■締切 9月30日(水)
2020.9. 3 更新
合宿 in 北塩原村
Training Camp in Kitashiobara Village
The training camp was held at the Nature Center in Kitashiobara Village, where the participants were thoroughly warmed up and disinfected with alcohol.
The participants were able to train in the cool, natural environment of Kitashiobara Village and were able to concentrate more than usual.
2020.9. 3 更新
1回戦 vs ビバーチェ会津 17-0○
準決勝 vs 桜の聖母学院高校 3-0○
決 勝 vs ふたば未来学園高校 4-0
The Empress Cup JFA 42nd All Japan Women's Football Championship
On August 29th and 30th, I participated in the above mentioned tournament at Koriyama City Seibu Soccer Ground. In the final, the team defeated Futaba Mirai Gakuen High School, which had not won a single game last year, and became the first winner of the tournament.
The Tohoku tournament will be held at the end of September. We will continue to work hard to improve for the Tohoku tournament.
Thank you very much for your support in the hot weather.
1st round vs. Vivace Aizu 17-0 ○
Semifinal vs. Sakura no seibo Gakuin High School 3-0 ○
Winner vs. Futaba Mirai Gakuen High School 4-0
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
2020.9. 2 更新
8月30日 福島民報新聞
The activities of the graduates were featured in the Fukushima Minpo newspaper.
2020.9. 1 更新
第74回福島県合唱コンクール 銅賞(福島民報新聞)
【2020年8月30日 福島民報新聞】
On Saturday, August 29, 2020, we participated in the 74th Fukushima Prefecture Chorus Contest held at the Main Hall of the Kenshin Koriyama Cultural Center. Due to the spread of the novel Coronavirus, the National Convention and the Tohoku Convention were cancelled this year, as well as the visits to nursing homes, kindergartens and hospitals that we made last year. would like to thank you from the bottom of our heart.
We were able to fully demonstrate the results of our practice in that great hall. We were able to participate in the competition and receive our first bronze award.
The 3rd year students are retiring from this competition and we hope that our younger colleagues will continue to create an even better chorus.
2020.8.31 更新
●女子学校対抗 準優勝
●女子ダブルス 3位 梅津・加藤 組
3位 阿部・日下 組
5位 草野・星 組
●女子シングル 準優勝 阿部 風花
5位 日下 智晶
5位 加藤 綾菜
It was a great match with close matches in all events.
In the women's singles, Fuka Abe won the semi-finals even though she hung up her leg, and she never gave up in the finals.
This was the last official match for the third year students, but they will carry on the tradition of their seniors' great play and tradition with the younger students.
We will continue to do our best!
2020.8.27 更新
今春の卒業生 染野 唯月選手 >> の活躍ぶりを各紙が取り上げています。
【8月13日 福島民報新聞】 【8月13日 福島民友新聞】
【8月17日 福島民友新聞】
【8月9日 福島民友新聞】
【7月15日 福島民報新聞】
2020.8.19 更新
福島県高校総体バドミントン競技代替大会 兼 1年生大会
●女子学校対抗 優勝
優勝 梅津 茉(3年普通科)・加藤 綾菜(3年普通科)
2位 阿部 風花(3年普通科)・日下 智晶(3年普通科)
3位 草野 穂楓(2年普通科)・星 夢(1年普通科)
3位 佐藤 結菜(2年普通科)・近藤 らら(1年普通科)
優勝 阿部 風花(3年普通科)
2位 日下 智晶(3年普通科)
3位 加藤 綾菜(3年普通科)
3位 梅津 茉那(3年普通科)
優勝 野崎 奈音
From August 5 to 7 at the Seibu No. 2 Gymnasium, the team achieved excellent results at the Fukushima Prefecture High School Sports Sports Sports Badminton Tournament and First Year Tournament.
While many games were cancelled due to Corona, an alternate tournament was held with the help of many people. It had been a long time since the tournament was held, but the players performed admirably and finished in the top half of the district.
They also won the first-year tournament for players who started playing in high school, and won the tournament completely.
The Shoshi style, in which both experienced and novice players practice together, and the steady efforts we make every day, bore fruit in this tournament. We will continue to do our best with Shoshi Style!
2020.8.10 更新
今春の卒業生 染野 唯月選手 >> が、鹿島アントラーズチャンネル stand.fm >> でファンから寄せられた質問に回答(1分07秒〜3分25秒)しています。
「座右の銘は?」という質問には、仲村 浩二 監督から教わった言葉『前後裁断』と答えています。またU-19日本代表合宿に参加しての感想についても述べられています。
This spring graduate, Itsuki Someno answers questions from fans on 、Kashima Antlers Channel stand.fm >> (from 1m07s to 3m25s).
"What's your motto?" In response to the question, he answered "Cutting Back and Forth", a phrase he learned from football coach Koji Nakamura.
He also talked about his impressions of the U-19 National Team Training Camp.
2020.8. 4 更新