学校法人尚志学園 尚志高等学校〒963-0201 郡山市大槻町字坦ノ腰2番地TEL: 024-951-3500  FAX : 024-962-0208





準決勝へ 東北高校女子サッカー



  10月19日 福島民報新聞より

Our team defeated North Asia University Meio High School, 1st representative of Akita Prefecture, 3-0 to advance to the Semi-Finals.

2020.10.21 更新


優秀賞第一席 受賞






Excellence Award, First Prize

Good morning, everyone. I am Shun Sato, who played the role of Windy in "A Starry Skies Like Falling Stars".

We have been selected to participate in the prefectural high school drama contests held at the Miharu Exchange Theater Mahora from Tuesday, October 6 to Thursday, October 8, where we won the first prize for excellence and were chosen to participate in the higher level competition. We had to make plays in an environment where we were not able to practice and prepare to our satisfaction. However, as a result of the diligent efforts of all the members to create a play that would move the audience, we are very happy to receive this grade.

We received a lot of advice from the judges, and as we have some points to reflect on, we would like to make corrections and work hard to advance to the next stage.

I would like to express my gratitude to the members of the drama league for this production, to our teachers for their earnest guidance in creating our play, and to our families who came to see the play despite their busy schedules. We, the Shoshi High School Drama Club, will continue to do our best to create the best performance we can for those who come to see our plays. Thank you very much.

2020.10.16 更新


第48回福島県高校新人体育大会バドミントン競技 県中地区大会

 1、2年生の新チームとなり初の公式戦、新人戦地区大会で素晴らしい成績を収めました。 女子学校対抗ではこれまで輝かしい実績を収めた先輩に続き15年連続の優勝を勝ち取りました。


 個人戦ダブルスでは、県大会への出場が14ペアという厳しい予選の中、優勝ペアをはじめ高校からバドミントン競技を始めたペアが出場権を獲得するなど大きく飛躍しました。 また、シングルスでも140人中14人とダブルス同様厳しい出場枠でしたが5名の選手が県大会への出場権を得ました。



■第48回福島県高校新人体育大会バドミントン競技 県中地区大会


 ●女子学校対抗 優勝

 ●女子ダブルス 優勝 草野 穂楓(2年普通科)・ 星 夢(1年普通科)組
          3位 佐藤 結菜(2年普通科)・ 近藤 らら(1年普通科)組

 ●県大会出場権獲得 瀧澤 直央(2年普通科)・ 渡邉 凜(2年普通科)
            佐藤 陽菜(1年情報総合科)・ 寺澤 璃咲(1年普通科)

 ●女子シングルス 2位 佐藤結菜(2年普通科)
           3位 星 夢(1年普通科)
           3位 草野 穂楓(2年普通科)

 ●県大会出場権獲得  近藤 らら(1年普通科)  佐藤 陽菜(1年普通科)

 As a new team of freshmen and sophomores, we won our first official game and our first rookie regional tournament with great results.
 In the girls' inter-school competition, we followed in the footsteps of our seniors, who have achieved glorious results in the past, and won the title for the 15th consecutive year.
 In the individual doubles competition, although the qualifying round for the prefectural tournament was tough with only 14 pairs able to compete, the winning pair and other pairs who started playing badminton in high school made a great leap forward by qualifying for the tournament.
 In the singles competition, 14 out of 140 players qualified for the doubles competition, which was just as difficult as the doubles competition, but 5 players were able to qualify for the prefectural tournament.
 Regardless of ability or experience, we are all working hard every day to achieve our goals. Some retired 3rd year students also took time out of their schooling activities to practice with us for this tournament.
 With a sense of gratitude and confidence, the team will continue to work hard to prepare for the prefectural tournament in December. Thank you for your support!

2020.10.13 更新


第29回全日本高等学校女子サッカー選手権大会東北大会 組合せ


第29回全日本高等学校女子サッカー選手権大会東北大会 組合せ >>

The above is the combination of the 29th All Japan Girls' High School Soccer Championship Tohoku Tournament.

2020.10. 7 更新




  【9月27日 福島民報新聞】

The above are the results of the prefectural high school alternative swimming competition as reported in the Fukushima Minpo newspaper.

2020.9.29 更新


第29回全日本高等学校女子サッカー選手権大会 福島県大会



 準決勝 vs 磐城桜が丘高校 10-0 ○
 決勝  vs ふたば未来学園高校 3-0


The 29th All Japan Girls' High School Soccer Tournament, Fukushima

On September 13th and 21st,  We took part in the above mentioned tournament at the Juroku-numa Park soccer field. The team won the final match against Futaba Mirai Gakuen High School and became the first winner of the tournament following the Empress Cup tournament held recently.

In October, the Tohoku tournament will be held and the top three schools will be given the right to participate in the national tournament. We will continue to work hard in the future to achieve good results in the Tohoku tournament as well, as we work towards our goal of participating in the national tournament. Thank you very much for your support.

 Semifinal vs. Iwaki Sakuragaoka High School 10-0 ○
 Final vs. Futaba Future Gakuen High School 3-0

2020.9.24 更新






Following our 1st victory at the Empress Cup All Japan Women's Soccer Championship Fukushima Prefecture, we won the prefectural tournament for High School Women's soccer players.

The above is an article from Sports Nippon on September 22.

2020.9.23 更新


2020 河北新報旗・皇后杯東北大会組合せ

■日程: 令和2年9月26日(土)・27日(日)・10月3日(土)

■会場: 山形県総合運動公園サッカー場・ラグビー場

※ 東北大会は原則無観客での実施となります。

2020 河北新報旗・皇后杯東北大会組合せ表 >> (click)

2020 Kahoku Shimpo Flag and Empress Cup Tohoku Tournament Schedule

Dates: Saturday, September 26, 27 and Saturday, October 3, 2020

Venue: Yamagata General Sports Park Soccer Field and Rugby Ground
     Miyagi Co-op Megumino Soccer Field

※ In principle, the Tohoku Conference will be held without an audience.

2020.9.15 更新


一般財団法人 全日本・関東大学サッカー連盟様よりボールの寄付

一般財団法人全日本・関東大学サッカー連盟(JUFA)様 >> より、大学サッカー公式戦で使用されている株式会社ミカサの公式球をご寄付いただきました。郡山市内のサッカーを頑張る選手のためにと、実際に大学サッカーの公式戦で使用されているボールをご寄付いただき、心から感謝申し上げます。




Donation of balls from All Japan Kanto University Soccer Federation

We are grateful to the All Japan and Kanto University Football Association (JUFA) for donating official Mikasa Corporation balls that are used in official university football matches. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the JUFA for donating the balls that are actually used in official university soccer matches to help the hardworking soccer players in Koriyama City.

The donated balls will be given to junior and senior high schools in Koriyama City that are in need and will be used with great care.

Kanto University Soccer Federation Home Page >> >>

Many alumni are still active in college soccer today.
Currently, the Kanto University Soccer Federation is streaming a live stream of league games on YouTube, so please check it out.

2020.9.10 更新


一般財団法人 全日本・関東大学サッカー連盟様よりボールの寄付



関東大学サッカー連盟 ホームページ >>


Donation of balls from All Japan Kanto University Soccer Federation

We are grateful to the All Japan and Kanto University Football Association (JUFA) for donating official Mikasa Corporation balls that are used in official university football matches. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the JUFA for donating the balls that are actually used in official university soccer matches to help the hardworking soccer players in Koriyama City.

The donated balls will be given to junior and senior high schools in Koriyama City that are in need and will be used with great care.

Kanto University Soccer Federation Home Page >> >>

Many alumni are still active in college soccer today.
Currently, the Kanto University Soccer Federation is streaming a live stream of league games on YouTube, so please check it out.

2020.9.10 更新