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福島県立医科大学 ⑮ 合格体験記(令和元年度卒業生)

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『 受験との向き合い方 』

福島県立医科大学 看護学部 >>(公募推薦)

普通科 特別進学コース 和泉 明莉
(合唱部・茶道部   郡山第五中学校出身)








【Shoshi Success Story】

Fukushima Medical University >> 
School of Nursing
(Open Recommendation Entrance Examination)

'How to cope with exams'

General Course Special Academic Advancement Course Akari Izumi
(Chorus club & Tea ceremony club ・ Graduated from Koriyama 5th Junior High School)

Initially, I was thinking of taking the general entrance examination only. That's because I thought it would be difficult to balance the entrance exam and the general entrance exam at the same time. However, I decided to take the exam in order to increase my chances to approach universities. Therefore, I would like to write specifically about how to prepare for the entrance examination for recommendation with an eye to the general entrance examination.

 I decided to take the entrance examination for recommendation around the end of September of my junior year. Until then, I had been taking measures for the general entrance examination. It was in November, a month before I took the entrance examination, that I started to prepare for the interviews and essays after I was chosen to take the entrance examination for recommendation. The features of Fukushima Medical University's entrance examination are that the time required for essays is short and the interview is very important. I took measures for short essays and interviews by going to see my professors every day and solving many past papers of the Akabon book to understand what kind of questions and what kind of answers were required. Especially for the English short essay, I improved my vocabulary by doing half a day with an English vocabulary book and read long sentences every day without fail so that I could read quickly. In the interview, it is also important to convey what makes you different and better than others. For this reason, I think it is better to participate in work experience by the second year of high school to get to know what you want to be in the future, the atmosphere of the actual workplace and the challenges it presents, and to explore them and have your own ideas about what you want to do. And through that experience, practice as many times as you can so that you can communicate the differences between you and others. Furthermore, I would recommend reading and accumulating some knowledge about medicine. If you don't have the time, you can start by reading long texts in medical English. It's a good idea to do your best because there may be similar questions.

 I started preparing for the recommended entrance exam a month before, which was much later than other schools. Because of this, there were times when I felt like I was going to lose heart. But when I saw my friends around me doing their best, I thought I had to do my best too, so I got up the courage to do my best and didn't give up. If you have the time to say, "It's impossible to do it from now on," or "It's too late," it's time to start. And even in the tense atmosphere of exams, take care of your friends. It will help you if you see it the right way. I have written specifically about how I have dealt with the situation so far. I hope this article will help you to pass the exam. Good luck to you.


I think it is very difficult to balance the measures for the general entrance examination and the entrance examination, and it requires a lot of preparation. Therefore, I think the use of time is very important. Unlike the general entrance examination, the entrance examination for recommendation is different from the general entrance examination and students start to move quickly. Therefore, you may feel the difference in temperature between your friends who are preparing for the general entrance examination and those around you. You may feel that you are the only one who is doing your best. However, don't be influenced by your surroundings and stick to your will. Do not blame others for your failure. And don't give up on studying for the test because it is too late. Even if you don't have time, I think the winner is the one who does it efficiently.

Lastly, I support you to realize your career path from the bottom of my heart. Good luck!

2020.11. 8 更新

2023.12. 7 令和5年度 第1学年 大学見学(総合的な探究)
2023.12. 5 2年特別進学コース 探究学習成果発表会 <2年生校内予選>
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)(女子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)