On August 29, 2020, we participated in the 74th Fukushima Prefecture Chorus Contest held at the Main Hall of the Kenshin Koriyama Cultural Center.
2020.9. 1 更新
学校見学会 部活動・体験見学会 8/30
Continuing from the previous day, open school tour and club activities and experiences were held.
2020.8.31 更新
学校見学会 部活動・体験見学会 8/29
In order to avoid the Three Cs(Crowded places, Close-contact settings, Confined and enclosed spaces), we took every possible measure to prevent not only infection but also heat stroke, for example, by separating the hall for junior high school students and their parents and broadcasting the event live. Thank you to all those who participated in this event.
2020.8.30 更新
【朝学】 到達度テスト連動課題(A:国語,B:数学) |
31(月) |
・平常授業 |
1(火) |
・平常授業 |
2(水) |
・平常授業 |
3(木) |
・・防衛/防衛医科大学校受験説明会(放課後) |
4(金) |
・平常授業(清掃なし) |
5(土) |
・特進授業日 |
6(日) |
(SBは休日用運行経路) |
・ 8月31日(月)・・・内科検診⑭(一部変更) ・9月3日(木) 9:00~9:40(1校時),9:50~10:30(2校時),10:40~11:20(3校時), 11:30~12:10(4校時),12:10~12:55(昼休み),12:55~13:40(5校時), 13:50~14:35(6校時),14:45~15:30(7校時), 15:35~15:50(清掃)掃),15:55~16:00(SHR) ・9月4日(金) (清掃なし) 14:55(6校時終了),15:00~15:05(SHR),15:15~16:00(7校時) 【スクールバス略記号】 |
2020.8.29 更新
バドミントン部のページへ >>
The results of the "66th Fukushima Prefecture High School Athletic Conference Badminton Replacement Tournament", which was the last official match for the 3rd year students.
2020.8.28 更新
家計急変による奨学給付金申請(県内在住者用・県外在住者用)のご案内を 保護者の皆様へ >> に掲載しました。
Information on applying for scholarships due to sudden changes in family finances (for residents in and out of prefecture) has been posted at To Parents >> .
2020.8.27 更新
On August 24, post-summer break instruction was held and the principal and the director of student guidance provided broadcast instruction.
In addition, the Principal's Cup, a competition to see who could make the best use of their learning during the break, was held using iPads.
2020.8.26 更新
令和3年度大学入学者選抜での新型コロナウイルス感染症対策に伴う各大学等の試験期日及び試験実施上の配慮等の対応状況について >>
☆ 福島大学のコロナ対応(一部抜粋)☆
進路だより No.18より
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has summarized the response to the novel coronavirus in the selection process for university students in 2021.
☆ Fukushima University's Corona Response (excerpt) ☆
●There will be no change in the scope of the Individual Achievement Test for the General Selection. The assessment of independence based on questionnaires will be foregone. The scope of the questionnaire is not changed.
●In the Arts and Expression Course, there will not be an examination with singing, but instead a video submission. In the event of cancellation or postponement of a competition in which you were scheduled to participate, we are considering the process of making an effort to participate in the competition in which you were scheduled to participate. In the Department of Food and Agricultural Sciences, due to the expected cancellation or postponement of qualifications and examinations, the eligibility of applicants will not be questioned. and etc.
※Be sure to check each university's website for changes in entrance examinations.
News from career guidance No.18
2020.8.25 更新
スクールバス 9月会員手続き(8/31まで)
The school bus membership ticket process for September is open until August 31.
2020.8.24 更新
「保護者の皆様へ」のページへ >>
The above is a guide to applying for scholarship benefits for high school students in Fukushima Prefecture due to a sudden change in family finances.
2020.8.23 更新