学校法人尚志学園 尚志高等学校〒963-0201 郡山市大槻町字坦ノ腰2番地TEL: 024-951-3500  FAX : 024-962-0208





部活動情報(サッカー部 男子)入団内定記者会見


サッカー部 男子のページへ >>

A press conference has been held to announce that Itsuki Someno will join Kashima Antlers.

2019.7. 2 更新

訪問入浴実習 総合進学 福祉コース

7月1日、普通科総合進学コース福祉系の3学年 生徒を対象に 丸光ケアサービス >> 富田支店の皆様においでいただき、訪問入浴見学実習が行われました。


On July 1, Marumitsu Care Service, Tomita Branch members visited our facilities to give practical training on bathing to students in the 3rd grade of the general welfare course.

2019.7. 2 更新



 3年生の就職希望者の皆さんを対象に、6月28日(金)15:50~ スカイホールで求人閲覧説明会を実施し、求人票の見方・受験申込みから受験までの手続き等の説明をしました。

Job postings posted on the website on Monday, July 1
~ Let's actively search for jobs ~

On Friday, June 28, at 15: 50, we held a briefing session for 3rd grade job seekers at Sky Hall, where we explained how to view job postings and the procedures from application to entrance exams.
After school on Friday, July 5, job postings will be open to the public in the career guidance room.
If you are a 3rd-year job seeker, you should actively visit the career guidance office, find a company that meets your needs from the job application form, and apply for a workplace tour before applying.
In the career guidance division, in addition to the teachers in charge of employment guidance at our school, employment support worker provides interview and advice regarding employment.
Please feel free to tell us if you have changed your mind since the office work training in May.
For those who want to get a job in the 3rd grade, let's do our best so that they can actively search for a job and get a job offer of the company they want.

News from No.11 career guidance

2019.7. 1 更新

Basement 朝学実施

基礎学力を高めよう  ~継続は力なり~





進路だより No.11より

Basement Textbook "Morning avtivity" starts
Let's improve your fundamental academic skills  ~ CONTINUATION IS POWER ~

After the midterm exam, students in the general course and information general course for 1st and 2nd grade students will learn mathematics and Japanese using the text "Basement" of the achievement test (Implemented on May 22).

Basically, we solve the problem in the morning class (8: 40 ~ 8: 50) from Tuesday to Friday, and then check the explanation of the solution. Take it seriously every day.

Also, please continue to work hard with the aim of improving your basic academic ability, as the areas where you did not make progress in morning activities and the English field will be issues for the summer vacation. Continuing learning is a big help.

*If you don't understand the problem you solved well, you can learn the field in the study supplements.
Please try it. Independent study leads to improvement of academic ability!

News from No. 11 career guidance

2019.6.30 更新



ベースメント国語 (1年:国1~国5) (2年:国1~国5) (火~金)


 SB ①~⑥15:40 ①②⑤⑥18:45


 SB ①~⑥16:15 ①②⑤⑥18:45

3(水) ・平常授業
・3年進路別オリエンテーション 3G1~3G6 (6校時)
 SB ①~⑥15:40 ①②⑤⑥18:45



 SB ①~⑥16:15 ①②⑤⑥18:45


 SB ①~⑥15:40 ①②⑤⑥18:45


 SB ①②A⑥13:00 ①②A⑥17:00



 7月2日(火)~7月4日(木) スカラネット入力

①系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・うねめ通り方面
②系統 喜久田・富田・八山田方面
③系統 さくら通り、郡山駅経由、うねめ通り方面
④系統 学校発、静御前通り方面
⑤系統 緑ヶ丘・安積永盛方面
⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面

①系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・うねめ通り方面
②系統 喜久田・富田・八山田方面
⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面
A系統 緑ヶ丘始発、郡山駅発、文化通り方面

⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面
B系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・郡山駅・うねめ通り方面

■下校用 平日【月~金曜日】
●15:40発...月・水・金曜日 ※課外授業実施日は16:35発に変更
①系統「本宮」方面:学校 → (うねめ通り) → 日和田・ 富久山 → 本宮
②系統「喜久田」方面:学校 → 富田 → 喜久田
変形③系統「郡山駅」方面:学校 → (文化通り) → 郡山駅
変形⑤系統「緑ヶ丘」方面:学校 → (南インター線) → 安積永盛駅 → (4号線) → 郡山駅 → 緑ヶ丘
⑥系統「泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川」方面:学校 → 須賀川市内 → 鏡石駅 → 矢吹 → 泉崎

●16:00発...月・水・金曜日 ※課外授業実施日は16:35発に変更
変形④系統「郡山駅」方面:学校 → (文化通り) → 郡山駅


18:45発 月~金曜日(郡山駅下車の人数が多い場合は1系統で対応)




2019.6.29 更新

部活動情報(サッカー部 男子&女子)


サッカー部 男子のページヘ >>

サッカー部 女子のページヘ >>

Our calendar for July has been published.

2019.6.28 更新


6月26日(水)の校長講話で取り上げた尚志学園の創設者 佐藤 信先生 の著書である「体当たり教育(昭和45年に 主婦と生活社 >> より出版)」より、その一節を紹介します。

Here is a passage from the book written by Makoto Sato, the founder of Shoshi Gakuen, Shoshi Institute.


<第1章 真実無限 「真実は良心を掻き立てる」より>










The following is a passage from a lecture given by the principal on Wednesday, June 26 in "Taiatari Kyouiku (Published by Shufu-To-Seikatsusha >> in 1970)" a book written by Professor Makoto Sato , founder of Shoshi Gakuen.

<Chapter 1: Truth and Infinity "The truth arouses conscience.">

Nothing Is More Wonderful than Simple Honesty

     The Japanese word "guchoku" means being simply honest and to keep being honest with the one thing that you decide to do.  Every year I meet many fresh students who have managed to pass the entrance examination.  Among them some make a great effort and improve their grades by the end of the second year, and sometimes their grades will be within the top ten.  I often talk about these good results to the teachers who once taught those students in junior high.  Most of the teachers are surprised and say, "really?  I can't believe she's got such good grades!"  To such responses, I always say, "Early flowers are beautiful, but late flowers are just as beautiful as those.  Unfortunately, these days some parents cannot wait until their children bloom."

     On the other hand, it is true that not all the students can bloom during their three years at school; their academic grades never improves, but they manage to graduate.  You may think that such students cannot do well in society, but this is not true.  Those students may not be good at learning something, but they tend to stick to the work that they are told to do.  In fact, these days many employers are looking for such students who are "sincere and honest, although they are not good at studying."  

      The student A was one of last year's graduates of electronic technology.  Students of electronic technology have to pass more difficult exams than other students in order to advance to the next grade.  Since she entered, A's grades were always at the bottom of the class.  I always met her after the term-exams to scold and encourage her.  After she took the first year's term exam, I called her to my room.  "I will give you one more chance.  You have to take the test again."  Her grade was not good enough to advance to the second grade.  "By the way, I've wanted to ask you, do you really study at home?" I asked her.  "Yes, I really do.  I don't watch television and I don't listen to music, even though that's what I'd prefer doing.  I stay up late to study, and I never go to bed before 11, but my grades never improve.  Why am I so stupid?", she asked me..  
Hearing this, I felt sorry for her.  She couldn't get good marks despite her efforts every day.  I told her, "You know, you can't judge a person by their academic grades.  Doing your best and being sincere are much more important.  You have to study more but you should also find out what you can do for people and society."

     One day I got a call from a stationmaster at the next town.  "A student at your school cleans our waiting room every evening.  We've asked her to tell us her name but she refuses.  Can you tell me her name?  I think she is a third year student,, judging from her calm attitude and worn-out uniform," said the stationmaster.  I immediately called the third year homeroom teachers and asked them to find out who it might be.  Finally, we found that it was A., whom I had often scolded for her poor grades.  
I called her to my room.  She came in with a melancholy look, for she thought I would scold her.  "You have been cleaning the waiting room for eight months, right?" I asked.  She turned red as if she were a child whose secrets were discovered.  She said, "Yes, that's me.  You told me that I should find something that I can do for other people.  I'm not bright, so the only thing I can do is cleaning.  I'm sorry, Mr. Sato.  I wish I could do something more useful for other people." I was so impressed with her words, that I could find an appropriate response, so I just said; "You fool, A."  She looked up at my face.

     When she was given a letter of thanks by the chief of the national railroad administration and the goodwill prize at school, she did not initially feel she deserved them.  Her friends encouraged her to accept them, and she shyly approached on the stage.

     Before graduation, she took a test for employment at the T company with her two friends.  Her friends got the job but she did not.  I asked her why she could not pass the test.  The company's personnel pointed out her bad academic grades.  I immediately called the company to them tell what a good student A was.  "You judged her incorrectly based on her academic grades and attitude.  I must admit that she was not bright but she is special.  She is more sincere and honest than any of the other students."  I told them many good things about her, and said, "I assure you she will be the treasure of your company."  Hearing this, the head of the personnel promised me to reconsider her decision.  Soon afterwards, we got a notification that she had gotten the job.

     On the day of graduation, I told her, "your shy look is very beautiful."  Shaking hands with me, she cried and said, "Thank you for everything you did for me these three years."  
Two years later she is an electronic engineer at the T company.  Her boss told me, "She is so honest that I can't tell her any jokes.  She comes to the office 30 minutes earlier than other workers, and helps the cleaning ladies.  Our president happened to see this, and he praised her very much." I think, when her boss praised her, she must have said, "this is just what I can do..." with a shy look.  

Good job, A.  Nothing is more wonderful than Simple Honesty.  

(* There are some expressions that are considered inappropriate at present, but we respected the original text and kept it as it was when it was published.)

2019.6.28 更新

部活動情報(サッカー部 男子)


サッカー部 男子のページへ >>

We introduce newspaper articles about joining J1 Kashima on June 27.

2019.6.28 更新

路線バス時刻表 改正


路線バスのページへ >>

Along with the revision of the timetable of Fukushima Kotsu on April 1, the timetable of the route bus on the upper left of the top page has also been revised.

2019.6.27 更新

第2回 賞状伝達式

<礼和元年度 第2回 賞状伝達式>

■受賞日 2019.5.11
 男子個人組手の部 第1位 3年普通科 根本 遥貴
 男子個人組手の部 第3位 3年普通科 平野 寛太
 女子個人組手の部 第1位 2年普通科 秋山 明莉
 女子個人組手の部 第3位 2年普通科 影山 夏果
 男子団体組手の部 第1位 尚志高校A
 男子団体組手の部 第3位 尚志高校B
 女子団体組手の部 第2位 尚志高校

■受賞日 2019.6.2
 女子団体組手の部 第3位
 男子団体組手   第2位  
 男子個人組手   第3位  2年普通科 松本 渉
 女子個人組手   第1位  2年普通科 秋山 明莉
 女子個人形    第1位  2年普通科 影山 夏果

■受賞日 2019.5.16
■成績等    男子団体戦 第2位

■受賞日 2019.4.21
■平成31年度福島県高等学校春季選抜ソフトボール大会 県南地区大会
■成績等    第3位

■受賞日 2019.5.5
■第九回置賜桜杯ソフトボールフェスティバル 第二部
■成績等   第1位

■受賞日 2019.6.2
■成績等   第1位

■受賞日 2019.6.8~9
■第65回福島県高等学校体育大会水泳競技 県南地区大会
 男子100m自由形 第1位 (54秒22) 1年普通科 野矢 育夢
 男子  50m自由形 第1位 (24秒45) 大会新記録 1年普通科 野矢 育夢
 男子100mバタフライ    第2位 (59秒52) 羽田 駿
 男子200mバタフライ    第2位 (2分12秒56) 羽田 駿
 女子200mバタフライ 第3位 (3分16秒56)    塩田 陽里

■受賞日 2019.6.15
 男子団体    第2位
 男子個人    第2位 3年普通科 宗像 空良

■受賞日 2019.6.16
■第72回福島県総合体育大会 スポーツクライミング山岳競技
 少年男子ボルダリング    第2位    2年普通科 渡部 久遠
 少年男子ボルダリング    第3位    2年普通科 齋藤 周
 少年男子リード    第2位    2年普通科 齊藤 翔大
 少年男子リード    第3位    2年普通科 齋藤 周

<個人の部> トランポリン
■受賞日 2019.4.29
■成績等 Bクラス女子    優勝 (41.280点)   1年普通科 大河原 未空
     女子最優秀選手賞  1年普通科 大河原 未空

■受賞日 2019.6.1
■成績等   個人競技Bクラス女子    第1位 (41.365点)  1年普通科 大河原 未空

<個人の部> 詩吟
■受賞日   2019.6.9   
■成績等   詩舞少年の部    優勝    1年普通科 大谷 勇斗

【関連記事】 第1回 賞状伝達式 >>

2019.6.27 更新