【朝学】 前期期末考査に向けての学習 |
21(月) |
・敬老の日 |
22(火) |
・秋分の日 |
23(水) |
・平常授業 |
24(木) |
・前期期末考査1日目 |
25(金) |
・前期期末考査2日目 |
26(土) |
・週休 |
27(日) |
・情報処理検定 |
・ 9月24日(木),25日(金)・・・前期期末考査(1日目,2日目) ・ 【スクールバス略記号】 |
2020.9.19 更新
情報ソース (マネーポスト)>>
進路だより No.21より
3 characteristics of students who often fail credits, according to college faculty
[Trait 1] Postpone the problem.
For example, after a report is due, "Can I submit it now? A pattern that says something like, "We were unable to submit your work because we couldn't connect to the Internet. In most cases, this type of after-the-fact reporting will result in no credit being given. On the other hand, students who contact or consult with their instructors in advance about any kind of matter will often be considered.
[Trait 2] They do not know the basic manners of communication.
Students who fail to use respectful language or don't know normal email etiquette for faculty and university administrators. They do not give their name or affiliation in emails, do not use respectful language, or have one-sided requests written in their email.
[Trait 3] Unable to talk to anyone about it.
I can't use a computer, I've never used Word, I may not be able to pay my tuition fees... Many students feel embarrassed or bad about asking for help, even if they can handle it if they ask for it.
The same thing can be said for both high school and adult life. Let's make it a habit from now on not to put it off, to communicate properly, and to consult frequently.
News from career guidance No.21
2020.9.18 更新
(REQUEST to Parents) Transportation to and from school by car
We have received comments from some parents that the rules for picking up and dropping off students in private vehicles are not being followed.
Please pick up and drop off your child early in the morning, after school, on weekdays and on weekends on the north side of the road (on the side of the student bike parking lot).
2020.9.17 更新
放送日時:9月18日(金) 16時40分(予定)
On Thursday, September 3rd, we were interviewed by KFB Fukushima Broadcasting System.
In the segment "フジナッツ健のおじゃましま〜す" of ヨジデス, they will introduce Shoshi High School's classes that utilize ICT, school trips, and soccer club, etc. Please be sure to watch the program.
Air date and time: September 18 (Friday), 16:40
2020.9.16 更新
9月26日(土)から開催される「2020 河北新報旗・皇后杯東北大会」の組合せが決まりました。
女子サッカー部のページへ >>
The combination for the "2020 Kahoku Shimpo Flag and Empress Cup Tohoku Tournament" to be held from September 26, has been decided.
2020.9.15 更新
メラビアンの法則によると、情報の重要度を判断するのは、視覚情報(55%) > 聴覚情報(38%) > 言語情報(7%) の優先順位。
情報ソース(STADIUM Co., Ltd.) >>
進路だより No.21より
Let's capture web interview
College entrance exams are slowly starting to take place, but this year, due to the corona, many advanced schools and companies are conducting interviews on the web.
According to Merabian's Law, the priority for determining the importance of information is visual information (55%) > auditory information (38%) > verbal information (7%).
In a web interview, you may find yourself not looking at the camera when you try to see the other person's face, and there is a time lag between video and audio.
You must be aware of whether you are communicating in a way that "gets across" including rich facial expressions and body language. Here are a few things to keep in mind
(1) Pay attention to the noise and disturbances around you.
(2) Be aware of the reflection of the background.
(3) Fixed terminal
(4) Confirmation of clothing and charging.
(5) Confirmation of how to contact you when the web doesn't work properly, etc.
I believe that more and more After Corona will be conducting interviews on the web, not just for exams. Just like you're familiar with your phone, you should be able to use a web interview tool such as ZOOM.
Information Source (STADIUM Co., Ltd.) >>
News from career guidance No.21
2020.9.14 更新
進路だより No.20より
Increasingly local-oriented
The difficulty level of private universities has increased over the past few years due to the tightening of admission capacity since 2016. As if to avoid this, the number of applicants for the 2020 entrance exam began to decline, and the trend of aspirations continues today.
In 38 prefectures in Japan this year, perhaps due in part to the effects of the corona, the percentage of applicants to local universities is higher in 38 prefectures than in the previous year, indicating a trend of increasing local orientation. Some of the top-ranked students in these regions are not aiming for top-tier universities outside the prefecture, but rather are settling for mid-tier universities in their hometowns. Safety-oriented due to entrance exam reforms and local orientation due to corona. It seems to be an unpredictable examination.
Incidentally, the percentages of applicants to local universities are decreasing in Iwate, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Aichi, Tottori, Ehime, Kochi, Fukuoka and Nagasaki.
News from career guidance No.20
2020.9.13 更新
【朝学】 スタディサプリ通年講座(A:国語,B:数学) |
14(月) |
・平常授業 |
15(火) |
・平常授業 |
16(水) |
・基調教育(6校時/各教室) |
17(木) |
・平常授業 |
18(金) |
・平常授業 |
19(土) |
・特進授業日(2,3年) |
20(日) |
(SBは休日用運行経路) |
・9月16日(水)・・・基調教育(6校時・各教室),清掃なし ・9月19日(土)・・・1学年部会,コース系説明会,学級懇談会 9:00~9:15(受付),9:15~10:00(1学年部会・第一体育館) 10:15~11:00(コース/系説明会,第一体育館/スカイホール/B303) 11:15~(学級懇談会/各教室) 【スクールバス略記号】 |
2020.9.12 更新
1年生 コース・系説明会
科 |
1年 | 2〜3年の系・コース |
普通科 特別進学 |
共通 |
人文社会探究系(文系の国公立大学、難関私立大学を目指す) |
普通科 総合進学 |
共通 |
文系(文系の四年制大学、短期大学等を目指す) |
情報総合科 | 共通 |
コンピュータビジネス コース(情報・工業・商業分野をはじめとする各方面への進学や就職を目指す) |
2020.9.11 更新