CAN STILL DO IT!". The exam is a hard time, but it's also an important time to face yourself, so please take it seriously. I'm rooting for you all!

2019.8. 4 更新