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福島介護福祉専門学校 ㉘ 合格体験記(令和元年度卒業生)

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 鎌倉女子大学 ⑬ 合格体験記 >> 昭和女子大学 ⑭ 合格体験記 >> 福島県立医科大学 ⑮ 合格体験記 >>
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福島介護福祉専門学校 介護福祉学科 >>(指定校推薦)

普通科 総合進学コース 福祉系    遠藤 さち

(応援団チアリーディング部  ・ 郡山市立郡山第三中学校出身)










【Shoshi Success Story】

Fukushima College of Nursing and Welfare >>

' Follow your dreams '

General Course, Welfare Course Sachi Endo
(Cheerleading team, Koriyama City Koriyama Daisan Junior High School)

 I have been accepted to Fukushima College of Nursing and Welfare with a recommendation from the designated school.

 I became interested in welfare because I saw my mother working as a care worker, and I wanted to help many people in need like she did. Also, when I was in junior high school, my great-grandmother, whom I loved dearly, had a stroke that left her paralyzed on the right side, and she needed nursing care. At that time, I had no knowledge about welfare and could only watch over her. After this experience, I decided that I wanted to study welfare and become a care worker who can help many people in need.

 Welfare does not have a good image, and I think many people have a bad image of it. However, through my welfare classes and practical training, I have learned the joy of welfare and the importance of interacting with people. I wanted to learn more specialized knowledge, and when I was wondering about my career path, my mother told me about Fukushima College of Nursing and Welfare.

 From the day I decided to go on to higher education, I started studying steadily at my own pace, was able to improve my grades, and received a recommendation from a designated school. The way I actually studied was the usual way: write until you remember and listen to the class carefully. How should I study? "How should I study?" "What should I do? You may wonder, "How should I study? At that time, you should try to find a study method that suits you best. It is important to try everything.

 The entrance exam for Fukushima College of Nursing and Social Work was an interview. It was worth practicing with the teacher in charge of the interview, and I was able to answer the questions calmly and in my own way on the actual day. I think it is better to be able to answer everything in your own words, because I think it is unlikely that you will be asked the same questions you were asked during practice. I think it's better to express your opinion honestly without overthinking it, so you won't be too nervous.


 When I took the entrance exam to the vocational school, I realized that it is up to me to take action in order to make my dream come true. If you don't make an effort, the results won't come, and if you don't have the will to do something, you won't be able to do anything. And if you have the motivation, your family and people around you will push you forward. Don't keep it all to yourself, talk to the people around you, and work hard to achieve your goal at your own pace. I'm rooting for you!

2021.1. 8 更新

2023.12. 7 令和5年度 第1学年 大学見学(総合的な探究)
2023.12. 5 2年特別進学コース 探究学習成果発表会 <2年生校内予選>
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)(女子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)
2023.12. 5 部活動情報(男子サッカー部)