1学年 課題一覧(5月11日 配信)
1学年_5月11日(月)現在の課題配信状況 >>
Continuing from April 22, April 30 and May 7, we will distribute the assignment distribution status of the list of assignments during school closure (As of May 11) with a password. The password will be sent to you by 39 emails from the 1st grade supervisor.
2020.5.11 更新
時代の期待(ジダイのノゾミ)とは...【尚志高等学校 校歌1番より】 >>
進路だより No.4より
In human history, more people were killed than weapons or weapons?
The first war in world history was the Battle of Gadesh in 1274 B.C. I heard that a peace treaty was signed, but there is no record of the exact number of victims. In World War II, the last war Japan entered, about 62 million people were killed worldwide, including about 3 million in Japan.
But according to Jared Diamond's book 'guns, germs, and iron' germs kill far more people than swords, swords, and firearms kill in human history. An invader of an ethnic group possessing antibodies to a virus infects indigenous people who do not possess antibodies. On the other hand, the virus is transmitted to invaders who do not have antibodies. In fact, many Japanese soldiers lost their lives due to malaria during the Pacific War.
This is true even in times of little movement. Moreover, in this day and age, many people, both in Japan and abroad, are moving across prefectures and national borders, so it is no wonder that the infection has spread so widely. It's a highly contagious virus, so you may need to be more cautious than you fear firearms.
This book gives an overview of the entire history of mankind, and by replacing it with today's society, we may be able to understand the root of social problems. It is also in the library, so please read it if you like.
Where the title "Expectations of the times" from?【Shoshi High School Song】 >>
News from career guidance No. 4
2020.5.11 更新
P.3 特別定額給付金
P.5 緊急小口資金・総合支援資金
P.6 持続化給付金
P.7 実質無利子・無担保融資
P.8 社会保険料等の猶予
P.12 住居確保給付金
P.13 生活困窮者自立相談支援事業
P.14 生活保護
P.15 傷病手当金
P.16 休業手当
P.17 雇用調整助成金
P.18 小学校休業等対応助成金
P.19 小学校休業等対応支援金
P.20 企業主導型ベビーシッター利用者支援事業
Information on support for daily life (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will introduce a leaflet that comprehensively summarizes support measures not only for workers but also for the entire nation affected by the spread of the novel coronavirus infection.
Guidebook on Living and Working (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)>>
2020.5.10 更新
★ 5月18日(月)~ 5月29日(金)の登校日については決定次第お知らせ致します。
★ 5月18日(月)~5月29日(金)の時間割は こちら >> です。
【朝学】 ー |
11(月) |
・臨時休業 |
12(火) |
・臨時休業 |
13(水) |
・臨時休業 |
14(木) |
・臨時休業 |
15(金) |
・臨時休業 |
16(土) |
・臨時休業 |
17(日) |
SB 運行なし |
・ 【スクールバス略記号】 |
2020.5. 9 更新
尚 志 高 等 学 校
校 長 倉又 晴男
・5 月11日(月)から5 月31日(日)までの期間を休校とします。
その都度、「39メール」>> や「本校公式ホームページ」>> にてお知らせを致します。
・学校からはMetaMoji >> 、Classi >> で休校期間中の学習の内容が定期的に指示されています。
スタディサプリをはじめMetaMoji 、Classiを常に確認して学習に励んで下さい。
・登校日については、5 月15日(金)昼までに具体的な内容を連絡します。
・引き続き不要不急の外出を避けて、体調の維持管理を心がけて下さい。特に「密閉空間であり 換気が悪い」「手の届く距離に多くの人がいる」「近距離での会話や発声がある」この3つの条件の場を避けて下さい。外出の際には必ずマスクの着用・手洗い・消毒液による手指の消毒を心がけ、感染症対策を万全に行って下さい。
May 8, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Changes in School Closures to Prevent the Spread of New Coronavirus Infection
by Extending the State of Emergency Declaration
As was reported the other day, the extension of the emergency declaration was announced throughout the country. Also, there was an extension of emergency measures from Fukushima prefecture. Therefore, the school will continue to be closed from Monday, May 11 to Sunday, May 31 because it is necessary to take measures against infectious diseases with the health and safety of students and their families as the top priority.
In addition, Fukushima Prefecture has requested schools to carry out educational activities in stages during the temporary holiday period, and the school attendance date will be set from Monday, May 18 during the school closure period.
We would like to ask for your understanding and cooperation as follows.
1.Period of extension of school holidays
・School will be closed from Monday, May 11 to Sunday, May 31.
The school will resume on Monday, June 1, but various changes are expected in the future.
We will notify you each time by 「39mail」>> や「Official webpage of Shoshi High School」>> .
・You will be studying at home during the school holidays, so please focus on each subject and study at home.
・ The school regularly gives instructions on what to learn during the holidays at MetaMoji >> and Classi >>.
Always check out the study supplements, MetaMoji, and Classi to learn more.
2.About the school day
・We will let you know the details of the school day by Friday, May 15th.
Please be sure to check 39 Mail and Official webpage of Shoshi High School.
3.About going to school and contacting
・ In principle, students are not allowed to attend school while school is closed.
The school has teachers, so if you have any questions, please call us to confirm.
・ There is no school bus service.
・ The school will contact you through 39 Mail or Official webpage of Shoshi High School.
4.About club activities
・As for club activities, during the period when the school is closed, there will be no activities including external matches and exchanges.
5.Going out during school holidays
・Please keep in mind to maintain your physical condition by avoiding unnecessary and unurgent outings. In particular, avoid these three conditions: "It is a sealed space and ventilation is poor." "have many people within easy reach of" and "having close-range speech or utterance". When you go out, make sure to wear a mask, wash your hands, and disinfect your fingers with disinfectant, and take all possible measures to prevent infection.
・Please observe your health every day during the school holidays.
・If a student comes to a medical institution due to fever or cold symptoms, or if he/she is infected with a new coronavirus or has become a close contact person, please contact the class teacher.
・The situation of the new coronavirus changes every day, so please be aware that the above contents may be changed or new items may be added as necessary.
Thank you for your understanding.
Haruo Kuramata, Principal of Shoshi High School
2020.5. 8 更新
1学年 課題一覧(5月7日 配信)
1学年_5月7日(木)現在の課題配信状況 >>
Continuing from April 22 and April 30, we will distribute the assignment distribution status of the list of assignments during school closure (As of May 7) with a password. The password will be sent to you by 39 emails from the 1st grade supervisor.
2020.5. 7 更新
進路だより No.4より
Double shock of university entrance examination reform and Corona! What will happen to the college entrance examination?
This year's college entrance examination (What the third year students took last year) has become extremely safety-oriented, avoiding the university entrance examination reform that will start next year. However, with the postponement of the use of private English exams and the cancellation of written questions, there have been no major changes.
Even so, problems are created with an average score of 50%, making problems inevitable.
In addition, because of the Corona Disasters, the integrated selection system (Admissions office entrance examination) and the school recommendation system (recommendation entrance examination) will be introduced without sufficient extracurricular activities, and it is expected that students will continue to aim for super stability like the entrance examinations this year.
In addition, if the economy continues to stagnate, there will be a strong movement toward stable science jobs, as in the case of the Lehman Shock, and it is expected that there will be a shortage of technical knowledge.
Either way, Corona's situation will force you to make major changes to the content and schedule of your exams (Is it possible to enter in September?), so be prepared to do what you can now.
News from career guidance No. 4
2020.5. 6 更新
文部科学省は第4回「大学入試のあり方に関する検討会議」を開催。 その中で、日本私立大学協会の小林氏は少子化時代の入学者選抜は「セレクション」ではなく「マッチング」の視点が重要だと強調しました。
特に私立大学は、入試は建学の精神を基軸として教育実践の第一歩であるという考え方があります。 これからの入試では基礎学力だけでなく、「学力」+「主体性」が評価されていきます。高校生のあなたにできることは、社会をよく観て自分が何をしたいのかを考えるのと同時に、求められる基礎学力を身に付けること。どちらかだけではマッチングは難しいですね。
進路だより No.2より抜粋
From Selection to Matching
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology held the fourth "Council for the Study of University Entrance Examinations". Mr. Kobayashi of the Japan Private University Association emphasized the importance of "matching" rather than "Selection" in the selection of students in the era of declining birthrate. Especially in private universities, there is an idea that entrance examinations are the first step to practice education based on the spirit of establishment.
From now on, in addition to basic academic ability, "academic ability" and "identity" will be evaluated. As a high school student, what you can do is to observe society and think about what you want to do, and at the same time, acquire the required basic academic ability. It is difficult to match only with either one.
News from career guidance No. 3
2020.5. 5 更新
日本英語検定協会【お知らせ 2020年度 第1回「英検」試験日程変更(延期)のお知らせ】>>
This is to inform you that the 1st STEP, which is scheduled to take place from Friday, May 29 to 31st Sunday, has been postponed as described above (transfer).
2020.5. 4 更新
"Shoshi, Never gives in to an invisible enemy"
Here is the article of Sports Hochi newspaper on April 29.
2020.5. 3 更新