学校法人尚志学園 尚志高等学校〒963-0201 郡山市大槻町字坦ノ腰2番地TEL: 024-951-3500  FAX : 024-962-0208









We cleaned our club room

On the last practice day of the choir club's 2040 school year, The girls cleaned the windows, which were badly soiled with dust, and the boys polished off the dirt on the floor and hip walls.

On the day of the event, the cold wind was blowing and it was very cold outside, but the female members of our choir club did their best to clean the glass despite the cold. The boys also worked hard to polish off the dirt stuck to the floor, and it turned out to be very clean.

We will be able to welcome new members to the club in the new year. New club members, we're waiting for you!

(Advisor: Shuji Sato)

2021.3.18 更新


2021.3.18 合唱部室の清掃をしました!
2021.3.17 部活動紹介(合唱部)
2021.3. 3 令和2年度活動成績
2021.1.28 感動の「合唱部 追い出しコンサート2020」
2020.8.31 第74回福島県合唱コンクール 銅賞(福島民報新聞)