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国際医療福祉大学 ⑰ 合格体験記(令和元年度卒業生)

 ・東北大学① 合格体験記 >> 東京都立大学② 合格体験記 >> 福島大学③ 合格体験記 >>
 福島大学④ 合格体験記 >> 福島大学⑤ 合格体験記 >>
 ・青山学院大学⑥ 合格体験記 >>
 法政大学⑦ 合格体験記 >> 関西学院大学⑧ 合格体験記 >> 立命館大学 ⑨ 合格体験記 >>
  ・同志社大学 ⑩ 合格体験記 >>
 日本女子大学 ⑪ 合格体験記 >>鎌倉女子大学 ⑫ 合格体験記 >>
 鎌倉女子大学 ⑬ 合格体験記 >> 昭和女子大学 ⑭ 合格体験記 >> 福島県立医科大学 ⑮ 合格体験記 >>
 ・東京電機大学 ⑯ 合格体験記 >>

『 メリハリ 』

国際医療福祉大学 視機能療法学科>>(指定校推薦)

普通科 総合進学コース 森田 千晶
(茶道部 ・ 須賀川市立長沼中学校出身)






 医療系の指定校推薦は、書類選考・面接・小論文で成り立ってます。私は、面接も小論文も大の苦手でとても苦労しました。面接は新聞やニュースを見て、幅広い知識を身につける。初めから終わりまで、気を抜かない。など色々大切なことがありますが、最後はやはり、笑顔だと思います。 面接官も人間なので、顔が暗い人よりも笑顔の人の方に好印象をもちます。一人で復習する時にスマホに面接練習を録音するのも面接の質を上げる方法の一つだと思います。小論文は、面接よりも苦手で大っきらいでした。小論文は、知識やまとめる力などが重要になってきます。そのため、本などをたくさん読む。ニュースを見て、その内容について自分だったらどっちの意見かな。と常に小論文のことを考えてました。そして、小論文は、ひたすら書いて慣れていくのがいいと思います。



【Shoshi Success Story】

International University of Health and Welfare >> 
Department of Health Care Medical Sciences
(Designated school recommendation Etrance Examination)

' You can't give up '

General Course Chiaki Morita
(Tea ceremony club ・ Graduated from Sukagawa City Naganuma Junior High School)

 I was not good at studying and didn't do much, and because I had an easy way of thinking about exams, I ran into many obstacles until I passed. I would like to share my story of failure with you, and I hope it will be beneficial to you.

 When I was a first-year high school student, I failed a prefectural high school, and I completely lost my motivation to study, thinking that everything else didn't matter. As a result, I began to think that I could get by even if my grades were bad, so I spent more time playing than studying. However, in the second year of high school, my deviation on mock exams became so low that I couldn't tell anyone about it, and that's when I started to study. I started studying one month before the exam, and by two weeks before the exam, I made my weak points clear and studied them thoroughly. After the test, I solved the mistakes as many times as I could and repeated them until I got a perfect score.
Next, I ran into the thick and high wall of deviation. I was not able to catch up with English immediately after I started studying it, so I worked hard on Japanese language and Japanese history problems.

 The medical school recommendation process consists of document screening, interviews, and essays. I was very bad at both interviews and essays, so I had a hard time with them. For the interview, I would look at newspapers and news to gain a broad knowledge of the subject. Don't let up from the beginning to the end. There are many important things like these, but in the end, I think it's all about smiling. Interviewers are human, so they have a better impression of people with a smile than those with a dark face. One way to improve the quality of your interview is to record your interview practice on your phone when you're reviewing alone. I hated the essay more than the interview, and I hated it a lot. The essay is more important for your knowledge and ability to summarize. For this reason, I read a lot of books and other materials. If I were watching the news, I wonder which side of the story I would be on, and I always think about the essay. I was always thinking about the essay. And I think it's good to get used to writing essays incessantly.


There are so many colleges and universities in Japan alone that you can't even begin to count them all. You may end up fighting with your parents about your choice of university, or you may feel depressed because your friends have decided on a different career path and you haven't yet. But, until the end of your life, you have to worry about it. Because you can only make your own path for yourself. I believe that a bright future awaits those who persevere until the very end. Those who give up halfway through their lives are as good as having thrown away half of theirs. I think it's a waste of time to throw away half of your life when you're only 17 years old. So, please work hard towards your goals until the end. However, no one can run as fast as they can at anything. Take breaks and work towards your goal. But I don't recommend you to linger. Enjoy the rest of your school life and try to achieve your goals.

It will be fun to expand your possibilities and have many options for your future career.

2020.11.12 更新

2024.8. 1 第3回・第4回学校見学会
2024.7.26 探究学習成果発表会決勝(3年特別進学コース)
2024.7.26 7月29日〜8月4日の日程
2024.7.24 学校見学会(第1回・第2回)
2024.7.20 7月22日〜7月28日の日程