学校法人尚志学園 尚志高等学校〒963-0201 郡山市大槻町字坦ノ腰2番地TEL: 024-951-3500  FAX : 024-962-0208




感動の「合唱部 追い出しコンサート2020」






(顧問 佐藤 秀治)



追い出しコンサート2020 プログラムはこちら >>

What a moving "Choral Club Farewell Concert 2020" !

 Our school's chorus club started three years ago (May 16, 2008) as a "chorus club" and was upgraded to a "chorus club" the following year (the first year of the 2018 school year), and this year was its third year of existence. The students graduating this year were first-year students.

 Since that time, we had been talking about how we would like to hold a regular concert when you become third-year students. Therefore, last year (2019), in addition to participating in the Fukushima Prefecture Chorus Contest, we visited nursing homes, kindergartens, hospitals, etc., and increased the number of songs we had.

 However, due to the prevention of infection by the new coronavirus that began with the simultaneous closure of all schools in Japan last March, we were not able to practice as much as we had hoped, nor were we able to perform outside the school.

 The third year students have not sung since September last year, and the first and second year students have not been able to practice enough. The third year students had not sung since last September, and the first and second year students had not practiced enough, but they were able to give a concert that will stay in the hearts of each and every one of them.

 To the graduating students, you have worked really hard for three years since the launch of the choir club. Thanks to all of you, it was a fun club activity. I hope that you will continue your choral activities in some form. I also wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

(Advisor: Shuji Sato)

2021.1.28 更新


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2021.3.17 部活動紹介(合唱部)
2021.3. 3 令和2年度活動成績
2021.1.28 感動の「合唱部 追い出しコンサート2020」
2020.8.31 第74回福島県合唱コンクール 銅賞(福島民報新聞)