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【福島民報 6月1日】


The women's soccer inter-Highschool Championships of the Fukushima-pref started at Hirono Town Soccer Stadium on the 31st. In the first match, Shoshi High School won its first official game with Sakura no Seibo Gakuin 2-1 and won its first official game.

Shoshi High School, which set up a women's soccer team this spring, beat Sakura no Seibo Gakuin, which has won three consecutive prefectural championships. The score was tied just after, but the team won more than it won.

Feeling glorious history, same uniform as men's soccer team

In its first official game since its establishment, Shoshi High School won its first victory over Sakura no Seibo Gakuin, which has won three consecutive championships.

Captain Juna Sato (1st Grade) said with a smile, "I was able to run to the end.".

Before the game, the players wore the same deep red-colored uniform as the men's team for the first time.

"We played with a sense of glorious tradition. Since the team is only for 1st graders, there are a lot of tasks to be done.  But I will try our best not to lose in competition and exercise." Sato said.

From Fukushima Minpo Newspaper, June 1st 2019

2019.6. 1 更新


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