学校法人尚志学園 尚志高等学校〒963-0201 郡山市大槻町字坦ノ腰2番地TEL: 024-951-3500  FAX : 024-962-0208








Online Student Assembly

The Student Assembly was held on Wednesday, October 28.
In each classroom, students used iPads to review documents and vote on the resolutions for and against.
The question-and-answer session was also conducted via iPad.

2020.10.29 更新



3位:製造業 (同4.82%減、同52万人減)
4位:生活関連サービス業・娯楽業(同2.47% 、同6万人減)


 経済産業者によると、コロナの影響を最も受けた業種は、4位の生活関連サービス業・娯楽としていて、ここにはプロスポーツやテーマパークなども含まれます。逆に、コロナ禍にあっても業績を伸ばしている業種もあります。どんなところか考えてみましょう。(参照 https://limo.media/articles/-/19849?page=4 )

時代の期待(ジダイのノゾミ)とは...【尚志高等学校 校歌1番より】 >>

進路だより No.27より

Industries with fewer workers due to the corona disaster

According to the latest Labor Force Survey (August 2020) released by the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the number of workers as of August 2020 was 66.76 million, a decrease of 750,000 from the same month last year. The industries that experienced a significant decrease are as follows

No. 1: Accommodation & Services (-6.68% YoY, -280,000)
No. 2: Agriculture and forestry (-4.93%, -110,000)
No. 3: Manufacturing (-4.82%, -520,000)
No. 4: lifestyle-related services and entertainment (2.47%, down 60,000)

 The effects of the GoTo campaign have been limited, and there is still no indication that the number of workers will return to pre-Corona disaster levels. In the agricultural and forestry industries, demand for food outlets has been sluggish due to the corona disaster, and the number of places to sell agricultural products seems to have decreased. In the manufacturing industry, auto manufacturers and others have been shutting down their plants one after another, and my acquaintance said that the number of work days has been greatly reduced.

 According to the economists, the fourth most affected industry sector by the corona was lifestyle-related services and entertainment, which also includes professional sports and theme parks. On the other hand, there are some industries that are performing well despite the corona disaster. Let's consider what they are like. (See https://limo.media/articles/-/19849?page=4)

Where the title "Expectations of the times" from?【Shoshi High School Song】 >>

News from career guidance No.27

2020.10.28 更新





進路だより No.27より

Can you enjoy any change and see everything as an opportunity to challenge yourself?

 I hope that everyone who is considering a career path will enjoy the various opportunities available to them now. With the development of technology nowadays, anyone can gather information if they want to. Please always try to gather new information, including what's popular. In addition, more and more universities are focusing on integrating the humanities and sciences, and I think it is important to be exposed to technology regardless of your choice of subjects. Nowadays, you can experience programming and other things on the Internet, right? I encourage you to learn as much as you can without setting up barriers in your mind.

 If you can, I recommend that you make contact with working people. If it's difficult, you can also make contacts with students at universities or other schools. Try to get in touch with as many different communities as possible and expose yourself to diverse ideas, such as by attending events.

 I believe that these actions will have a significant impact on your future career and career path. If you find something you like, take action. If you take one step, you can change the world.

News from career guidance No.27

2020.10.27 更新


 1年生は2年次からのコース・系を決める時期となりました。 円グラフ内の数字は、「1年生秋に成績のよかった人の中で文理を決定している割合(ベネッセ調べ)」です。自分の進路についてしっかり考えていると、前向きに学習に取り組めるきっかけにもなります。逆に、いつも前向きに学習している人は、自分の将来についても真剣に考える人。つまり、自分の進路を考えることは、成績を向上させるための必要十分条件(数学Ⅰで学習)ですね。



進路だより No.26より


The point is understanding yourself when...

 It's time for first year students to decide on their courses and systems for the second year and beyond. The number in the pie chart is the percentage of students with good grades in the fall of their first year who have decided on a course of study (according to Benesse). Thinking carefully about your career path can give you the opportunity to approach your studies with a positive attitude. On the other hand, a person who is always studying positively is also a person who thinks seriously about his or her future. So, thinking about your career path is a necessary and sufficient condition for improving your grades (studied in Math I).

 Deciding on a course or system will affect not only the rest of your high school life, but also your future career after college and in the future. You should choose a course and a course of study based on what you like to do and what you want to be. When choosing a liberal arts and sciences course, it is important to have an understanding of yourself.

 It is not a good idea to create a boundary between the humanities and sciences, saying "I am a humanities student, so I am not good at numbers" or "I am a science student, so I am not good at reading". Regardless of which course you choose to take, you should always keep in mind the importance of integrating the humanities and sciences.

News from career guidance No.26

2020.10.26 更新




On October 23, a guardian meeting was held for 3rd graders.
After the vice principal's opening remarks and an explanation from the 3rd grade leaders, the parents were divided into two groups: those who wanted to go on to higher education and those who wanted to find a job.

2020.10.25 更新





 SB ①~⑥15:40,①②⑤⑥18:45   


 SB ①~⑥16:15,①②⑤⑥18:45   


 SB ①~⑥15:40,①②⑤⑥18:45


 SB ①~⑥16:15,①②⑤⑥18:45


 SB ①~⑥15:40,①②⑤⑥18:45


 SB ①②A⑥13:00,①②A⑥17:00



・ 10月28日(水)・・・基調教育・定例生徒総会
11:30~12:10(4校時),12:10~12:55(昼休み), 12:55~13:35(5校時),

9:00~9:40(1校時),9:50~10:30(2校時), 10:40~11:20(3校時),
11:30~12:10(4校時),12:10~12:55(昼休み), 12:55~13:35(5校時),
13:45~14:15(秋季防災訓練), 14:40~14:55(清掃),

①系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・うねめ通り方面
②系統 喜久田・富田・八山田方面
③系統 さくら通り、郡山駅経由、うねめ通り方面
④系統 学校発、静御前通り方面
⑤系統 緑ヶ丘・安積永盛方面
⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面

①系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・うねめ通り方面
②系統 喜久田・富田・八山田方面
⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面
A系統 緑ヶ丘始発、郡山駅発、文化通り方面

⑥系統 泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川方面
B系統 本宮・日和田・富久山・郡山駅・うねめ通り方面

■下校用 平日【月~金曜日】
●15:40発...月・水・金曜日 ※課外授業実施日は16:35発に変更
①系統「本宮」方面:学校 → (うねめ通り) → 日和田・ 富久山 → 本宮
②系統「喜久田」方面:学校 → 富田 → 喜久田
変形③系統「郡山駅」方面:学校 → (文化通り) → 郡山駅
変形⑤系統「緑ヶ丘」方面:学校 → (南インター線) → 安積永盛駅 → (4号線) → 郡山駅 → 緑ヶ丘
⑥系統「泉崎・矢吹・鏡石・須賀川」方面:学校 → 須賀川市内 → 鏡石駅 → 矢吹 → 泉崎

●16:00発...月・水・金曜日 ※課外授業実施日は16:35発に変更
変形④系統「郡山駅」方面:学校 → (文化通り) → 郡山駅


18:45発 月~金曜日(郡山駅下車の人数が多い場合は1系統で対応)




2020.10.24 更新

昭和女子大学 ⑭ 合格体験記(令和元年度卒業生)

 ・東北大学① 合格体験記 >> 東京都立大学② 合格体験記 >> 福島大学③ 合格体験記 >>
 福島大学④ 合格体験記 >> 福島大学⑤ 合格体験記 >>
 ・青山学院大学⑥ 合格体験記 >>
 法政大学⑦ 合格体験記 >> 関西学院大学⑧ 合格体験記 >> 立命館大学 ⑨ 合格体験記 >>
  ・同志社大学 ⑩ 合格体験記 >>
 日本女子大学 ⑪ 合格体験記 >>鎌倉女子大学 ⑫ 合格体験記 >>
 鎌倉女子大学 ⑬ 合格体験記 >>

『 抱えこまないこと 』

昭和女子大学 日本語日本文学科 >>(指定校推薦)

普通科 総合進学コース  鹿又 美羽










【Shoshi Success Story】

Showa Women's University >> 
(Designated School Recommendation Entrance Examination)

Department of Japanese Language and Literature

'Don't have to do it alone'

General Course  Miu Kanomata
(Graduated from Funehiki Junior High School)

 I passed the entrance examination of Showa Women's University on the recommendation of a designated school. I decided to take the entrance exam around the summer of my third year, and until then I had no concrete dreams and spent a long period of time in a quandary. I can't give you a great deal of advice on how to win the entrance exam, but based on the above experience, I would like to write about what I would like you to do when you are lost.

 When you are making a decision on your future career path, you will always get lost. Especially for those of you who are worried because of the changes in the Center Test. There are a huge number of universities and vocational schools out there, and some of you may find it hard to decide which one to choose. In such cases, what I want you to be aware of is that you should not feel alone. It may seem like an obvious thing to say, but this act of confiding in someone has helped me a lot.

 I went up to my junior year without a clear goal in mind, and because of this impatience, I had an unstable period of time when I suddenly changed the department I wanted to go to and looked up reviews all over the internet. I don't think I wasted my time worrying about it, but in the end, no matter how much I worried about it on my own, I couldn't be convinced, and in the end, it was the words of my teachers and friends that guided me.

 In the end, it was the words of my teachers and friends that guided me. I am currently aiming to become a Japanese language teacher, and I was inspired by the words of a friend who suggested that I should become a teacher. I decided to apply to my current university because of my teachers' suggestions that this is the best place to go for literature courses. If I hadn't consulted with my friends and teachers, none of them would have even been an option for me. If you're on your own, it's easy to lose sight of things, and like me, you may not be able to find the answer you want. When that happens, don't hesitate to talk to someone else. The final decision is yours, but there may be an opportunity to open up a hole in your life that you didn't expect.


You may have heard this phrase so many times before, but I think it's the most important thing you can do. I think this is the most important thing to remember, especially for those who are considering recommending a designated school. If you do what you need to do and work diligently, your grades will naturally go up. Be sure to work hard at what you need to do and what you can do now to expand your options. There is no harm in being diligent.

There may be many hardships ahead, but I am supporting you from the bottom of my heart so that your future will be a bright one. Hang in there and you will be fine!

2020.10.23 更新


準決勝に進出 東北高校女子サッカー

女子サッカー部のページヘ >> click

Advances to Semi-Finals, Tohoku High School girls' soccer

2020.10.22 更新

鎌倉女子大学-2 ⑬ 合格体験記(令和元年度卒業生)

 ・東北大学① 合格体験記 >> 東京都立大学② 合格体験記 >> 福島大学③ 合格体験記 >>
 福島大学④ 合格体験記 >> 福島大学⑤ 合格体験記 >>
 ・青山学院大学⑥ 合格体験記 >>
 法政大学⑦ 合格体験記 >> 関西学院大学⑧ 合格体験記 >> 立命館大学 ⑨ 合格体験記 >>
  ・同志社大学 ⑩ 合格体験記 >>
 日本女子大学 ⑪ 合格体験記 >>  ・鎌倉女子大学 ⑫ 合格体験記 >>

『 自分をよく知る 』

鎌倉女子大学 家政保健学科 >>(指定校推薦)

普通科 総合進学コース  冠木 七虹
(茶道部 ・ 郡山市立郡山第七中学校)









【Shoshi Success Story】

Kamakura Women's University >> 
(Designated School Recommendation Entrance Examination)

Department of Home Economics and Health Sciences

'Know yourself well'

General Course   Nanako Kabuki
(Graduated from Koriyama 7th Junior High School)

 I didn't take the designated school recommendation, but instead took the AO entrance examination and the open application system recommendation. In the preparation period for the AO entrance examination, the last career survey was due to be submitted. At that time, I thought it was OK to end it with the AO entrance examination, so I wrote the name of the university I was going to study at in a random way.

 After that, the AO entrance examination was over, and the teachers had a meeting about recommendations. I regretted it very much. Many times I wondered why I didn't discuss it with my teachers when I still had time to think about the research I should have done then. There was a person who took the same university as I did, but was rejected by the AO exam. However, he had chosen his next target university from the list of recommended schools, and he passed the entrance exam on his second attempt. I regretted it very much because it was an open recommendation and I was not guaranteed to be accepted. However, I didn't have time to be discouraged. I tried my best to pass the open recommendation, but I couldn't pass it and had to take the center and general entrance exams.

 What I learned from this experience is that it is important to know yourself properly. Because I neglected to know myself properly, I ended up taking four entrance exams like this. I think it is important to think carefully before taking action, even if you get rejected, so that you can recommend to the next entrance examination without dwelling on it. What you should do is to listen to the advice of your homeroom teacher, your club activities teacher, your favorite teacher, your guidance counselor, and other people who have experienced college, junior college, vocational school, or employment before you take the entrance examination. By doing so, you will be able to pave the way to success, which will allow you to go to the university you want to go to. By looking at yourself at this time of the entrance examination, the information you get will be useful in the future.



 Three years of high school life passes in an instant, so I think it's better to enjoy high school life to the fullest. I regret that I should have played a little more and enjoyed school life with my friends a little more, because from my first year in high school to my third year in high school, I was immersed in studying all the time. I think studying and having fun in moderation is the key to enjoying high school life.

 During the examination period, the support of your teachers and friends is the most important factor in coping with the stress of the examinations; therefore, please do your best to influence each other, make friends who can work hard together and consult with each other, and find a teacher who thinks about you and works hard together.

2020.10.21 更新

鎌倉女子大学-1 ⑫ 合格体験記(令和元年度卒業生)

 ・東北大学① 合格体験記 >> 東京都立大学② 合格体験記 >> 福島大学③ 合格体験記 >>
 福島大学④ 合格体験記 >> 福島大学⑤ 合格体験記 >>
 ・青山学院大学⑥ 合格体験記 >>
 法政大学⑦ 合格体験記 >> 関西学院大学⑧ 合格体験記 >> 立命館大学 ⑨ 合格体験記 >>
  ・同志社大学 ⑩ 合格体験記 >>
 日本女子大学 ⑪ 合格体験記 >>

『 なりたい自分に近づくために 』

鎌倉女子大学 管理栄養学科 >>(指定校推薦)

普通科 総合進学コース 橋本 麗愛
(演劇部 ・ 郡山市立明健中学校出身)












【Shoshi Success Story】

Kamakura Women's University >> 
(Designated School Recommendation Entrance Examination)

Department of Dietetics and Nutrition

'To get closer to a women I want to be'

General Course  Reia Hashimoto
(Graduated from Meiken Junior High School)

 I would like to write about what I think about these three years.

 First of all, I failed the prefectural high school in Koriyama City and entered this Shoshi High School. At first, I was not motivated to go to school, because I didn't want to go to school because I failed the entrance examination. However, I changed my mind and decided to do my best for one year and did club activities and studies without any problems.

 In my second year of school, I chose science without deciding on a particular career path. At that time, I just wanted to keep my grades up.

 In my third year, I finally started to think about my career path. I couldn't imagine what I wanted to do or what I wanted to be, so I consulted with many different teachers and received advice. Then I decided to become a dietitian. The reason I decided to become a nutritionist was because my grandmother died of an illness. My grandmother said "I want to eat delicious food" and I wanted to support people who suffer from illnesses like her from a nutritional point of view.

 Since I came to Soshi, I wanted to use the designated school recommendation system. There were not many schools where I could qualify as a Registered Dietitian, and there were some courses that I could not choose from, so I was very worried. I had maintained my grades since my freshman year, so I was okay, but I struggled to raise my deviation as much as I wanted. Even though I received a recommendation from a designated school, it didn't mean that I had passed the exam, so I didn't let up and did every possible measure with my teacher. I had an interview that lasted only about five minutes, but I was able to calmly answer questions that I hadn't practiced. I think it's better to memorize key words at the interview, not sentences you've prepared, so you can respond better to questions you haven't practiced.

 I had a lot of worries and pains in the process of realizing my higher education, but I was able to come to this point with the support of my teachers and parents. When you are in trouble, please don't keep it to yourself, but ask for help. There are many people who will help you. Please believe in yourself and do your best. I will support you.


 Three years of high school life passes in an instant, so I think it's better to enjoy high school life to the fullest. I regret that I should have played a little more and enjoyed school life with my friends a little more, because from my first year in high school to my third year in high school, I was immersed in studying all the time. I think studying and having fun in moderation is the key to enjoying high school life.

 During the examination period, the support of your teachers and friends is the most important factor in coping with the stress of the examinations; therefore, please do your best to influence each other, make friends who can work hard together and consult with each other, and find a teacher who thinks about you and works hard together.

2020.10.20 更新