男子サッカー部のページへ >>
A kitchen car appears at Shoshi
Nicho (Japan Culinary Institute), which takes care of our meals at the dorm, made a classy move.
2021.2.26 更新
On February 24, the keynote education and Shoshi Gyo was held for the 1st graders.
The keynote education for February was a lecture on "Preparing for Advancement," and the 1st-year students have become accustomed to taking notes.
2021.2.25 更新
進路だより No.40より
The contents of the exam for school-recommended selection
The expansion of school-recommended entrance examinations (formerly called "recommended entrance examinations") and the reform of entrance examinations have resulted in a wide range of selection methods.
However, there are five major patterns. As in the past, entrance examinations are no longer determined only by grades and the presence or absence of special activities.
Analyze what you need to prepare now, what skills you need to nevertheless have, and what your own characteristics are, so that you can prepare accordingly.
News from career guidance No.40
2021.2.24 更新
【For Parents】Please drop off and pick up your children on the north side of the road.
We have often seen parents picking up and dropping off their children in front of the main gate or on the road in front of the school, or driving their own cars into the school grounds.
In order to prevent accidents from occurring, the school asks that all drop-offs and pick-ups be made on the north side of the road (by the bicycle parking lot).
We would like to ask for the understanding and cooperation of all parents so that our students can enjoy a safe and secure school life.
2021.2.23 更新
時代の期待(ジダイのノゾミ)とは...【尚志高等学校 校歌1番より】 >>
進路だより No.41より
Ranking the Best Jobs in America
Glassdoor has released its latest ranking of the "Best Jobs in America". The three evaluation criteria are number of jobs, satisfaction, and salary. About half of the top 50 jobs in the overall ranking were in the tech sector (fields related to development).
If you see a job that interests you, check it out.
Where the title "Expectations of the times" from?【Shoshi High School Song】 >>
News from career guidance No.41
2021.2.22 更新
2月19日 の「3年生から後輩へ① 」>> の続編です。
彼等からは「敵は己の中にあり」という言葉をよく耳にします。 物事がうまくいかないとき、他人や環境のせいにしてしまうことがあります。 しかし、本当は自分の中にこそ、うまくいかない要因があるのです。 ここで逃げたら成長ができない、形に残したければ、周りに認めてもらいたければ、言い訳せずに自分としっかり向き合う強さを持つことが大事です。 それを実行するのが「今」なのです。
●3年間で、「その時にやりたい事」よりも「やるべき事、優先すべきもの」を考えてほしい。やりたくない事を後回しにして苦しむのは自分だし、良いことはないから、時間を大切にしてほしい。 全ての人に与えられた時間は平等だから、 【3年生】
●効率良く、よく考えて生活してほしい。 【女子(大学進学予定)】
●一日、少しずつでも勉強しておけば良かったです。映像授業を見ながら、少しメモを取るだけでも力になると思います。その習慣が、受験期に役立つと思います。後輩の皆も、頑張ってください。 【男子(大学進学予定)】
●1・2年生の内から高校卒業後の進路を考えると、3年生になったとき、とても役に立ちます。私は、様々な学校の説明会に参加しました。そのお陰で、広い視野を持って3年生で志望校を決めることができました。将来の夢は、決めようと思って決められるものではないけれど、自分の事は自分でしっかり考え、自分をよく見つめなおす事が大切だと思います。それと同じくらい大切なのは、先生方がおっしゃったことをよく聞いて生活することです。真面目になり過ぎちゃう人は「息抜き」を大切にしてくださいね。 【女子(専門学校進学予定)】
●特に、2年生へ伝えたいことなのですが、来年3年生になって受験が近くなってくると、重要な書類の指導や面接練習などを手伝ってもらうことになります。先生方も、とても忙しい時期だと思うので「感謝の気持ち」を絶対に忘れないでください。長いようであっという間の高校生活を全力で楽しめ!! 【男子(専門学校進学予定)】
●3年間は本当にあっという間で、部活を引退すると、すぐに受験がやってきます。今は部活が忙しくても、引退した後のことを考えて勉強しておいた方がいいです! 頑張ってください。【運動部女子(大学進学予定)】
This is a sequel to "From 3rd year students to juniors (1)" on February 19th.
The second semester final examinations have ended. The seniors who were able to achieve their goals have been saying that the 50 days before the new school year started made the difference.
I have often heard them say, "The enemy is within you. When things don't go well, we often blame others or the environment. However, the truth is that the reason things are not going well lies within ourselves. It is important to have the strength to face yourself without making excuses if you want to leave a lasting impression and be recognized by others. Now is the time to do it.
What I want to tell juniors
We wrote "Message from 3rd grade students to juniors" in No 35, but the response was more than we expected, so we will leave you with other messages. Please accept the feelings of the seniors and use them in your future career.
●I want you to think about "thing to do or give priority to" rather than "What I want to do at that time" in 3 years. It's up to you to put things you don't want to do on the back burner and suffer, and there's nothing good about it, so I want you to cherish your time. Because everyone has equal time, [third-year student]
●I want you to live efficiently and carefully. [Female (plan to go to college)]
●I should have studied little by little a day. I think it will be helpful just to take notes while watching the video class. I think that custom will be useful in the examination period. All the juniors, come on. [Men (plan to go to college)]
●If you think about your career path after graduating from high school, it will be very useful when you are in the third grade. I participated in various school information sessions. Thanks to that, I was able to decide the school of my choice from a broad perspective as a junior. You can't decide your future dream just because you want to, but I think it's important to think about yourself and reexamine yourself. Just as important is to listen to what the teachers say and live your life. If you're too serious, make sure you value your "breather". [Female (Plan to enter a vocational school)]
●Especially, I would like to tell the 2nd grade students that when they become the 3rd grade next year and the entrance exam is coming closer, they will help you with important documents and interview practice. I think it is a very busy time for teachers, so please never forget "a feeling of gratitude". Enjoy your high school life as long as possible!! [Men (Plan to enter a vocational school)]
●Three years pass really quickly, and after retiring from the club activities, the entrance exams will come soon. Even if you are busy with club activities now, you should think about what to do after retirement and study! Good luck. [Athletic Club Women (plan to go to college)]
From last year's article
2021.2.21 更新
【朝学】 |
22(月) |
・平常授業 |
23(火) |
・天皇誕生日 |
24(水) |
・平常授業 |
25(木) |
・平常授業 |
26(金) |
・6校時平常授業(特進 7校時なし) |
27(土) |
・週休 |
28(日) |
(SBは休日用運行経路) |
・ 2月24日(水)・・・基調教育/尚志行(1学年)※14:00(5校時目終了) ・2月26日(金)・・・卒業式基本指導①/予餞会(3年生) <3学年> 9:15~9:40(基本指導) 9:40~9:45(賞状伝達) 9:45~10:00(休憩・換気・予餞会準備) 10:00~12:00(予餞会) 12:00~12:15(体育館退場・休憩) 12:15~12:30(SHR) 【スクールバス略記号】 |
2021.2.20 更新
Messages from 3rd year students
On February 1st 3rd year students have been studying at home, but students who are going to take the general entrance examinations are doing their best to prepare for the general entrance examinations of private universities and the second round examinations of public universities. I've heard that some of them are taking entrance exams for several advanced schools for one week in a row.
In addition, for many of the 3rd-year-students seeking employment, obtaining a driver's license is a condition for joining the company, and they are doing everything they can to obtain it. If you are not able to obtain a driver's license by the time you enter the company, you must not forget that you may be turned down for employment. we received a message from one of the 3rd-year students to the 1st & 2nd-year students. We would like to share them with you.
●High school life passed more quickly than I expected. I thought that it would be better for you to study, whether you like it or not. I hope all the younger students will do your best. (Female)
●I've been hearing since my 1st year that there are people who don't get recommended because they're 0.1 point short of a grade, but I never thought that would happen to me. You'll regret it, so it's better to study honestly while you still can. (Female)
●Let's do what you have to do now. To be honest, I was getting tired of it, but it was really true. Everyone around me had already decided on a career path, but I hadn't. It was too painful. If you don't study hard, you're going to be in a tough spot. (Male)
From last year's article
2021.2.19 更新
参照_Newsweek(2021年2月10日) >>
時代の期待(ジダイのノゾミ)とは...【尚志高等学校 校歌1番より】 >>
進路だより No.40より
What is the "QUAD" China siege?
Have you ever heard of the Quadrilateral Security Arrangement (QUAD), in which the United States, Japan, Australia, and India participate? The purpose of the conference is to realize a "free and open Indo-Pacific region" with China, which is trying to change the status quo by force, in mind.
If you look at a map of the world with these four countries (with the U.S. as Hawaii), you can see that they form a circle around the South China Sea, where China is trying to expand into the ocean. It seems that South Korea was also invited to join, but was reluctant to do so because it was using anti-Japanese sentiment to unite the countries. Then the UK announced its intention to join.
It seems that the encirclement of China is steadily advancing, with some media reporting that the Japan-UK alliance is being revived. If Russia, which is advancing its Far East policy, gets involved here, it might be a different phase.
Reference_Newsweek(Feb. 10, 2021) >>
Where the title "Expectations of the times" from?【Shoshi High School Song】 >>
News from career guidance No.40
2021.2.18 更新
地震後の片付けをしていたところ、33年前(1988年)に福島県私立中学高等学校協会が刊行した尚志高校の前身である 日本女子工業高校>>click の学校紹介が見つかりました。 校名が変わる以前にすでに「尚志」の2文字が使われていたことがわかります。
33 years ago
While we were cleaning up after the earthquake, we found a school introduction of Japan Girls' Technical High School, the predecessor of Shoshi High School, published by the Fukushima Private Junior and Senior High School Association 33 years ago (1988).
We found a school introduction of Japan Girls' Technical High School, the predecessor of Shoshi High School, published by the Fukushima Private Junior and Senior High School Association 33 years ago (1988). It shows that 2 Kanji letters "Shoshi" were already used before the school name was changed.
2021.2.17 更新