学校法人尚志学園 尚志高等学校〒963-0201 郡山市大槻町字坦ノ腰2番地TEL: 024-951-3500  FAX : 024-962-0208






作:伊藤弘成 潤色:尚志高校演劇部

優秀演技賞 渡邉 柚季





The 70 Fukushima Prefectural Junior and Senior High School Drama Federation Autumn Contest

Performances: "SAKHALIN"

written by Hironari ITO, Embellished by Shoshi High School Theater Company

First Prize

Excellence Performance Award: Yuzuki Watanabe

Good morning. I'm Kakeru Izumi, who was in charge of the production this time. The competition was held from October 1 to October 3, and the performance was successfully finished as the final day of the competition. Also, we received many words such as "I was moved.", "I can't stop crying." and "Thank you." from judges and visitors. Thank you for calling.

I won the first prize in this tournament and got a ticket to the prefectural tournament. I think the performance of the real performance was good, but when I look back on my usual practice situation, there are many points to reflect on. As I was about to be crushed by anxiety during the performance, I would like to be able to perform with confidence in the next performance. A few days after the performance, the feeling of "Is this okay?" has become stronger and more restless. I want to practice so that I can put my heart out next time because it is a play that I created in cooperation with seniors and teachers.

We, the drama club of Shoshi High School, would like to continue our activities aiming at the performance that will impress the audience, so please support us.

2019.10. 8 更新


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