事務研修(進路だより No.4 参照)>> とは尚志高校独自の取り組みで、学校事務を体験する研修です。 来校者の方への対応や電話での受付応対等を体験し、「働くことのイメージ」を身に付けていくことが目的です。
"Jimu Kenshu", Office Training, started on Friday, May 10 for 3rd grader who want to work.
"Jimu Kenshu", Office Training >> , is a program unique to Shoshi High School, where students experience school clerical work. The main purpose is to learn "Image of working" by experiencing how to respond to visitors and how to receive calls.
The students who experienced it on the first day said, "I was so nervous that my hands trembled." "There were no honorific words, and my mind went blank and I didn't know what to say." "I got impatient because it was difficult to take notes while talking on the phone." "It was completely different from what I had imagined." and "It was really hard, but it was a very good experience.".
Let's use it not only as part of job hunting but also as a useful training after you start working.
[The picture above shows the students giving tea to visitors.]
2019.5.13 更新
サッカー部女子のページへ >>
Our activities were published in The Weekly, a public relations magazine.
2019.5.12 更新
【朝学】 3学年:尚志ノート記入 1&2年:学習記録(Classi)入力 |
13(月) |
・民間就職/公務員対策講座(15:40/C201) |
14(火) |
・進学対策父母の会議総会、授業参観、尚志学級、後援総会 |
15(水) |
・基調教育/尚志行 |
16(木) |
・平常授業 |
17(金) |
・平常授業 |
18(土) |
・週休(5/25と勤務入れ替え) |
19(日) |
SB 休日用運行経路 |
・13日(月)...5,6校時のみ短縮40分授業 ・14日(火)...臨時時間割で実施(午前短縮40分授業) 1校時(9:00~9:40) 2校時(9:50~10:30) 3校時(10:40~11:20) 4校時/授業参観(11:30~12:10) SHR(12:15~12:20) ・15日(水)...基調教育/尚志行(シート:1I1) 5校時終了(14:00) SHR(14:10~14:15) 入場(14:15~14:30) 基調教育・学級役員認証・賞状伝達・尚志行(14:30~15:40) 【スクールバス略記号】 |
2019.5.11 更新
「○○さんは、いますか。」 ⇒ 「○○様は、いらっしゃいますか。」
「え?誰ですか?」⇒「はい。どちら様でしょうか?」 ・・・などの好ましい表現も身に付けましょう。
進路だより No.4より
This "Administrative training" is an original program of Shoshi High School, and is a training program called "Experience school work" in the school office and career guidance room.
You can experience the correspondence of visitors and reception by phone.
Through this office work training, you will be able to act with the spirit of ①"compassion". ② Understand language and basic manners. ③ Try to achieve the goal of understanding the basics of business manners.
Students participating in office work training should read the office work training manual thoroughly by the previous day and have their homeroom teachers confirm the tasks of the office work training. Please participate with a sense of purpose, "This time next year, I imagine that I am actually working." and try to make the training meaningful.
You should also learn the preferred expressions such as,
"Is ○ ○ there?" ⇒ "May I speak to Mr. ○ ○?"
"HUH? Who is it?" ⇒ "Yes. Who's calling, please?", etc.
2019.5.10 更新
①欠席・遅刻・早退をしないこと。 ※欠席が多いと、「入社しても休むのでは?」という悪い印象を与えます。
②部活動・生徒会活動・ボランティアなど様々な活動をしよう。 ※様々な挑戦をしている人が好まれます。
進路だより No.3より
Management of physical condition and daily activities
【The following are very important:. Please take care of yourself every day.】
①Don't be absent, late or leave early. ※If there are many absences, it gives a bad impression that "Why don't you take a day off after joining the company?".
②Do a variety of activities such as club activities, student council activities, and volunteer activities. ※ People who challenge various things will like it.
③Acquire various qualifications and certifications. ※It is advantageous that the contents of "resume" and "investigation report" are increased. Get many qualifications such as Information processing test, Bookkeeping test, English test, Kanji test, Math test, Vocabulary reading test and G-TEC test.
Even in Admission Office entrance exam and entrance exam by commendation, students with many absences give a bad impression. Our school's recommendation standard also has a rule that "If there is more than 11 days of absence in each grade, the one cannot be recommendded."
News from No. 3 career guidance
2019.5.10 更新
At the student council meeting held today, first and second graders were browsing the materials of the council on iPad.
Also, at the send-off party, there was cheering by supporters.
We want all the players to do their best as representatives of Shoshi High School.
2019.5. 9 更新
5月の予定表、キッズコミット 2019、メグミルクカップ、ウェイトトレーニングの記事です。
This is an article about the women's soccer club schedule in May, Kids Commit 2019, Meg Milk Cup, and weight training.
Women's soccer club >>
2019.5. 9 更新
情報総合科 コンピュータデザインコース 作品展示のお知らせ
In the lobby of the Arai Branch of the Fukushima Bank, a part of the graduation work of the 3rd year of the Computer Design course in the Information Technology Course for fiscal 2018 is exhibited from May 8, 2019 to 31st. Please take a look.
2019.5. 9 更新
保護者の皆様へ >> のページに就学支援金受給申請についての連絡を掲載しました。
We posted a notice about High School Tuition Support Fund on the page for Guardians >> .
2019.5. 8 更新
進学相談会 5/23 郡山ビューホテルアネックス
進学相談会で学校の研究・比較 ⇒ 各校のオープンキャンパスへの参加 ⇒ 目標設定
■5月23日(木)郡山ビューホテルアネックス >> 主催:栄美通信
進路だより No.4より
From the end of May to the beginning of July, there are many consultation meetings for students going on to higher education.
Many schools participate in this counseling session, you can hear directly from admissions officers of various schools in a short time, and compare higher schools.
Explanatory meetings and lectures for parents are also planned, so parents and guardians can participate together.
Not only the 3rd grade students but also the 1st and 2nd grade students can participate, so why don't you actively participate?
■Thursday, May 23 Koriyama View Hotel Annex >>
2019.5. 8 更新