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73rd Fukushima High School Engeki Competition

Good morning, everyone. I'm Yuzuki Watanabe, who played "Chieko Fujisaki" in "SAKHALIN". A large number of people came to the Fukushima Prefecture Drama Contest held in Arios, Iwaki Art and Culture Center, from November 22 (Fri) to 24 (Sun). Thank you for calling.

This time I performed the main character, "Chieko Fujisaki", and I researched a lot of materials and videos before performing. And I tried hard to reproduce the situation at that time.

A woman of our age proudly worked as a telephone operator at the Mooka Post Telegraph Office in Sakhalin. At that time, the job of telephone operator was a dream job for women. It was such a dream job, but the Soviet army continued to invade even five days after the war ended. The feelings of the telephone operators who were scattered for Japan at that time are immeasurable. Although we have not experienced any war, we tried our best to act so as not to be rude at that time.

During the performance, I put too much effort into my performance and made many mistakes, which left me with regret, but I received many words such as "I'm so moved I can't forget it." "It was the best performance of the tournament." and "I was thrilled to remember that time." from the audience. Thank you for calling.

From now on, the drama club of Shoshi High School will continue to create plays that put the audience first. We look forward to your continued support for Shoshi High School drama club.

73rd Fukushima High School Engeki Competition
*Excellence Award
*Staff Work Award

*The award is given to the best school based on a comprehensive evaluation of acoustics, lighting and stage art.

2019.11.26 更新


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