7月20日(月)に株式会社 明治 >> 様から「スポーツ栄養講座」をご講義いただきました。
On Monday July 20th, Meiji Corporation gave a lecture on "Sports Nutrition".
Many students from the girls' soccer club as well as the girls' athletic club attended the lecture, and were able to learn about the quality of their diet, the timing of their diet, and energy strategies during games. We will use what we learned today in our future activities.
2020.7.29 更新
SHOSHI ジュニアサッカーフェスティバル
6月28日(日)に本校グラウンドで行われたSHOSHI ジュニアサッカーフェスティバルの様子がスポーツニッポンで取り上げられました。
【6月30日 福島民報新聞】 【6月30日 福島民友新聞】
SHOSHI Junior Soccer Festival held on Sunday, June 28 at our school ground was featured in Sports Nippon, Fukushima Minpo and Fukushima Minyu newspaper.
2020.6.29 更新
webサイト(SHOSHI FC)のご紹介
3月6日に新聞各紙 >> で紹介されましたSHOSHI FCのwebサイトが完成しました。
The website of Shoshi FC, which was introduced in newspapers on March 6, has been completed.
2020.4.21 更新
(長谷川 珠侑)
We, the women's football club, aim to "national team" every day and work under Matsumoto's guidance and Junko's support. There are only 14 players, but they are working on weight training and practice matches.
The Shoshi High School Women's Football Club started its activities this year. At first, I couldn't communicate well, so I had a lot of problems. But we still have a long way to go, but we have more things we can do.
Our first official match is the Inter-high prefectural qualifying round. In our first match, we played against Sakura no Seibo, the top team in Fukushima prefecture. As a result, we were able to get through the first match 2-on-1 and played against Futaba Mikata in the final. As a result, we lost 0-2, which is a very important match for the Shoshi High School women's football club in the future, because of the difference in the feeling between us and the opponents and our weaknesses. I ' d like to remember the disappointment and personal feelings that I experienced in this and other matches, and I ' d like to do my best so that I can win the top spot in the prefecture in the coming year by practicing hard and high quality.
In addition, we have a wonderful environment where we can watch and learn from the men's football club's practices and matches and play our favorite football at any time. And there are many people who support us. I don't take this environment for granted and don't forget to thank them.
(Miyu Hasegawa)
2020.3.13 更新
4月に小学生対象のジュニアチームとして「SHOSHI FC」が発足します。
【3月6日 スポーツニッポン】
【3月6日 福島民友新聞】
This coming April, the "Shoshi F.C." will be launched as a junior team for elementary school students.
2020.3. 6 更新
In line with measures to prevent the spread of Novel Coronavirus Infection, all training matches and other events in March were cancelled.
2020.2.29 更新